The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports

Imagine going to work every day and at the start of your day, with your first cup of coffee, you sit down to glance at beheadings, children in the process of being raped, human bodies in various stages of decomposition, the living and dead results of domestic violence, hanging bodies of 10 year old boys accused of being gay, real-life snuff films and bloody dog fighting rings and their subsequent results. Can you think up a human horror? I’ve probably seen it or a picture or video of something very similar. It’s fair to say that some of the people who work around me do not fare so well. Often they end up suffering from the endless barrage of horror they witness 8 to 12 hours per day. Did I share that *most* of these people make around a dollar per hour to do this job? That’s the truth. Not me though. I am an American who demands rights and all, so I make approximately $29 dollars per hour more than them. Technically, I don’t even have to do anymore than make sure they are clicking the buttons in the correct order. I don’t have to look at the images, but most of the time my focus on remaining unbiased in the face of, makes me do so anyway.

It’s Not All Blood and Guts, Sometimes it’s Worse

Not all of the information that Facebook moderators are privy to is as horrifying as the end results mention above, some are worse. The terror in facebook_2349612bthose is that they are the calls of those whose private horrors, abuse or murders are currently in process. True cries for help come from FB users every day, all day long. Facebook moderators spend a significant part of each workday forwarding ‘acts in progress’ to the authorities local to those accounts. When those accounts are legitimate (not ghosted or proxies) those reports can and do save people’s lives. That is probably the number one reason why many traumatized by the visual horrors still stick around.

Still no ‘love’ for the people who may have banned you once before? Try to understand that for the most part, your bannings are carried out by an automatic algorithm and only a very small percentage of them handled by an actual person. Why is this? While Facebook can boast that they have nearly 1.5 billion users this year, the impressive feat is that they have 1.2 billion active users who log in nearly every day. Each one of those people have a different level of what offends them.

Considering all of these things, I’d like to tell you what offends me. It offends me that nearly 80% of the manual reports I have to read are from people who find themselves offended by something. A recent list of offenses include: (Translated from the the poor excuses for grammar and spelling most of them arrive in)

  • “I don’t believe in this coin. It goes against what I believe in.”
  • “This fish doesn’t look like a fish, it looks like a man’s private parts, and I have small children around me during the day.”
  • “I saw this on my feed and I do not approve please take it off.”
  • “This page shared my picture without credit or permission.”
  • “Can you remove this picture I don’t like it.”
  • This is not true, my God would never let this happen.

Now, forgive me or not, but personally I can assure you of this. In the face of the actual reportable issues that come in at the rate of 250k per hour, I really don’t give a shit if coins offend you, or if you can’t keep your ass off Facebook while you babysit the neighborhood children. What I care about, what really, truly fucking offends me is the fact that after 5 hours of reading through your butthurt sob stories, I find the 7 year old girl who, too scared to tell an authority has figured out how to report a picture her uncle posted of her that was blatantly, obviously sexual, and begged for help. “He says he’s coming over today at 2. Can you please help me, I don’t know what to do.”

If You Think Your Biggest Problems on Facebook are Photos or Statuses that Offend You – You Have No Idea How Often I Eye Your Account for Deletion

Thanks to your delicate sensibilities, I didn’t get to read her report until it was 5 her time. Four hours ago I could have possibly prevented another one of her rapes. I could have had the police waiting for him when he arrived at her house. Four hours from now I’ll probably cry myself to sleep because I didn’t get to. Thanks again, to people who obviously need to stay the fuck off of the internet. Why did her report not come up faster? Because she’s seven, she reported the picture as a lesser offense that reported properly would have bumped it up the queue past all of your cries of visual injustice. Those pieces of ugliness that are top-o-the-queue every morning.

No. No it isn't.

No. No it isn’t.

Get over your narcissism.  Your shabby reasons behind reporting shit are not just offensive but harmful in many cases. When I was a kid, we didn’t have a way to communicate instantly with people all over the world. We didn’t have a friend on the other side of the earth who cared enough to call the police for us when we were in trouble. And yet so many of you are bent on warping the capabilities of social networking into a crying game at a level that cannot even be remotely handled by 100K + people working 8 to 12 hours a day. Technology gave you an open stage in front of the world and some of you have used it in the old pigeon shitting on the chessboard fashion. You should be ashamed, but as one of your moderators, I can clearly see you are not.

Before I go I want to share some of the most frequently asked questions:

“Can someone see my private messages?” Yes. “Even those pictures I….” Yes.

However, no one is sitting around getting their rocks off on your accounts inbox messages. The only times these are observed for any reason is when an account ID, *your facebook ID number* shows up repeatedly on reports that mention harassment or other issues that would require a mod to delve into to get the truth before banning or calling the police. It’s a requirement you should appreciate, trust me. If we didn’t, half of you would be in prison right now.

“Why did Facebook never respond to my report or my ban issue?”

I’ll be blunt here. Overtaxed system, automatic algo ignored you. OR, not enough fucks given about your issue if manually modded.

Does Facebook even see appeals or emails sent about my page or personal issue?

Again, bluntly, no. Facebook keeps and sometimes rotates out, one-single appeal email address that lands on someone’s list of things-to-do. The rest of them just reply with automated messages about how they might help, they might not. They won’t.

“Will you see it when I report this post?”

Yes, but go ahead, you might as well add to the problem. I’ll have to remove it too, because I didn’t refrain from cursing but hey, fuck you.

I wish I could answer more questions, but I’m not going to give up the opportunities I have to level the playing field as far as some of the incredulous reasons behind why some good page owners get banned or get their pages removed unjustly. That happens a lot and that’s probably going to get worse before it gets better. It would probably help if some of you would revert back to crying to your mothers instead of to Facebook’s moderation system.

*Edit – Update

I would like to sincerely thank all of the people who have extended kind comments, understanding and their own hands and time to help in any way they can. Because of overwhelming request I would like to offer this. I have created a page on Facebook, added it to the right hand side of the blog so you can Like from there, or just click here. I have made this as a sort of landing page. I am going to make a quick post about this so that anyone that wants to help can certainly feel free to join that page. Thanks again for your great responses to this issue!

Additional Sources:

About joyadminart

Joy Lynskey is a freelance copywriter and social media manager. With a focus on social media growth for businesses, Joy has content in many areas of digital branding all over the web. View all posts by joyadminart

1,268 responses to “The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports

  • Facebook Alienates Secularists and Scientists – One Anonymous Moderators Story | The Internet Offends Me

    […] If you want to read a real story behind how the underpaid, overworked Facebook moderators feel about your reporting issues, read more here. […]

    • Idon'tGive2xfucks

      You should stop whining now or at least you should whine at the right targets, and not at the Facebook users! The real evil person in all your matter is your boss Mark Zuckerberg and not the users.
      The users on Facebook are just products to make money. And surely no one cares to “connect people”. That’s just a bull-shit propaganda.
      How many couples had already divorced because of the poor privacy system FB provides huh? Does Mark ever care about that and improved that? No. All the changes I saw in FB was all about advertisement!
      FB even allow porn company to make a page and advertise there. And my kids can easily go there to watch a bikini Japan girl trying to seduce you with all those sexually implying motions, to convince you to buy their magazine. Those pages can be accessed even if they are not 18.
      And oh yeah it took you 5 hours to see that poor girl’s report huh? Did you even think about it? How many reports you need to read per day? If Mark ever hired 5 times workers to read those reports and with a better report system, you may be able to reach her report in less than 1 hour. Do the maths! With all the money he’s got, surely he could afford it, won’t he? But he won’t do that, because that’s all about money, again! Why does this surprise you?
      And don’t mention about that poor report system. Most of the time there weren’t a right category to report something which is important. Such as selling “LIKES” and “Followers”. I can’t report those just because of there is not an option to report those. And many fake pages are using fake likes and fake followers to convince poor consumers to buy their fake products thanks to Facebook. And once again, did Mark ever care about any of that?
      Just start whining at your boss, not the users. Or you can quit your poor job. and I wish you all the luck you need! Bye.

      • Maggie Brown

        I agree 100%, why have a report system when in actual fact no one at Facebook really gives a damn. Why have a report system that really isn’t a system as its so convoluted and meaningless that its impossible to actually report a problem.

      • Anonimo

        Facebook is just as shitty as the idiot that cannot write that shameless shit in a Facebook server. Facebook is just that shitty!.

    • Stan Williams

      What about someone reporting the photo on my Fiance’s son But they Keep on reporting that photo as nudity over and over since April 26th 2014 ! and still doing it, and Facebook rules that it isn’t N\udity over and over, because it obviously isn’t .
      And lasrt week, she contacted Facebook and tried to have it stopped and she had to send Facebook proof of her identity etc
      And today she hears from Facebook that nothing wil be done.
      I wonder what if something like that led to a suicide would Facebook then at least ask the repeat offender of harassment and cyber bullying to at east stop?

      • Stan Williams

        I am not sure HOW the errors occurred typo’s or how part of what I typed i n my previous comment disappeared but I wrote:
        What about someone reporting the photo on my Fiance’s son who was Murdered keeps being reported , the photo shows hm and his brother playing when they were young teens ”
        Somehow that part disappeared from my original comment as it was posting and I see no way to edit it.

    • Chris

      CRY SOME MORE, CUNT! Just shut the fuck up AND DO YOUR JOB, or I’ll get you fired and find someone who will do it without bitching!

  • Kristin Brown

    Thank you, whomever wrote this. I am not only of a cultural minority known as an Atheist, but I also care about the plight of others such as the girl mentioned in this post.

    Poor thing. I shared this and trigger-warning’d it as a rape situation; sickly, maybe more people will read it due to that.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Thank you for sharing Kristin!

      • Cecily

        This was a great eye opener. I have friends who get deleted everyday…long story . I have never reported anyone I can think of and wouldn’t simply because if it offends me(usually anything goreish) I just hit the “hide post” or delete them and block them. End of story. Out of site out of mind. No big deal. I figure I am sharing the internet with a billion people who have different ideas and beliefs. Also, I keep my kids in check on facebook….which, if most parents did, they would be able to control situations or hey I dunno,…. just not let them have an account until they can handle it. There is the risk for seeing something you don’t like all over the internet.
        I am glad to know you guys try your damnedest to take care of the real serious shit. Too bad morons are clogging the system and making it harder for those who need it most! Great job!

      • Ed Rigby

        Joy, your article is dead on and just proves that the morons of the world do exist and are out there amongst us! Scary!

      • kerry thomas

        Heartfelt thanks to you Joy for your honesty – I truly appreciate your efforts!

      • Steve Parady

        Fascinating article! I would love to see more! Especially a report on your comment “incredulous reasons behind why some good page owners get banned or get their pages removed unjustly.”
        I had a page deleted by facebook because of false accusations of copyright infringement by a competitor. Never could get my page back, and it hurt my business. It’s a shame how my business and facebook page can be sabotaged so easily just by someone making false assertions.

      • Jamie

        Has no one asked about the little girl or is it just so far back i cant find it? is she ok, did you get that bastard!!! I try not to report much cause i know most is photo shoped but theres somethings that are just horrible! that i have to!

      • J Lyn

        They did get him. Her father is in jail, her uncle, also implicated is bailed out. There is a story about it online, not gone to trial yet.

      • JG Faherty

        Joy, perhaps you can advise me. My facebook page for my book, The Burning Time, was deleted after 6 months for violating antibullying rules. The same day, 2 other book pages by other authors were deleted. All the word ‘Burn’ in the title. There was nothing offensive on my page, either in content or image form, just links to book reviews. How can I get facebook to review and reverse this obvious glitch in their automated keyword search system?

      • Christine A Hall

        Oh THANK YOU Joy, for sharing that those ugly child rapers are at least in the system and if there’s any justice for that poor girl (as you know, hard to come by anymore) they’ll rot their lives away in jail! I read your article a couple months back, something like that, and I’ve always remembered what you said. I repeated it today for a group dedicating to deleting one particular page. I asked them if they were bothering you guys for their ego or for what? Then God favored me by letting me find this article again. It won’t be lost again, there’s a list of ppl waiting for it as I speak! May the angels bear my tears to you as actual love (strange as that may seem) for what you do for those folks. Yeah, you’ve banned me a couple times, but I read this and I quit complaining on folks.
        THANK YOU!!!

      • Joe Adams

        You should appear on The White Voice podcast. We are really interested in your findings.

      • rewe barns

        fuck face the nigger loving ppieceof shit

    • Jessica Bayley Thompson

      What does one have to do with the other?

    • Pissed Off

      I Couldn’t give 2 shits about religion, but the fact that 1. You said Atheism is a Cultural Minority and 2. You made out as if being Atheist had anything to do with caring about ‘The Plight of others’ makes you an asshole.
      I can agree with you that the Girl Situation is sickening though.

      • Joy Lynskey

        If you are talking to me I said neither of those two things.

      • Litost

        “My belief is better than yours. I’ll just edit the article and make a group on facebook about how superior I am instead.”

      • Scott Fecher

        1. Atheism IS a cultural minority. 2. She said she is an atheist and ALSO cares about the plight of others. In other words, those two facets are un-related. The fact that you called someone an asshole based on your shitty reasoning makes YOU an asshole.

      • Scott Fecher

        I will rectify my statement. Atheism is most certainly a minority. It’s not even a debate. What is debatable is whether or not it is a cultural minority, but stating that it is does not make one an asshole.

      • E

        Of course atheists belong to a cultural minority – what other type of minority would it be? Racial?

        That said, I can’t see what relevance OPs atheism has to the question at hand; that’s a little baffling.

      • Megan Sims

        no joy they are speaking to the first comment. 🙂

      • Anthony Edwards

        Atheists care about the rights of others more than you care about the rights of Atheists.

      • sage

        Dear Pissed Off

        If you don’t give two shits about religion why do you then continue to describe how the post coming from an atheist pissed you off….

        Why would someone stating that atheists are a minority offend you…..
        Atheist are statistically a minority… Do some homework….

        And its people like you that are so easily offended, that report stupid things to Facebook admin……

        If you read carefully it states that Kirsten cares about the plight of others… in no way referring to the fact that she cares for the plight of others because she is an atheist…. She just happens to be both…

        Go cry to your mommy…. and get off Facebook if it offends you… Joy made a really nice page for you to go to and bitch about the little things that piss you off….

      • Jacob Hood

        You know, aithiests tend to fire on people wth thier language other than science when they run out of ammunition… Please refrain from language and although he stated that athiests make up a cultural minority, and they do no not, there is no reason to get all excited over it.

      • Christine

        there are many religious posts on facebook,there are many atheist posts on facebook.religious people are really offended by atheist posts and they falsely report them much more often than the other way around.

      • Charlotte Stevens

        Get your damn head out of your arse.

      • littleboy_blue

        Why can’t anyone on the internet learn how to disagree without slinging insults like apes with poo. I don’t even.

      • Parkour_g33k

        GUYS!!!!! You do not have to have an argument about this! I am a christian ok? And i am not firing in my useless comments about how my religion is superior. Everyone thinks that his/her religion is superior, so lets just leave it at that, right?
        Be honest, when has a internet debate like this ever changed your mind?
        Please lay off on the swearing, and go back to using real words to portray what you feel and think.

      • MinorityLOL

        Her post smug and lame. Not a minority btw – if you want to feel original and special find a new way.

      • Ashley

        oh my goodness! look at the rants and whining going on because one person said something some of the others disagree with! that is EXACTLY what this article is critiquing and you can’t even refrain from pitching a fit over her wording choice on one freakin article? I’d like to tell the person that wrote this that their message has been received… but clearly, based on the tantrums over a commenters word choices… it is has not received at all by most people…
        to all complaining about the commenters word choice: way to let the message/point of this article soar right over your heads (perhaps that is because they are rather low, being up your own a$$es and all)

      • J Lyn

        Amazing isn’t it. It’s like tons of these people have absolutely zero reading comprehension skills. At all. Not even a little bit. Thanks for reading and commenting!

      • marideth

        I have to agree. When the first thing out of someones mouth is I’m an atheist Its for one of two reasons. 1 they are an ass who just wants to rub that in others faces or 2 he/she wants to piss off Mommy and Daddy.
        My payers go out to tat little girl though.

      • J Lyn

        Who said that? I certainly never did. I hardly go around labeling myself for any topic. As for why someone might say that. I have no idea. As for prayers for the little girl, actions helped her, not wishes.

      • GRM

        @Pissed Off: You should give a shit about religion. It’s ruining a world that has already been badly poised by it. And BTW, if you’re not an atheist then IMHO you’re on the verge of being an asshole as far as I’m concerned.

      • pimpjuice

        Read it out loud and then maybe you will see what is really being said you are making yourself sound like an idiot.

      • Michael Marshall

        @Pissed Off: Seriously? From the perspective of reading a great article and a comment made by one who identifies as an Atheist and as well expressed concern for the 7-year old girl who was mentioned in the article, this is all that you had to contribute? I’m not an Atheist but yes, Atheism likely DOES qualify as a cultural minority.” You say you couldn’t give two shits about religion; I think many would agree with me when I say, “I couldn’t give two shits about WHAT you care about at this point in time, PO.” It’s pretty clear that you only came in here to call someone else an “asshole” and bring attention to yourself. What? Aren’t you getting enough [attention] from your family, friends and/or loved one? (Kinda’ doubting the existence of the latter since most people would find somebody with your kind of an attitude to be quite offensive and wouldn’t want to waste any of their time being in a relationship with one who comes across as always being angry and striking out at others.) In closing, please stay off of the Internet until you’ve grown up. The adults among us would like to have conversations that actually bring something to the table.

      • Alhambra

        The two things are related because the assumption of many christians is that atheists have no morality or don’t care about others.
        That Kristin felt she needed to mention it says more about the society she lives in, I’m guessing she’s surrounded by sanctimonious religious people that would more likely pray for the girl in question than actually do something positive.

    • Fedora Flameshirt

      Do you wear a fedora as well? What does having to be an Atheist do with it? I am one too, but I wouldn’t point that out. You’re a twit for doing that.

      • Jacob Hood

        Please calm down, he reason he said this is because aithiests have no good reason to do whats right, in fact if aithiests are right, we ought to kill all our grandmothers (no please dont, i am only making a point about aithiesm) Because they dont add to the world force and eat our food. There is no “survival of the fitest” in the human race anymore.

      • Pandora

        I’m an Athiest too, but I don’t wear or even own a Fedora..

        Should I get one, would it help my “credibility” as an Athiest if I purchased such an item and wore it as if it was a religion?.. What’s the official position of Athiesm regarding Fedoras, should we all wear them now?

        (with more than a nod to Graham Linehan)

      • Joy Lynskey

        I think the goal is to wear the most ridiculous looking hat. I doubt a fedora would qualify.

      • LRJ

        Jacob Hood, you’re an idiot. To say that someone needs religion to have morals is absurd. Are you saying that you only don’t commit murder because of your religion and not because of your own moral fiber? That’s ridiculous. You can be atheist and still know the difference between right and wrong.

      • littleboy_blue

        only online would a discussion revolving around a little girl turn into an attack on a single individual agreeing that raping children is wrong because they stated they were an atheist. And again with the immature name calling when you simply disagree with someone. Does ANYONE realize you can disagree and still have respect for the person and LIKE the person you disagree with or are we just part of a generation of people that can’t handle conflicting opinions or things not going exactly their way, I truly don’t understand. WHY do people immediately turn to name calling when in disagreement? Just because I disagree with you doesn’t mean I’m challenging you in some way or I hate you and therefore you should call me names, it’s like being in elementary school again!

      • littleboy_blue

        oh for the love of christ, atheists don’t have MORALS or ETHICS purely because they don’t have a book of fairy-tails to tell them how to live their lives? I believe we have a constitution for that. And common sense. I bet you think jesus was blue eyed and blonde haired and all that nonsense too? (no, I’m not african american myself nor am I christian. But I was baptised and raised christian and I know just as much if not more so than your average run of the mill bible-shoving-down-your-throat-lunatic) please explain to me why atheists have no morals or ethics and believe I should kill my mother because they are apparently all capitalists and right with conservatives who believe if you’re not able bodied/minded we should just kill you. When did atheism become synonymous with neo-nazism.

      • Stephen Favell

        Agreed. I’m in the same boat also. I have non idea why It’s even being mentioned here. Has nothing to do with the content of the original post. It’s like the internet’s version of Chinese whispers or something. Really strange. Anyway, have a good one.

      • Carl Kinder

        too funny, double negative aside, eh. twitter feed that as you fly it by…

      • Jenni Ozanich

        @Jacob Hood, That’s Darwinism you’re thinking of. Not atheism.

    • OG Galliers

      Atheists, new age people, and anything which doesn’t conform to religion always get reported. One afternoon I had a person go through all my photos and report every single screencap which I’d done on PlagueInc where the virus was called ‘Allah’.
      That guy reported me about 8 times.

      • Jean Mapplebeck

        You have a point but i think that if he deleted you maybe you were not willing to learn his point of view so he just deleted you .That has happened to me for silly things like games that are on line they get rude and silly cause they were sent games to there sites . they d not have to except this at all if they do not want .

    • Skyy

      @Kristin; what does being an atheist have to do with this article? You’re trying to be cleaver by agreeing with the LWs premise, yet, adding your quip about being an atheist? You’re the type of person that he is writing about. Look at the second posted pic which states, “It’s all about me”. Now look in the mirror.

    • Thomas May

      I understand the reasons for the careful eye for criminal and/or obscene content…In fact I find it absolutely necessary. BUT…I don’t understand when you penalize people for “Like”ing too much or friend requesting with someone who may or may not be someone you knew outside of facebook. You’ve penalized people for very extended periods of time and sometimes permanently…and at the same time you’re constantly giving ‘friend’ suggestions…so we can ‘Accept your suggestions but definitely not our own??? Don’t you realize that it’s your idea to have people connected from all over the world and that these relationships are being realized now as “Real” relationships? How can you then turn around and say…”You cannot friend someone whom you don’t know personally…Often you can know more of the ‘Real’ person on-line…able to open up and be much more honest…I know more things about some people on-line than I do my so called ‘Real’ friends. So I don’t suppose I’ll ever get an answer to this query…in fact it probably won’t get posted at all…but I will hope to hear some kind of explanation…Thank you… Thomas

      • Joy Lynskey

        I’ve already said quite the opposite on another comment here.

      • jakki dodds

        i second this statement!! i myself have been ‘security checked’ for adding too many of the friend suggestions made to me!! people which are in fact selling pages that were obviously suggested to me based on mutual interests, based on i suppose fb algorythms…i’ve also been banned from posting on biz pages walls for a period of time for ‘liking’ too many of the posts(i suppose, only reason i could see possible!) that came through on the sidefeed, that which i didnt actually WANT n have only since found(or perhaps has since been created?) the ‘hide’ button for this!! difficult to understand sometimes, when we are penalized for engaging in actions chosen by facebook FOR us!!

      • Eileen Facas

        Is it really true that you get penalized for clicking the ”Like” too much? I play a game where people post up “Eggs for Grabs” (in the game Egg Buddies) and we’re ‘suppose” to click ”Like” when we grab an egg that has been posted.. Also, Yes, I am curious about the fact when Face Book suggests that you make ‘Friend Requests,” and then you get penalized for that.. I just don’t understand that especially when you’re looking for new friends to add to your game..

      • J Lyn

        Yes. You can get an auto spam flag in some cases. I.E. a mini short ban warning you to quit liking stuff so fast.

        Amazingly, you can’t report anything too fast.

      • Theresa Howell

        I agree and was baffled when I saw that I could suggest friends for someone while at the same time be banned for accepting friends I don’t know.

      • Dr. Gene Landrum, PhQ. Quantum Theory

        Thomas May: Good points, I to have responded to ‘Suggested Friends’ that I may not know personally, but their friends I do I do know! Also, I reply to request in the same ‘interest’ ‘business’ or organizations that I have in my ‘linkin’ circles! Only to be banded! Go figure! As to posting and the First Amendment when you accept ‘Facebook’ or any other Media, you have no 1st amendment rights, only their right to edit/censer all post! Especially, if they (whom ever they are) don’t like your post!
        My opinion and I’m stickin’ to it!

        Dr. Gene n Landrum, PhQ. Quantum Theory
        Author, Founder of Quantum Cafe’ Coos 97420

      • Yo Hinck

        Thomas, there are so many scams on Facebook that occur everyday. I receive so many friend requests from people I don’t even know, I check them out to see if someone I know might know them. What I find about most of them is their starting date on Facebook is maybe a week or two old and the pictures are just tagged from other peoples sites. There are also the ones where they steal another persons profile and creates a totally different one and starts all kinds of situations and scams with your friends all under your name…Keep aware of things around you, fore not all good things are actually what they seem!!

      • Jean Mapplebeck

        I agree with your comment i feel facebook is a place for people to learn what it is really like in other places .It is hidden from us all .Not right maybe a full understanding of other people places things really is what we all need to know .Understanding of others is needed so as we really can make up our own minds on things in this world without Government telling us what to do were to go just how we should live .

    • Nerk

      the fact you’re a fucking atheist has nothing to do with it you self important bitch

      • Liessi Haussler

        Posts like these leave me wishing that FB had an algorithm for subverting stupidity. Thanks, JOY, for a mind-blowing peek behind the curtain and for having the stomach to do what you do.

      • julia

        wow! you must feel good nerk well you should not.maybe you should say that to your self!

      • Yo Hinck

        Why are you so angry? This women only told us what she goes through dealing with all the ignorant posts she sees on a regular basis. Try furthering your education, it will help you to communicate on a human level instead of like a wild animal who has no control over their own emotions!!

      • Jean Mapplebeck

        Who is a self important bitch . and you know if your talking about me i am really Christian .And i think about others and have always helped others .
        How about you ???????

      • Susan DeSantis

        Might I ask what religion or lack thereof has to to with The Real Story Behind Facebook? Maybe you should take you’re issue it to a site where its appropriate? Of course that will be after you say some choice words to me for the suggestion 😉

      • rozwolfheart

        My thoughts exactly

    • Angry Turtle

      Interesting article, Joy. Thank you.

      It is troubling to me that people do not understand that there are often ramifications for peoples’ “delicate sensibilities”, and even their humanitarian intentions. IMHO, I believe MOST of the socio-economic issues across the globe can be directly traced back to good intentions.

      Aegrescit medendo

    • Vesna Sunrider

      I hear you, Kristin :/

      I’ve so far reported three pages – one with person holding a massacred dog on his cover, one with what many of us suspected was child pornography, and the last one about a person who was stating that he’s killing dogs. I sincerely hope those weren’t automatically responded 😦

      Thank you for writing this, Unknown – this article has really hit the spot – I’m only sorry that it won’t be read by those who were aimed at. And I can only continue hoping that somehow, in a perfect society, there will be a law passed that forbids petty idiots to express their “opinions”…

      • Michelle Trcka

        I’ve reported pages like those myself. and each time, there is not an appropriate category such as animal cruelty, child abuse / porn, etc. Seems to me if you want to weed out the crybabies to get to the real criminals there would be more specific categories. Unless that’s changed since the last time I’ve seen something like that.

      • Dr. Gene Landrum, PhQ. Quantum Theory

        Perfect Society, get real! Reading is a strange thing, every one reads (unless they can’t for physical reasons) once a person starts to read something, they have the ability to stop reading! That in a Perfect Society is called, ‘Personal Choice’ and your rights end at my eye balls! Or is that ‘nose’?

        My personal opinion, and i give you permission to delete it!

        Dr. Gene n Landrum, Ph.Q. Quantum Theory of Everything
        “All Religions are made by Man for Control of Mankind” “Spirituality Sets Mankind Free”! Quotes by Dr. Landrum

      • Jean Mapplebeck

        Who cares people are people if they are proud of who they are do we have any right to put them down if you do not like religion say so . there are other things to talk about such as war ,starving people how can we help change that ?

    • jack gerritsen

      I object to being banned, deleted, censored and disabled for things that are not in violation of any FB rule.

    • cajunthunderstrike

      no one cares that you’re an atheist, honest. Anyone who says they do wants into your pants. Religion is like a penis, stop showing it off in public expecting people to love you.

      • J Lyn

        I have no idea why anyone keeps saying that no one cares who is an atheist. Are you talking to a commenter here? Me? Who cares if no one cares that someone is an atheist? Why are we caring that someone cares enough about being an atheist to announce that they care? Does anyone care so much about someone caring that they are an atheist that they have to continue to ramble on and fucking on about all these cares going to and all these fucks coming from the status of someones atheism feels? I’d personally enjoy it if people would use that energy to go emo somewhere, masturbate, go jogging or other activities before posting here. Thank you.

    • k8

      No one gives a crap if you’re an atheist. The way you go on about it, you may as well be an evangelist.

    • martin

      atheist are the worst sheeple get a real life biotch

      • weetam

        as opposed to theists of course who are in NO way brainwashed and indoctrinated…

      • Andrea L

        Your brush: It’s kilometres wide.

      • Thomas Boussum

        The majority of Americans are sheeple, Martin. Some are ripe to be slaughtered by political leaders and some are being led to the slaughter by religious leaders. If you believe the bible is the infallable word of Yahweh (your god), then why is there so many denominations out there? If Christians truly felt that way, they would all be locked in step with each other. Yahweh commanded his people to keep HIS feasts and sabbaths not those of the world. The church observes a Sunday sabbath not the Jewish one. Sunday is the day that honors the sun gods. The church observes Dec 25 as Christ’s birthday. That’s the birthday of all the sun gods. I could go on. Whether the bible is or isn’t the infallable word of your god, your religious leaders are selling you a bill of goods. But you won’t believe me. You won’t even give me the benefit of the doubt and check into it. You’ll just say I’m going to hell and go back to drinking your koolaide.
        Yeah…Christians are pretty much sheeple too.

    • Marisa Russo

      Hi Joy ….it must be one of the best articles I have read! I totally agree with you and love your candor you express. Thank you so much for waking people up! Humanity must exists for the world to heal and women need to be given back their rights and freedom!! ♥

    • Evangeline Claire

      Well, those TW things are redundant, especially in this case. “This includes a rape situation” “There was a girl who was raped”… both mentions of rape. likely, if one is triggered by one, they are triggered by the other.

      If one goes into graphic detail, though, it would be no more redundant than TV warnings. “Warning/Advisory etc Viewer Discretion advised bla bla” Or “NSFW” warnings.

    • aqib

      facebook black no an

    • tsom tsom


      • Devian

        LOL immature troll who thinks that questioning someone’s sexuality (or calling them a meatball) means you’re automatically better, even though you have done absolutely nothing to further the conversation. Pull your try-hard pants up, your ass is showing.

      • J Lyn

        Not sure who you are calling a faggot, but you are in the absolute wrong place for that shit.

    • Sunrie

      If more of your people would shut the fuck up about religious things posted, that girl may have gotten some help.

    • Classified

      Well that’s all very good, but it’s usually atheists who report our Christian posts for inane, bullshit reasons and that ties up these resources. It’s usually atheist activists who whinge and cry about anything that “offends” them. If all your mates could control their angst, these children would be helped much sooner.

    • Weiss

      Funny thing is no one would be arguing if you initially claimed to be Christian. No one would have kicked up a fuss, I wonder what that says about people

  • Lori (Sara Casm)

    The kid that runs Facebook should consider not banning people at all. I have been banned dozens of times (I am not exaggerating – one of my pages is banned right now) because whiny people don’t like my political views and they report me. I have been thrown off for dozens of 30 day increments just for posting innocent kindergarten level cartoons that were not offensive to even 3 year olds. I have been banned (for 30 days) for comments that had nothing vulgar, hateful , racist, or anything wrong with them. I assume they ban based on the amount of reports they get? I am thrown off because my fan page is viewed by up to 2 million people a week and I guess the numbers of reports go up with views.

    Then Facebook asks me to advertise my business and pay them money. I love it when they try that, but then ban me from answering private messages from customers on Facebook. Why would I pay to advertise only to not be able to even respond to the potential customers that click on the ad?

    I really don’t know why they ban at all. I see porn, violent massacres, dead children, mangled animals all the time and they stay up with no problem…..but I can’t report death threats to little girls when I am banned for 30 days due to posting an innocent knock knock joke that my 10 year old told me.

    The system doesn’t work. FB would save money if they stopped banning all together. AOL has never banned me from getting emails and I have the same old email address that I had since the 1990’s. But I can’t even respond to private Facebook messages that my customers send me. I can’t rely on FB as any serious contender to help me advertise my business as long as they act like overly protective kindergarten teachers that play favorites.

    • Anon

      There are a multitude of kiddie porn sites that get posted on facebook, not to mention hate pages for victims like rehtaeh (google her name, it’s a very sad story) that have no business being pages at all. So yes, some pages NEED to be deleted.

      • conor

        that fucking stupid pages are what a demographic/audience enjoys just because somebody looks at something or posts something does not mean the page should be completely banned

      • Lewis Johnson

        Who is the one to judge what is to be deleted #Anon. YOU. ME. FACEBOOK. I say just let the offensive pages stay. Just don’t go to them.

        The human race needs to grow a set and get a thick skin. If I don’t like what someone has posted. I don’t report them. I make my comment on the post and may if it gets to bad; select to ignore them. People always lean to the position of – remove it so we don’t see it. Fuck that. Leave it there so that the offensive shit can be out in the open. That way we are ready for it and can defend against it.

        You, like me, have the right to say what we want but what we don’t have the right to do is to impose our will on others. Don’t have the right to deny them their say – no matter how offensive or vulgar it is. We just have to delete their posts from our page and not visit pages that may offend us.

        So in conclusion: I say Fuck all the whiners and thin skinned assholes – they need to grow the fuck up. Now if that offends anyone who reads this – so fucking what. Move on!

      • Joy Lynskey

        Exactly. It’s so weird that people come here to spout nonsense and then claim I want some kind of fame. I had no idea this post would be shared so widely, I just wrote it. And yes, please quit visiting pages that offend you, how stupid is that anyway?

      • shawndee

        Get rid of the underage porn and prostitute pages!! They just pop up while looking for someone. As an abused child with no voice, I now have one. Petty people should stop the drama and think about the damaged society. Maybe the abuse would stop! By the way, everyone has a right to free speech. Religious, political.. So report things that are actually harmful.

    • Derek

      Not banning people at all? WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?? Just because your page has been banned, you want other pages with Child abuse material to stay?? WTF

      • Joy Lynskey

        I hope not. If so, those people are shit out of luck. People need to get their priorities straight and they need to quit ranting about how priorities are so subjective. They aren’t when you are looking at child porn. Your priorities line right up on what needs to go then.

      • Lori (Sara Casm)

        Calm down. You are going to blow a gasket. My point was that they don’t ban porn, but they do ban innocent posts all the time. It was not meant to be taken so literally and with so much anger. Geesh. You must be one of the types that reports innocent comments and doesn’t understand sarcasm.

      • Joy Lynskey

        You have to be kidding right? Okay. Enough play time for you. Seems like there are some people who really enjoyed me saying I was going to be afk. Spine much?

      • Shari McGinnes Heath

        @Lewis Johnson, I’d agree with you except for the fact that kids are exposed to a lot of what is on facebook and they often take things to heart.

    • JA Q

      FB is dogshit, but nonetheless it’s here and it’s real, to the extent that hundreds of millions of people use it. So, I just take it for what it is and dont put much stock in it for anything serious.

      • Nikflorida

        “free and always will be.” You get what you pay for.

      • Charlotte Stevens

        You said to Joy “You must be one of the types that reports innocent comments and doesn’t understand sarcasm.” so you blatantly didn’t read this article that you are commenting on whatsoever, because she very clearly states that people reporting, as you say “innocent comments” are precisely the issue here, clogging up the lines for more important reports. Might wanna try reading the article you’re commenting on before making yourself look foolish.

    • nicwallace87

      I agree. I’m a horror fiction writer and I can tell you how many times my page has been banned because of artwork, book quotes ect. Even though it’s explicitly set up so no one under the age of 17 can find it, even by accident. People just complain so commonly it’s like second nature to them. Because of these several bans, I’ve been forced to build my own website from the ground up and don’t really use FB as a campaign source.

      • Bill

        Really! You honestly think that no one under 17 can find you?

      • Tom

        When she was 12, my granddaughter’s friend was showing her how to get past the age restrictions. At that time, all you had to do was type “18” into the “How old are you?” box. I hope the system is tighter than that now (esp. in light of what I’ve read in this article), but suffice to say that at MY house, when she was on the ‘net. she was 12.

        But yes – as far as I know, age is easily faked on the internet. I don’t know how it could be any other way. Most of the time, if I get referred to a page that had “adult content”, all I need to do is click to say I’m over 18. I don’t do it, but even without that there is plenty of offensive content available without even that.

      • littleboy_blue

        you’re an author that doesn’t know the abbreviation is etc not ect. ect stands for electro convulsive therapy. ya know, electroshock therapy, for people with treatment resistant mental illness.
        Sorry I just found that amusing.

    • J

      Lori: On the flip side, if you get banned constantly, you are probably a bigot. People don’t get banned “dozens of times” if they don’t resort to offensive/threatening language or serious attempts to piss people off because it makes them feel more powerful (read: bullying).

      Facebook might also save money by banning your IP address so people didn’t have to constantly throw you off things resulting in Facebook hearing about you… again… and having to sift through another complaint about you not being able to- say- avoid the “N” word in your political opinion.

      Another money saving device is you getting off the internet. The HUGE importance of you sharing your PROFOUND opinion on “why the country sucks” would be offset by the gigantic sigh of relief from everyone when you stop posting. Just a thought, ma’am.

      • Bill

        Everyone is entitled to their opinion, just like you! If you don’t like it don’t read it.

      • Lori (Sara Casm)

        J – I like that you seemed threatened by my presence on the internet and want to censor me.

        Thanks for the compliment. Meanwhile, I couldn’t care less if you post all day and night.

        Have a nice tax day! You probably will have a better tax day than I because you probably don’t pay any taxes.

      • Joy Lynskey

        That’s nice. I do pay taxes however. I owe, does that make you happy?

        If ignorance scared me sweetie, I’d certainly not be initiating conversation with you.

      • Gøddess FourWinds

        Having a difference of opinion doesn’t make you a bigot. I got banned from the FOX News page because Xtians didn’t like that I’m an atheist. I hadn’t said anything insulting. I was merely talking to them about the bible…and they reported me. I’ve got 1st Amendment rights just like everyone else. It’s too bad I can’t use them on FB while Xtians are allowed to make threats against atheists (like they did when atheists wanted to not have the “steel cross” at the 911 site). It’s illegal to use electronic media to make death threats, but not one Xtian went to jail for saying the things they did. It’s domestic terrorism. But I suppose that’s okay. Instead, I got banned for having a healthy debate…

      • Bishop Black

        Sorry, can’t agree there. I lost a whole profile once because of sharing breastfeeding photos. Being reported regularly does not automatically indicate you’re doing anything wrong.

      • Dani

        Joy, you appear to be replying to comments directed at other people… Lori and J are in a conversation all of their own, lol.. Get a room guys!

    • Whimsy

      You’re illustrating the point you missed, and it’s funny.

    • Jody

      Thats f-n horrible!

    • Miki Meadows

      whinny- Obviously you are doing something stupid or you would not get banned repeatedly.

    • Stacie McTeague

      Same Here Lori …. as when i also get blocked for adding people i dont know ahhh when i do know them or even better get unblocked then bam 2 days later im blocked again for another 30days it has become very Agravating i also have noticed when i get blocked Facebook removes 10 of my friends every time as these are the peoepl i talk with most often and cant respond to thier inbox message becuz i cant even talk to any one that isnt my friend frankly im just Irate with it and half the time i dont even ask to be friends with someone i have to tell them through my alt facebook you will have to ask to be my friend so they do and bam 3 people add me and i get this thing say you need to be logged in to do this action ahhh wtf and if people dont like to see what your Personal Veiws are then they should Click the Aquaintance when adding friends Fix the issue plz Seems like from my end you people seem to be fixing Someones issues and screwing me out of a nice friendly Facebook page …im about to reload Myspace back up Sad aint it ty for your time or are they even gonna read these posts ?

    • ST

      Like I’ve said, I’ve been banned for putting a fake page up to protect my husband and I. I have gotten so many rape and death wishes on my views of just a simple children shouldn’t have children.

    • ThinkAboutIt

      Did any of you who whined about getting banned for harassing strangers to be their friends ever think that that may be why you are seeing that sick shit on your Facebook feed??

      The article was brilliant. This comment thread has become the perfect example of all that is wrong with people on Facebook.

      Do you invite strange people into your home? No, so use what common sense you have on Facebook/the Internet also!

    • Josh Nieten

      Five years later and it’s only gotten worse, Lori. 😢

  • Brian

    Facebook refused to delete a pedophile homepage, in fact defended their ‘rights’ to have one. It was eventually removed after much intervention by the media and, probably, hundreds of thousands of complaints. Yet they’ve been dragged into court for systematically suspending the rights of conservative posters, in fact deleting those posts, based on nothing more then the ultra superior air of the liberal leaning politburo of Facebook. Yet I’ve seen some of the most hateful posts, by some of the most intolerant individuals, remain up, unscathed, because of their political affiliations.

    • Joy Lynskey

      You’re right about that. The pedo sites are the biggest source of contention for most of the mods to be honest. The biggest disgust in the fact that we can’t ‘just delete’ them but have to, are forced to pretty much, actually review the content and photos and gauge them for basically, levels of ‘danger’. Yeah, apparently we have a threat system on levels of pedo… ffs

      • Joy Lynskey

        I updated this post and added 3 resources after you mentioned this. The three additional sources above are from other facebook moderators and how they feel about issues similar to and what you mentioned.

      • Patrick Newcombe

        After reading what you have posted here I feel that the “Reports ” I have made are part of the problem. Not that they were not justified but I had no idea that these other issues were being placed on the back burner for peoples values being offended. FB will not receive another report from me unless it involves an active situation that someone is in trouble. I wish an article like this was posted long ago. Seems that your young CEO would expand your Dept to allow for more hands on and less computer handled issues. If there is anyway I can help, and I don’t know how, I’m willing and will certainly share this.

      • Adrian

        I can understand a threat system on levels of pedos. There are many self proclaimed pedophiles who have a sexual attraction to children, but do not act on those thoughts what so ever. It’s a mental illness that they can’t help. I know for a fact that there are many pedophiles who do not molest children. I honestly think these kinds of people deserve respect, due to their complete disregard for something their brain is telling them they want to have sex with.

      • Vicki Wilcox

        Not to mention a video I reported of a traumatized family running around after a car accident with their child in their arms. The child’s head was caved in, partly missing ( there was a huge, gaping hole where the child’s eye should have been), and there was a large amount of brain matter on the ground and the man’s arm. Not only was it something that your 14 year old users don’t need to see, it was a horrific violation of the privacy of these poor people. I was informed that there was nothing in the video that warranted removal. I am sickened and disgusted by your process.

      • LesleyandJoe Rokes-Bartlett

        Okay this may be weird but of all the years I’ve been on face book I’ve seen some weird shit but never CP or Pedo sites of any kind I know it’s there in the world of internet and I’ve been privy to some flash porn sites and such on Facebook but never Kiddy porn so I was wondering just what are people looking for when they come across these sick sites ?? I mean are you looking for like a flower shop FB site and BANG !! child porn what is it there doing when you come by this shit I mean that’s my first question when any of these people say they’ve seen it it’s not that they have seen these places but just what were they doing ?? really ~just asking~

    • Paul Bulgier

      Conservatives are the worst offenders of trying to stifle liberal speech. Nice try with your little slander attempt, though, I’m sure somewhere there is someone dumb enough to buy it. Why don’t you look at the page uncle sam’s misguided children, where Fascist hate-mongers threaten the President’s life a dozen times per day? Yeah, there’s some hate speech for you. You right-wingers are just the little butt-hurt crybabies this post is all about.

      • Mark Wallace

        Yes, a random fart from the “My side is 100% right and the other side is 100% wrong” crowd is exactly what we need to fix this. The truth is, there is plenty of hatred on BOTH sides.

      • Brian

        You must be speaking of the eight years Bush was in office, right?

      • Vickie Temple

        The Liberals are just as bad!!

      • michael katz

        The fascists attitude is left/ultra liberal. Its the left that passes laws restricting rights. Both sides have zealots. But there is more to fear from the left than the right in general. You are blinded by your hate.

      • Joy Lynskey

        “Its the left that passes laws restricting rights”

        That would be funny if it wasn’t so ignorant. Have you mistaken ME for a liberal? That would be more proof of ignorance on your part.

      • Bill

        Maybe we should keep personal politics, moral issues and sexual preferences to ourselves where they belong.

      • Rick

        Sorry, but according to my experience, you are delusional. Liberals always like to claim they are tolerant. I have MANY liberals and conservatives in my friends list, and 99% of the liberals there are the most intolerant. Liberals are the ones trying to stifle free speech!

      • Rick

        BTW, my post above was to Paul.

    • teaelle

      FB must be ‘sharing the love’ pretty equally then, because I know dozens of progressives who get banned or deleted for – ?. FB even refused to take money to promote a poem I wrote.about butterflies. They said it was ‘unacceptable’. A Poem. About. Butterflies.
      Whatever. We all get banned dude. The Facebook moves in mysterious ways.

      • mindmadeup

        Why is Facebook permitting racists and bigots to remain on the site where kids can read their hate speech? In addition racists and bigots are allowed to silence their opponents by mass-report their anti-racist opponents, and your mindless bots suspend and delete accounts with no comeback.?

        Why is US law the “gold standard” and abuses of laws of other Western democracies ignored (for instance allowing pages promoting Holocaust denial and vilification of Muslims – both against the law in the EU and other countries).

        Also your “black box” outsourced moderation does not permit correspondence to be entered into. There are people being defamed, harassed and threatened in real life every day yet there is no way we can alert anyone.

        Sure you may see terrible things on Facebook. So do we and we blog the abuses which are related to racism and discrimination. However police officers, paramedics and personnel from other government agencies see this stuff every single day also and in real life.

        So you know what they say about heat and kitchens?

        Facebook fails the tolerance test

      • Joy Lynskey

        Way to lack total comprehension of an issue!

        Good job!

    • Nikflorida

      Interestingly, I hear that same ‘complaint’ from liberals about Facebook’s supposed “conservative bias.” It’s no secret that Zuckerberg himself is fundraising for Chris Christie, but fundamentally, Facebook cares not about the overall percentages of the political leanings of its users. Remember, you are not the customer; you are the product.

      • Brian

        Really….did the ‘liberals’ launch a similar lawsuit for deleting profiles and comments? As for Chris Christie, he’s about as ‘conservative’ as you are.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Facebook cares about ad revenue. Period. Whatever they do with it will be just as questionable as the system generating it.

    • Lillian Mossin-Langgaard

      Well I don’t see how any pedophiles can have rights ? I have the opposite view regarding conservatives. They get a long leash, even when they post bigotted and even a tad weird stuff

  • ginger

    Were you able to send the police to the little girls house? I sure hope something could be done for her…
    Thank you for dealing with bull shit and helping who you can.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Hi Ginger. From what I understand the police were alerted and they actually ended up finding out that the FATHER was actually watching this occur! So sad that we couldn’t save her an extra day of pain but the chances are probably high that with that kind of sickness going on, it may have saved her life. Thank you for asking, that one stuck with me for quite some time.

      • gabriel subnerdo

        you’re a hero, Joy! Thanks for the great article and for helping that girl.

      • Hanyewi Sunkmanitu Tanka

        THANK YOU. From the mom of a similar little girl. I honestly cannot express how HUGE of a difference you have made in that little girl’s life.

      • LoriJo Bean

        You are right Joy, people need to get the heck up over their personal perspectives and learn how to think critically–a skill that is sadly and astoundingly lacking amongst humans. You DID help a horribly treated and damaged little girl, who can now begin to heal; cling to that part of this horrific experience, because in the end that is the part that matters.

      • A Green Echo

        It’s awesome that you were able to help her after all, Joy. Hell, after reading your article, it occurred to me to ask if FB is hiring moderators (and can you do it from home?) I’m all for working at a type of job that helps people, even if it’s ugly, and who am I kidding, I’m an FB junkie. Are there any special qualifications?

      • phil lorg

        thank you so very much for what you do

  • Sabina

    But you are the ones that concern themselves with petty stuff – like deleting photos of breastfeeding mothers and the like. There also seems to be political bias in favour of conservative religious bigots when it comes to banning people.

    • Joy Lynskey

      No. We are not the ones who delete pictures of breastfeeding mothers. In general, the reason why those pictures get deleted is because a load of people push them through the system with general numbers of reports alone. The safety in numbers issue applies on facebook as well.

      As for political or religious biases, there are those of course. The front end demographics of users on facebook varies little from the moderation back end. There are just as many batshit bigots there as there are yammering on facebook all day.

      Those of us who are actually working towards supplying SOME notion of fairness for people have very difficult jobs when they have to work actively against whiny offended facebook users and whiny offended facebook moderators.

      • carolyn

        To bad facebook doesn’t hire more monitors so little rape victims can get timely help. Seems petty to blame other posters because you are understaffed. facebook certainly has plenty of money to hire more people who are victims of their site.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Facebook will remain understaffed as long as 200 of 250k reports per hour are dedicated to personal offenses, instead of paying attention to the 50 that have some legit reason to report.

      • Caz

        Can’t help noticing that there is A LOT of bitching and whining going on about religious and political views etc. Not sure why they decided to use this page as a reason to argue about such small problems. They obviously didn’t pay much attention to what you said, Joy, in your original post! Thank you so much for sharing that with us, and thank you for what you do for so many people who really need the help. I will definitely be more mindful of what I complain about in future. I never stopped to consider the ‘darker’ side of facebook until I read this.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Thank you so much for reading and posting.

  • originalquirkster

    Mate, I had no idea. I can’t believe how naive I was not to think that paedophilia, rape groups were created on Facebook, not to mention all the other filth you guys have to sort through.
    The message of this blog needs to spread to all users, without harming your career. I will try my best to share this.
    It may mean sweet f*** all coming from me, but I hope you find a way to erase all the memories of the things you’ve seen. Cheers to you and your mates.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Thank you. Most of us agree that the pedos are the worse, but to be honest, the extremist groups that post their honor killings, beheadings and other violence might be equally horrid.

      Some of the creepiest things I have seen involve no obvious reportable offense involved. That is because it is PERFECTLY OKAY to post a wedding video of a 40 year old man marrying a 14 year old girl, even if she looks terrified. Even if she looks like she is absolutely ready to kill herself rather then submit.

      • Jacob Ford

        WOW! Where is this stuff happening? In the United States? What exactly do you guys mean by pedophiles? Like are people reporting PAGES or PEOPLE who are pedophiles? If you could explain, I’d appreciate it. Thank you for writing this up. I had no idea there were such controversial issues with Facebook. I never hear about this stuff otherwise.

      • Joy Lynskey

        There are tons of private and closed groups that do it all day. They get moles in who are trying to help and they report the stuff. We try to get to it quickly and delete it, but there are these other things getting in the way…

      • Sandra Reynaldo

        I once had a job very similar to yours. It’s NOT easy not to have the choice to avoid watching such things. And not be able to actually do something is the worst part. I could only act after, never had a chance to act before.

        But, please, go on. Someone has to do it. Better to have someone with a warm heart.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Thank you for that Sandra! That was a very kind thing to say

  • Lindy Clarke Hall

    my sympathies…
    and admiration…
    while this doesn’t answer many puzzling questions, it does answer
    much that we have never considered…

  • Kevin H

    Us common folk need to read things like this every once and a while to remind us how fortunate we are. Thank you for your service, you rank up there with the law enforcement whom deal with these serious issues first hand. I “only” have 130 people in my friends list so I don’t have to deal with the the petty drama as much. When it’s there I just gloss over it 96% of the time.

    The biggest thing people have to realize (myself included at times) is not everyone is going to agree. It’s that simple. One just has to accept that not every one enjoys your favourite TV show as much as you do and just let it be. That way at least more room will be left for the serious and pressing issues to be addressed by the moderators.

    • Joy Lynskey

      I agree. And I have been subject to the indecent treatment from Facebooks reporting system as well. I know how passionate some things make people. I can’t help but empathize with that, too. But the petty reports are very, very distracting to some of the true issues going on out there, like people being killed for the things they post on Facebook, that I would rather give my time to.

      • Jason Darter

        I have been guilty of levelling insipid reports in the past and now after reading this I will report nothing unless it seems to be a crime in progress. Thanks Joy for illuminating this issue, I know from personal experience thank sickos keep you awake at night. I won’t applaud your efforts because frankly the white noise your brain must generate to cope with the filth will probably block it out. Good Luck God speed, and if you need to have a drink on me

  • Mark Lane

    just wanted to know, why does facebook give out bans for people requesting neighbors for games on facebook, since the games are part of the revenue that facebook brings in, it seems to me that there needs to be a better inter-action between facebook and the games on facebook that require that you have neighbors to progress in some of these games,but then facebook puts a limit on the number and type of friends you can request, i personally don’t care about their pages and that can be fixed with the privacy setting, same as i don’t want to be critiqued on the contents of my page, just want to make friends to play and progress in some of the games without being banned for a week to 30 days for it, this still is a social site is it not?

    • Joy Lynskey

      I can’t give you a good answer. It is actually a running joke, games aside, that Facebook often suggests friends for you, they suggest you suggest friends to other people. The whole damned thing is a SOCIAL NETWORK, but if you request a friend and they reject it AND answer the “do you know this person” as No. You get banned for asking or suggesting.

      • Jane Bond

        I had wondered what the implication was of the “do you know this person” question. Do they get banned the first time a friend request is rejected with an “I don’t know them” or do they have to be a serial rejectee? And thanks for your post on Reports. I found it very informative

      • Teeg

        Thank you for this answer. I had wondered what was happening when I started seeing the “Do you know this person” question when I’d get a friend request. I just ignore it most of the time, looks like that was the right decision, since I’d hate for someone to get banned just because I didn’t accept their request.

        Thank you also for the job that you do, I suspect most of us had no idea that this was going on behind the scenes. I’ve liked your page, and would love to help if I could.

      • evwe cheshier

        why have a business page then? the whole point is to get customers and if I cant let new people on my page for my business, whats the use? Im not going to “know” all the ones that are new of course

      • carolyn

        still no answer about why there are so few monitors that a child rape victim can’t get through to anyone for over half a day. If they provide a platform for these rapists, shouldn’t they provide a safety net for their victims that cry out for help?

      • Joy Lynskey


      • Curly Sue

        seriously??? among most of the stupid shit I have seen with Facebook over the years…..banning some one because some idiot said no!!!! are you going to tell me that that is an issue and can’t be changed? Facebook made the stupid option….Facebook can change the stupid option.

      • Stef

        Some people are so dangerously idiot they need a slap in the face!
        Well said, Joy!

      • tlars699

        facebook reports billions of dollars in profit, correct?
        facebook mods like you have important jobs to do, correct?
        There are unemployed people pretty much anywhere, correct?
        If you have billions of dollars in profit, why not invest more money in your business, hire more people to become moderators, and actually filter out this crap more effectively? I know this onus is not on you, Joy, but I do believe that is what carolyn, who you so elegantly cussed out, was trying to get at.

  • Andrew

    Overly religious, narrow-minded, willfully ignorant people who find it offensive that there are people out there who live and think differently, should not be on the Internet. Period.

    • Joy Lynskey

      You are absolutely right. Don’t ever discount the so called ‘free thinkers’ that aren’t, either. They don’t happen as often of course. But here you go.

      On an average day in an average reporting hour where 250k, give or take 20k either way, roll in, about 150 to 175 k of them mention jesus, mo, occasionally a Buddhist gets mad when someone slams their fat jolly guy (you think christian trolls are funny, peaceful aggression is also pretty amusing). The 2 most common words mentioned on facebook ARE jesus and mo.

      However, the atheists that aren’t very good at critical thinking have their issues too. I recently dealt with a report where one of them reported an actual post by one of the parents of the children at Newtown. His report was rejected and with the new system that basically asks how you ‘feel’ about being rejected, he shared how he felt. The whole thing is a government conspiracy, the mother is a secret CIA agent working for Obama, etc.

      Don’t discount anyone really.

      • Qua

        True that. As an Atheist, I’ve seen my share of plenty of unreasonable Atheists and others who claim to be free-thinkers who do really lame things like that, and it used to surprise me, but honestly if you really think about it, it rarely has much to do with the person’s religious beliefs etc, it has more to do with the fact that person doesn’t know how to act rationally, or be reasonable, and more-so, is completely disrespectful of fellow human beings. It makes me so upset that here we have the internet, the most amazing thing ever….a place where you can learn anything you’d ever want to learn, and get an amazing education for free, a place to communicate and meet people all over the world…. and instead people use it to be hateful, ridiculous, mean and stupid, and to watch videos and use time-wasting apps that don’t enrich ANYONE’S lives. It’s made people more and more disrespectful and less aware of the fact they are interacting with REAL people with real feelings and real lives. It’s really unfortunate that we as people have found yet another way to turn something so amazing and beautiful into another breeding ground of morons and assholes. Luckily there are still some people who use it for what it should be used for though, and you seem to be one of them. Hopefully more people will start going that direction…… :/

      • Judi

        Joy I know this doesnt have anything to do with atheists, but you just responded to someone named Carolyn using pretty offensive language yourself. I cant believe you had to use the words sad sack of useless shit, stupid bitch and the most offensive of all C_ _ _ _!! Really, was there no other way to express yourself.

      • Joy Lynskey

        I am donating my time to do this, risking what I can barely afford. I have zero obligation to coddle individuals who just want to take my time being edgy or sarcastic. They can save that shit for the rest of the internet. I made it very clear in my post that trolling would not be respected. So, if that is the intent of anyone here, they are aggressively disrespecting the one wish I made clear.

        I’ll have no quarter for attention seekers. They are half of the problem.

      • Stef

        Well done Joy!
        Some people deserve no respect!

    • Fred Voetsch

      I just love it when ‘tolerant’ people want to ban intolerant people from having their say. George Carlin would love you, Andrew. Take a look in the mirror, my friend.

    • Brokenwings

      Actually it’s the atheists I’ve seen be the most intolerant. No one can mention anything with the word “god” in it without it being reported. Many atheists have no tolerance for anything even remotely religious.

      • conor

        we have full tolerance it is religous people that do not find god jokes funny enjoy life and stop being a little bitch its a joke

      • Joy Lynskey

        Unbaised answer. Sorry.

        Untrue. While atheists do report issues on their own “personal” agenda issues, which by the way, is just as stupid and annoying. They do not report religious content anywhere near the rate that christians/muslims report atheist/secular content.

        There are several groups on Facebook dedicated to ‘getting rid of atheism’ that regularly pack together groups and go mass report photos. While I have seen atheists report religious content on occasion, I have never seen a group of atheists create packs of roving trolls that run around mass reporting pictures they don’t like.

        Again. This is unbiased. Sorry if it doesn’t jive with what you’ve seen. Atheists tend to report things like anti-abortion, animal abuse, gender equality, hate speech and etc. But as bloody and nasty and horrifying as they are, pictures of for instance, christ bleeding/gory on the cross are rarely reported, while the same picture with a few words above it making a joke are reported at speeds that would impress the hell out of the late Reverend Falwell.

      • Lucy

        Brokenwings, as a former christian and now an atheist, I can only attempt to explain why this is sometimes the case. When you begin to see the harm that religion can and has caused, it is like watching an abuse victim return to their abuser over and over again. The worst are the posts commanding others to pray, to believe or the ones with the threats of hell. If it was all so believable, the threats would not be necessary. But the threats also are only allowed under the guise of religion. If someone approached you and said “Bob says if you do not love him he is going to torture you and burn you for a very long time.” You would insist on this person to tell you who Bob is, how he knows you, where he lives and you would call the police. And you would be smart to.

      • sara

        You see more religious stuff getting reported because you look at more religious stuff and never are exposed to the atheist stuff that gets removed. I spend more time looking at atheist pages, and am more aware of what goes on there, so I am not really exposed to the problems faced by religious pages. What would be really excellent is if we all would stop and think before we push those buttons.

    • Lori (Sara Casm)

      Overly statist, easily offended, willingly propagandized people that are intolerant of religion should not type before thinking….but they still do, obviously. ヅ

  • Joan Schaublin

    Bravo. Thank you for the work you do to allow me to enjoy this amazing free network. If people don’t like facebook, they are welcome to log the fuck off.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Ultimately, yes, exactly so.

      • Curly Sue

        and if facebook workers can’t handle their jobs because they don’t get paid enough they shouldn’t be cutting people down and find other work. source the job to me…i would enjoy ridding facebook of many pieces of shit that are on it. can’t facebook use some common sense.

    • carolyn

      ‘If people don’t like facebook, they are welcome to log the fuck off.” Can someone forward Joans words to the child who logged on to complain about being raped, and her pictures put up for all to see?

      • Joan Patrick

        Joan’s whole point is that if you don’t like the content you should turn it off or get over yourself not waste time reporting it to the people who could have helped that little girl instead of wading through people who were to offend because of their narrow minded sensibilities that they couldn’t stop hitting the report button. Moderators deal with enough horrors on a daily basis that are truly real MUST be dealt with situations and then have to deal with petty people like that too… don’t know how they do it but praises to them because they allow us all a social platform to vent upon to scream from to rant to and all we can do in return is stomp our feet and say “were offended” or “it’s unfair I was banned “next time just pull up you big girl panty’s and unlike the page if it bothers you so much because frankly the moderators don’t get paid enough to deal with your bullshit they have real monsters to chase down.

  • walker

    And the 911 operators are swamped with people demanding EMT’s for their indigestion. Who are these crazy people???!! Thanks for this awesome post.

    • Qua

      These people are the people who never learned how to be a responsible, reasonable adult and never grew up. Honestly, sometimes I think they should all be sent to a special school on an island and not allowed to leave until they learn how to be decent, respectful and reasonable people who don’t think the world owes them something and they are the center of it.

      (Sorry for answering what was probably a rhetorical question….)

      • Linda Collard

        I like the way you think, and I totally agree with your posts.

      • Anne-Marie

        Unfortunately, their parents need some lessons in assigning responsibility for actions as well. These are the kids whose parents insist that when they aren’t passing a class, it’s the teacher’s fault. When they’re misbehaving in school, it’s the school’s fault, or some other child’s fault. If they didn’t win first prize because they didn’t bother practicing, they’d better get a ribbon anyway. They stole something from the store but it’s society’s fault. The list goes on and on and on.

      • Brokenwings

        Unfortunatey children usually have two parents and if you live in an unfortunately country where convicted abusers are still given shared custody (even convicted paedophiles are given shared custody in countries like Australia), good parents simply do not have the power legally to protect their children from bad parents. If you do not hand your children over for access visits, then the police can (and do) forcibly take them and you can be charged with child abduction.

        So yeah, it shouldn’t have to be other people’s job to protect children, but sadly there are bad parents and the law won’t protect children from them, and that’s why it’s important to have measures in place to protect children I’m all for shipping off bad parents to an island somewhere (and quite happy to leave them there permanently) but the government will never do that, so it’s up to the rest of us to try and protect children as much as we can.

      • Glenn B Barnhart Jr

        That would require a very large island.

    • carolyn

      “And the 911 operators are swamped with people demanding EMT’s for their indigestion.”<–complete and utter bullshit. Where do you people get this stuff. Out of your asses? Despicable liar.

      • Nicholas Denney

        Carolyn, you’re hilarious! 😀

      • Dayna

        Anyone who’s ever worked emergency knows this is true. Experience is where they “get this stuff.” You are obviously a nut. Try getting a life, instead of sucking it out of all of those around you.

      • Bill

        Why don’t you just go to a chat room and find someone with no fucking brains just like you?

      • Mia Miller

        Actually, Carolyn, that is a true fact. In fact, up here in Northern CA there was recently an article (recently, meaning within the last year) about how SHASCOM (our dispatch system) was continuously clogged with calls from people who panic because they pushed too hard while trying to have a bowel movement and felt faint, people who have called to report indigestion as a heart attack… and my all time favorite, calling 911 because they had no ride to the pharmacy and wanted 911 to send them an ambulance to give them a ride. I. AM. NOT. JOKING. My best friend was a dispatcher for awhile and the things she told me were even more wild than that. Like the lady who called 911 because she got a hangnail. People are stupid. You can try to defend them all you want, but in the end, they will prove it and make you look like the fool. :/

      • Amanda

        Carolyn, my sister is a 911 operator and could easily tell you that YOU are full of shit. I myself am a newly graduated practical nurse, and the number of things we heard about the bullshit in the ER that only need a doctors visit….It’s just astounding. Get your head out of your ass, stat.

      • Tilly

        I am a 911 dispatcher for fire and medical. Walker’s statement is far from bullshit, it is actually quite accurate. My first thought was that they must be in the same field as me to know so. So keep you’re complete and utter bullshit to yourself, you despicable troll.

    • Melissa

      Like the one lady that called 911 MORE THAN ONCE to report that McDonald’s didn’t have any more chicken nuggets. Yeah…that actually happened.

      • Zido

        I heard about that, but to be fair, she actually was calling because the lady at the register only told her there were no more chicken nuggets after taking her money and then refused to give it back. It’s still too far, though.

  • Tanya

    What can we do to help? Besides not flagging dumb stuff?

    • Joy Lynskey

      Our group is currently working on a few things that we have a strong feeling will help. For now, I think one thing that could help is.. well, I can’t really share much here. I will add a link actually to this article on where I can be found on Facebook. I will post a page connection but I will add you to my personal account once I know you are safe 🙂

      • Sylvester Minutola

        Facebook does thiis and Facebook does Thaaat Waaaahaha. We found missing children Joe! ON FB, families, and friends, are asynchronously communicating from all around the World 🙂 when they might never have heard from each other again, serious people are addressing domestic violence, and making a difference, and certainly the rape issue WILL be changed for the good.
        YOU are a FABULOUS person, Facebook is a FABULOUS organization. The things you see? and try not to nightmare about? “The deeper the cut of the carvers knife, the more wine the challis can hold” Omar Kayam. Once your cleared to post a page and I`m sure you will be, please consider notifying me also. Listen 🙂 we are ITs, what the hell IS that? who knows?, what should we do next that`s correct? who knows? Your own peace Joe, take it from an old Grandpa it`s PARAMOUNT, hash check THAT for sure dude 🙂

      • Deadguy

        I saw a posting which claims that you may be losing your job due to posting as the “face” of Facebook, coupled with the cursing, and making jokes about how poorly Facebook handles things, and being rude to clients. While your handbook clearly states that you’re not permitted to represent the company. Someone responded back with the claim that you’re not really an employee… I’m left wondering what the truth is.

      • Joy Lynskey

        I am *not* losing my job. Actually, I was given an opportunity to bring up some of the important issues. Does that surprise you? It did me. You are free to think what you want though, regardless. I have been on the internet for almost 20 years now. The chances of anyone finding out who I really am are very low. I didn’t spend those 20 years complaining about the material I found on the internet, I spent it learning from the things I found. The profile here that you can see has a lot of paths that lead absolutely nowhere. That isn’t unintentional.

        Good luck with whatever your point in posting was!

      • LesleyandJoe Rokes-Bartlett

        I would be interested in helping you as well Joy I’am a father of seven three still in my care as they are under age my wife died suddenly for no reason in September 2012 and now I have way to much time on my hands taking care of children finishing what me and my beloved started and just sitting here on face book staring with no purpose threw out all nights for reason of lack of sleep but I see for the first time maybe some purpose in my life to do something right so if you would like please remember me to for a position in what ever you see fit to have me in thank you sorry for being off subject but the post caught my eye as i am with you on everything you posted ..

    • carolyn

      ask Facebook to hire more of those dollar an hour workers to help her delicate disposition.

  • Dixie Marchuk

    Good read, and new insight to how things work. I ( touch wood ) haven’t been banned yet, but did wonder how it worked. My personal choice for sharing was to start private group where as Adults we could post in private away from kids, and dried up prigs !! it’s all in good fun, and hurts no one. Can’t be bothered complaining about something I don’t like, just scroll on by, or delete the party.

  • nicole

    Everyone should read this!!!! Right on for telling them.

  • Gary Nicholson

    Thanks for your post and good luck. Curious about the 1.2/1.5 million – should that be billion or the British millard? Sorry – OCD must make your life hard as it is 😦

  • Mary

    May God bless you and somehow give you peace for all you have to see and deal with on a daily basis. I can’t imagine what it would like to have to sift through all that ridiculous rubbish to get through the real issues, its frustrating enough to see it on my personal feed. I know it must be frustrating to not be able to save some, and I can only imagine the tears that are shed. But I’m so grateful and have tears of thanks in my eyes for the fact that you *are* able to save some. The world is an awful place, and you are seeing that daily. You see much of what we do not. I can’t begin to imagine how that must affect your life daily. I don’t know if you believe in God, and I’m not going to get all religious here … but I’m going to pray for some peace for you, and for all of those others who see that junk on a daily basis. Sending you a virtual hug.

    A momma

  • Rnbw

    my boyfriend and I got had an issue and since I had access to his profile I posted a status, as revenge. his neighbor decided to report it as hacking and raised all ten kinds of hell over it, even AFTER she was told by him that I did not hack his account. I have yet to hear anything from FB regarding this incident. and to be honest he thought it was funny that I did it. he told he neighbor, “no harm no foul. I deserved it.”

    I am happy to hear that the mods have the priorities right but unfortunately things fall through the racks even with the people who are employed by agencies that are charged with protecting children. YOU all should not feel bad that you cant prevent every bad thing from happening to people who reach out to you…try to concentrate on all the ones you have prevented!


  • Ditra

    This is the same experience I had when I used to moderate

  • Jabari Nak'hti

    I always report racist photos and they never get removed. Lame.

    • O Galliers

      Awwww diddums, you get offended by people ridiculing your peodophile cult leader, I mean your prophet?
      I make viruses on PlagueInc called Allah and Muhammed Pork be upon him. They get reported alot. It’s hilarious, really.

      Only one got removed.

      You people should grow up. There are serious things posted on here to contend with, and you clog up the report, as the lady who made this post said, with your crap.

      Oh and the Allah plague on PlagueInc has now killed more people than Spanish flu has :).

      • Andrea Leong

        @O Galliers: Way to assume that by “racist” Jabari meant “anti-Islamic”.

        I once reported a page because its purpose was to post degrading jokes about one particular race, i.e. hate speech.

        Now that I know the urgent, tangible horrors that get reported, I wouldn’t report the page given the chance again. Instead I’d try to engage the page owner (which I ended up doing… and I would be more polite in doing so).

      • Andrea Leong

        I mean, you know, hate speech is shitty, and I still think it deserves a place in the queue if it’s vehement and persistent.

        But when I did get in touch with the page owner, it turned out to be just some ignorant kid who I might’ve been able to talk some sense into (given that he said, “I don’t hate [ _ _ _ ]’s, I’ve even got some as neighbours, but they’re the good type.” He probably didn’t maintain the page beyond a week. I should’ve tried harder on that one.

      • Stef

        I read ‘racist’, not ‘anti-islamic’ and that’s certainly one of the issue Joy would like to have more time for, instead of having to waste time on intolerant (and outplaced) comments like yours.

      • Joy Lynskey

        I don’t even think they can help themselves. Some of these people need to be reporters for all the spin they put on shit while claiming I have done so.

    • Karkass

      Just like Carolyn and Curly Sue (whose posts gave me brain damage, btw), you didn’t actually read any of this did you, Jabari?

  • Qua

    You’ve really opened my eyes. I never imagined such things happened on Facebook, or that there are so many doing this hard job, nor had I realized how hard of a job it truly is.
    Your account of the young girl and what happened to her made me cry….and I can’t begin to imagine how unbelievably hard it’s been having to experience this kind of thing on a daily basis, especially when something like that can make you feel like it’s your fault, no matter how much you know that rationally, it isn’t….it will still haunt you and hurt you, no matter what the truth is.
    I offer my sincere sympathy and thoughts to you, and now my appreciation for what you’ve done, even though I recently have not appreciated the job of Facebook Moderators. I always got so angry that racist, hateful and completely horrible statements made on facebook wouldn’t be removed after the tons of complaints, while people who only made factual statements, or disagreements with people on issues, etc, such as Atheist pages and pages against Republicans, would often be removed quickly even though the posts that were removed were rarely factually offensive to anyone, they just pissed those people off and those people disagreed with them. Even though this has happened for a long time and will continue to happen, you’ve made me consider things I haven’t before about the issue, and come to a better point of understanding of the situation and the people who do this job.

    Thank you very much for this insightful article, and for opening others eyes about things they were never aware of. You do a great service to the world just by doing this, and help to educate others.
    Some may not see that as all that important, but honestly, I think it’s one of the more important things in the world to do; educate others. I only hope more and more people will become aware of this site and it’s articles, and that they share with everyone they know as well!

    • Joy Lynskey

      Thank you very much for all those kind words. I understand the frustration. I began working for FB in late 2008 and left at the end of 2009 because of similar mod issues. I came back in 2010 and I caused a bit of a stir at one point and they actually deleted my then, 4 year old account for no reason. I offered to come back as a freelancer a few months later and they accepted. I don’t even know why for sure, but I’m glad they did.

      If you have pages you admin and need assistance, please feel free to join the new page I created and posted on this page and message me on that page. I can get you into the group that helps protect secular and other human rights pages.

      • Qua

        Thank you very much. I really appreciate everything you do, you seem to work very hard for all these problems that you really believe in and I think you’re doing a great job. I’m glad you were able to get back to working there, because it sounds like they really need you and your mind, and the rest of us need you too. It’s a good thing they decided to take you back, even if it can be difficult as hell to do the job. I admire anyone who can do a job that can be emotionally trying and exhausting at times, specifically if that job is important, and I honestly think in this situation, it’s very important.

        I’m glad to know that there is a place I can go for help, and I know many people who have the same problems. It’s possible we know some of the same people. Luckily, even though my page isn’t entirely one subject, but happens to cover several controversial things a lot of ignorant people hate and disagree with, it’s still very small and I don’t post very often, so I haven’t had any problems yet. I will however definitely let anyone I know running human rights and secular pages about it, as I’m sure it will really help. 🙂

        Keep up the great work.

    • Jason Russell

      Thank you for giving those of us, a chance of an insight into a perspective we’d otherwise not get the opportunity to see. Having been online for 20 odd years, I’ve seen enough of the terrible nature of humans, including all you’ve mentioned, to know I’d not want to have to face it on a daily basis.

      One suggestion is for Facebook to track who’s doing all of the reporting if not already doing so, as I’ve no clue if that happens, to hold those abusing the feature, accountable. One close friend was targeted and removed by an individual who used multiple alt accounts to effectively bully and shut her down. IP comparison of all the different reporting accounts would help weed them out. It has to be faced that the only reason there is so much abuse by users for petty, vindictive reasons, is that it has consistently been proven to be an effective tool for those so inclined. Which, can, in turn, lead to counter-reporting which further stresses an already under-serviced and under-staffed system.

    • Cheryl

      Well said. And I couldn’t agree more.

  • Michele Poet

    I can understand the frustration.
    Possibly the little girl in question might have misunderstood the language of the reporting system which is why she didn’t click the correct button to get it flagged higher as a priority? I am an adult and I have found it confusing at times.

    Maybe it would be a good idea for facebook to review their system and maybe try and simplfy the reporting process so that non urgent issues could be dealt with separately and the urgent issues could more easily be prioritised?
    Maybe have a clear message at the top of the system saying: Do you feel you are in danger and need help urgently – click here

    But if there is a system which appears to be set up to allow users to report blatant porn links, hate speech and copyright issues then surely people who then use the system for that purpose shouldn’t be made to feel as though they enabled a child rape by doing so?

    • Joy Lynskey

      “Maybe it would be a good idea for facebook to review their system and maybe try and simplfy the reporting process so that non urgent issues could be dealt with separately and the urgent issues could more easily be prioritised?”

      This is exactly what it needs. They do have the prompt that suggest if you are in trouble to call the police or emergency services, however:

      “But if there is a system which appears to be set up to allow users to report blatant porn links, hate speech and copyright issues then surely people who then use the system for that purpose shouldn’t be made to feel as though they enabled a child rape by doing so?”

      There are a lot of ‘systems’ set up all over the world that people abuse with petty issues, because it is possible, doesn’t make it a good idea. This one is no different. No, I can’t make people stop reporting pictures of coins, or those who would rather click report than get away from the PC when they have kids to watch, but I can ignore their issues in favor of those that are actual offenses. And I get pretty tired of whiny idiots who complain “That terrible joke offended me!” when I have better shit to do.

      Mostly that was my point in this post. I don’t even *want* people to stop reporting horrible material, but blasphemy, porn,creative commons and other similar issues are not as important and yes, if you systematically overload Facebooks reporting system because of things that offend personal little old you, than you are very much bogging down the system that could have gotten to the important issues faster without them. Whether one should feel responsibility or that they have enabled, is pretty much a subjective personal issue as well. I’d venture to guess that those who are narcissistic enough to report some of the petty issues I’ve seen, care little for the big picture anyway.

      I wrote this post mostly for the tons of people I see complaining all the time about how Facebook ignored their issue. Maybe it would be a good thing to begin wondering why. Certainly no facebook mods are pedos that just love to see those child rape pictures. Can you imagine if one fails to come down, that it is actually because something like THAT got skipped because the mod was handling tons of “I don’t like this photo of gay people, please remove it.”

      • Cheryl

        Joy, like others here, I very much appreciate your post, as well as your patience in interacting with commenters.

        I’ve rarely reported anything at all, other than clicking “spam” on a few things that were… well… spam. :-/ But I’m wondering if FB couldn’t make everyone’s life easier–yours as well as users’–by setting up a clearer system for reporting things, and one that would go farther toward refining the reports and screening them before they ever reach you?

        Perhaps adding more specific categories to what can be reported, as well as adding reasons that are appealing (“this post is contrary to my religious beliefs and very offensive”, “this post would be inappropriate for viewing by children”, etc.) but that could serve as self-sorting mechanisms, would shuffle some of the whining out of the system and allow the truly serious reports to rise more quickly….?

        And, how about clearly posted sanctions of some kind for people who report things as “emergencies” when they are not? As in, “This category of reporting is exclusively for crimes in progress, serious physical threats or life-threatening emergencies. Anyone abusing it by reporting lesser difficulties in this space will be removed from Facebook for 30 days, first offense; 60 days, second offense; 180 days, subsequent offenses.” Or something similar.

        While people obviously do whine, I think to a certain extent, FB brings on some of the problem by not offering sufficient options for people to take action, and by not clearly setting limits. Few people have even the vaguest sense what happens to a report once filed; I’m sure most “whining” would stop if the complications and consequences were understood.

        As for the blocking of people who have sent rejected friend requests, who on earth thought that up? A simple change of language in the “friend request response” would solve 90% of the problem. Add another level to the questions: “Do you know this person outside of Facebook? If not, do you feel this person is sending a friend request for a malicious reason?” Just because I don’t know someone and choose not to accept Friend requests from people with whom I’m not familiar does not make those people evil in any way. Good grief.

        In any event, thank you so much for continuing to work hard to make FB a safer and saner place. I’m fairly sure I could not do your job for more than about 3 days. Having said that, if there is a way I can be helpful, I, too, would be happy to try.

      • Joy Lynskey

        I appreciate you saying that, and I should apologize for my inability to show patience to a few who have posted here. I don’t have time or patience for trolling here. I totally get my fill most of the rest of the hours in the day.

        “–by setting up a clearer system for reporting things, and one that would go farther toward refining the reports and screening them before they ever reach you? ”

        Absolutely. That is one issue that is under serious discussion now. I have had to lay out several examples, such as the one mentioned in the post to supply sourcing for why I am making the request that I am.

        I am also requesting they actually post content/trending news. There is NO where outside of private content writers that have taken up trying to share how to contact facebook, or reporting on issues with it. FACEBOOK needs to be doing this. It isn’t up to users to let us know about updates and capabilities, but those are currently the only ones that do. Insane!

        Abusing the system is another serious issue I push for too. Aside from the general frustration of things, it is pretty sad that reports go through for people who rack up 50 to 100 reports per day that are rejected. I don’t know why these accounts aren’t flagged like the ‘offenders’ accounts are. It’s disgusting and it wouldn’t hold up in any courthouse in this country.

        “As for the blocking of people who have sent rejected friend requests, who on earth thought that up? A simple change of language in the “friend request response” would solve 90% of the problem. ”

        Hah! Awesome you mentioned this. Did you know that since I made this post Facebook has now updated it to include THOSE YOU DO ADD?

        YES! Now if someone friend request you and you accept it, it STILL asks you this question, and it STILL warns or bans the other person if you answer no.

        Why does this happen?

        I have NO IDEA WTF they are thinking! They won’t ever give details as to why this is.

      • Jason

        “A prude is a person who thinks that his own rules of propriety are natural laws.” – Robert Heinlein

        Facebook is no place for a prude.

      • Curly Sue

        maybe if facebook employee’s had a higher moral compass people wouldn’t have to report so many pages that are obviously disgusting, vicious, fake or dangerous.

      • Allie

        Hate speech isn’t a petty issue. It might not be as urgent as the kid posting that they’re expecting their abusive parent home drunk in half an hour (for example), but in the long term it does, demonstratively, cause rape, murder and suicide.

      • Claire

        When a child porn pic or video is found, is the profile and IP address given to the police so that justice can be served? and are the ‘friends’ list of that profile examined? are the others who have shared the pic or video, also removed and reported? I have seen some decidedly dodgy profiles recently, who are members of very suspect groups regarding young children. There is no doubt in my mind that these profiles are suspicious and have peadophilic tendancies, but their public information doesn’t come under a specific ‘offense’, It’s quite stomach churning to know there is nothing that can be done about them. Also, why does facebook not filter out and check the groups based on the trigger words which pedos use to identify to each other?
        I think you are a very special person to deal with what you see everyday, when so many people turn away and don’t want to accept or admit it happens. It would be wonderful to see a day when facebook could instill stricter policing for child abuse so that these issues are perhaps dealt with by a seperate team and not lost in the ‘other’ reports.

    • kylie

      if the reporting system is changed all that will happen is that the idiots who clog the system will think their petty concerns are urgent and everything will be flagged as “top priority”

      • Sean

        I was thinking the exact same thing. You will just have people report low priority posts as urgent and be in the exact same situation that is occuring currently. I honestly cant think of a solution that would not be abused in the same manner as it is being currently.

    • Nate Thönnesen

      If people only reported things like porn links, hate speech, and copyright issues, the issue about which this article talks wouldn’t be a thing. People report /every little thing/ over which they get offended. And that swamps the mods with way too much stuff.

  • Melissa Flaherty

    I think, those in charge of looking at the reports made to facebook need to be of a different type to the one taking in this news article.

    I am an admin of the facebook page ‘Stop Rapebook’ which is currently being featured in some news articles because facebook won’t pay attention to our reports about rape and violence against women ”humour”. The facebook employee talking in the above article is very much along the same style as many of the trolls who have overrun our page in the last few weeks, so it can no longer function.

    It is about time facebook stops calling people butthurt and telling them they don’t give a shit about what offends them. We are not only on the receiving end of this type of attitude from facebook, but the admins of our page have also received death threats and had our personal details doxed and put put on the internet for all to access, so it looks like hate speech which is already bad enough in itself does not stop at speech. It is about time that facebook pays more attention to what is being dismissed and not given a shit about, by the facebook employee talking in the above news article. There is a link between hate speech and offline violence, as far as I can see, but facebook does not give a shit about our butthurt, which is the same as what the haters and trolls say about us.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Perhaps it is your lack of comprehension that made you make the comments you did here. Did you even bother to read where I mentioned that MY SOLE PROBLEM is that all of the BUTTHURT reports are keeping us from taking care of the REAL issues like the ones you mentioned? Maybe some of your problems with facebook moderators is that you comment on things without actually having read first.

      I had to approve your comment because it was so full of YOU that it came up as spam. I put this post here because it is people like YOU that are part of the narcissistic problem. I am well aware of your page and I have done PLENTY of time there. I need to be removed? I got news for you lady, I am the ONLY reason why your page even gets a look. Much less endless research time made to remove the PREDATORS that harass you and yours.

      So you go ahead and get your butt all hurt having not even read everything there is to see here. Your page has problems but apparently so do you. I spend countless hours of my free, unpaid time chasing the exact same issues you claim to protest against.

      However, just this exchange here shows that you have apparently dished out judgement without any notion of the truth. I will remove your links and your MEME stuff from here now. If you want more help for your cause, you need to learn more people skills and the right venues for your soap box. This ain’t it.

      And I have news for you, without ME, 99% of the people who get your reports CAN’T EVEN FUCKING READ THEM.

      Stupid. You are the problem. Your page is not. There are shit tons of other pages just like yours lady. They deserve my time too. The next time I get high tiered reports from your page, I’ll hand them over to my supervisor. That good? He speaks fairly good English. He might understand.

      • Syl Minutola

        At least your super makes English important to him, This young lady obviously does not spend much time reading or writing. Phone rings “Sylvester here” “This is A**T, can you go onsite for us and finish a C***O install at St*****KS?,___ “NOW?!? “well theres a tech onsite having trouble” YEAH OK. On site, ” Hi there Im A**T 🙂 can I help? ” “I hope so”! hmmmm, Cat 5 in in place? serial port? its plugged in the wall? Lights are green? VPN is up? I just drove 2 hours for nothing????? “Well Im on hold with the NOC–” “OK”? :)–>>>” I need to verify “CONDUCTIVITY”, and dis frekin towel head caneven tuk Enlish”.<<< LOOONG silence:) " Deepak is in India, but I think their called Turbans?" anyway 🙂 your released from site and you can go home :). Before I let you go, I wondered, HOW MUCH HINDI DO YOU SPEAK? 🙂 TRUE STORY. People have to WANT to communicate, then it`s even fun

      • Curly Sue

        wow!!! pretty rude and uncalled for. ‘He speaks fairly good English. He might understand.’ because you grasp the english language it doesn’t make you a better person. you just sound like a bully.

      • Joy Lynskey

        You sound just like every idiot I’ve met on Facebook that can’t grasp basic facts and logic.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Look. Just because you are stupid about how the internet works doesn’t mean everyone else is.

        See here? This is the IP you originally came here with as “Carolyn”

        This is the one you are here as now.

        I know you aren’t a genius or anything, but go do a google search for WHOIS IP.

        Put those in there, read the results and imagine how fucking stupid you look now. Crazy cunt

    • Joy Lynskey

      Just read your page too. Really? You spend time that you could dedicate to helping those women, children and etc protesting that Facebook didn’t remove those pictures? Way to be a useless activist. Why don’t you and your 5k fucking fans go do something to help those PEOPLE who suffered?

      We believe that Facebook isn’t a safe place for children!

      You don’t fucking say? How about watch your fucking children, then?

      • Syl Minutola

        GO JOE!!! GO JOE!!! (Dallas Cheerlraders running in, waving thier bom toms or whatever the hell they are) GO JOE!! OKAY just send em after me for cheerlrader jokes LMAO! Prob next anyway.:)

      • Qua

        Oh, but that would be too haaaard…..them taking responsibility for their own children and not leaving it up to everyone else and laying the blame on everyone but themselves? Never…. not in this country at least. Probably not in many others as well. There are many systems in place for lazy assholes who decide to have children when they very well shouldn’t, just to protect those lazy asshole’s kids, and yet, these people not only refuse to use these systems in place, they bitch and moan about shit that other people do on the internet and in the world, when the truth is, they need to grow the fuck up and take some god damn responsibility for themselves and their damn children, and learn how to “protect” them from all these “horrible” things they don’t like. It’s not EVERYONE else’s responsibility OR problem to make sure your kid doesn’t see some crap that goes against what you believe in, nor is it anyone else’s responsibility to make sure they don’t see porn. That 100% lies in the parent and the truth is, none of them are adult enough to know it’s their own fault when something happens. Blame everyone but themselves. Sue the company that makes a stroller that your kid got it’s fingers pinched in, because you weren’t paying attention to your kid and he did something stupid, like putting his fingers in a place he shouldn’t, which obviously would do something like that….and then the courts ACTUALLY take these people’s side…. and it’s this enabling that just makes it get perpetually worse.

        It’s so damn unfortunate…but I’m sure I’m preaching to the choir.
        Obviously people also need to learn to differentiate between actual jokes and serious threats and hatred. For instance, I joke about plenty of awful, fucked up things that most people get offended by, and I make rape jokes, but none of them are serious, and in fact, these are things I actually feel VERY strong about. It’s happened to me, and to others I know, and I do as much as I can to help those in such awful situations, and I support groups who work to help and protect them….. but making jokes is an entirely different thing and we as people need to learn how to tell the difference.
        It’s like Lisa Lampanelli, she makes a shitload of racist jokes, but she’s anything BUT a racist. In fact, I see it more as a statement about racists instead of actually being racist. It makes fun of those people who would tell the jokes seriously, as if they truly felt that way.
        That’s just my point of view on it…..
        If anything, the most sensitive, caring and loving people I’ve met, who felt the strongest about things like rape, poverty, abortion, women, children and more, were the same people who made jokes about those things.
        I think it’s because humor helps us deal with such tragic and touchy subjects, and allows us to cope a little better. People need to learn how to have a sense of humor, or they really aren’t going to live very long.

        Oh how you must deal with such unbelievable morons day in and day out….honestly, I don’t know how you can do it. I personally have pretty much gotten to the point where I can’t even go out into the world anymore, almost completely agoraphobic. I rarely even socialize online anymore either…. I just can’t handle the pure ignorance and bullshit of people. I think it takes strength of immense amounts to deal with those kind of people when you’re as intelligent as you certainly seem to be, and I commend you for being able to put up with it. Still, I’m sure you probably suffer from a lot of damn stress. Let me just say, if there’s anything I could ever help you personally with, let me know. I can’t do much, being disabled, but I’d do whatever I could. I very much support your work, and really admire you. Don’t let these cunty, whiny A-holes keep you down.

        and little miss Melissa Flaherty? Just shut the hell up. Seriously, it’s astounding what you have no comprehension of. Go somewhere else, with more people like you, there’s really no use for you here, except for maybe to laugh at.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Yeah, Qua. Exactly. I can’t even believe this woman had the balls to post here. I’m the problem? Seriously, that batshit woman runs a page of 5k people who spend their time on facebook ritually reporting stuff that isn’t as ‘offensive’ as something you might see on 4chan any given moment.

        I’d be willing to bet a ton of money that not a single one of them has given a DIME or a moment of their time actually helping any of the individuals whose suffering created the photos they are so offended by.

        What is this? Backseat activism? That bitch needs her computer taken from her.

      • Qua

        Hah, yeah I couldn’t agree more, seriously. These people often fill me with rage. I’m so irritated by the fact they keep making computers easier and easier to use and building OS’s like Windows 8, simply to appeal to these ignorant, knuckle-dragging troglodytes, because they not only take away all functionality and joy for REAL computer users and people intelligent enough to be able to use one correctly without having it turned into something that acts worse than what you would find on a tablet or i-pad, but they are just making it easier for more and more idiots to get on the internet and bitch about shit they have no business bitching about, ESPECIALLY because it’s the only thing they do about anything. They never spend a dime or a moment of time trying to help anyone or anything but themselves. Half the time, I think they only get so outraged because they think they’re supposed to, since some other moron told them to feel that way.
        I do my fair share of complaining about fucked up shit, but it’s always the REAL things…for instance, animal abuse or places like the Congo Kinsasha, and I do all I can in my situation to contribute in some way to the causes. I don’t have money and I’m usually too sick and barely awake to even do much in the first place….what’s their fucking excuse? Oh, yeah, they’re fat old white ladies who have nothing better to do than sit on a computer and bitch and moan about everything they can find to bitch and moan about. Even if we took away all the things they’ve been complaining about, I could bet they’d somehow find just another thing to whine about as well.

        I can’t think of many things more utterly useless and ridiculous than that joke of woman and her page dedicated to what is only adding to the problem at large. There’s always the 1,000,000 mom’s page….and don’t even get me STARTED on that one…lol….talk about a bunch of bigoted, useless old cows who have nothing better to do than sit around and hate gay people for no rational reason at all, and actually think somehow they will ever amount to a million.

        I think people should have to get a license to use a computer, or at least, the internet. I mean, why not? Pass some test about decency, respect, rationality, logic and intelligence…. and then you can take the joy in getting to use one of the greatest technological creations of all time, and APPRECIATE it.
        It seems endless, the amount of ways people continue to find to abuse the internet. That excludes porn though, I think that’s a very good thing in many ways, it’s just that there is a line you don’t cross, and that involves children and animals. 4chan is pretty much the sickest place I’ve ever been to…. within my first 5 minutes, years ago, on /b/, I saw some of the most disturbingly upsetting pictures of my life. It was during the huge russian child porn thing, where they were just polluting the site with it. It was fucking awful. Then on any other given day, you’ll find almost as sick things….that almost cross the line…. but I’m not going to judge what someone else likes sexually, as long as it’s with consenting adults, it’s none of my business. That’s the simplicity of it…really… there are plenty of things that I find sickening and disgusting, but I’m not going to be a baby and get offended by it, nor am I going to go and complain to someone about it just because I haven’t learned how to grow up yet. I’m just waiting for the rest of the people in the United States of “I’m the center of the universe and I’m special” to learn too.

        It seems there is no end of morons trolling your posts here as well….man, just getting the emails with only the beginning of some of these responses rub me the wrong way. I find myself wishing I could savagely ram something repulsive down their throats, like they do to the rest of us who don’t give a shit what they think. Thankfully, it seems there have also been plenty of people who DO understand where you’re coming from though, so that’s good. 🙂

      • carolyn

        She needs more help.She brought this out and admitted not being able to handle all the requests or complaints jn a timely manner. She needs help.Or Facebook needs to hire more of those dollar and hour people to get to little rape vic’s when they turn to the platform that allowed harm to come to them.

      • Janice Medley

        HA now this post I really love ! ty ty

      • tlars699

        Perhaps trying to eliminate those pictures, which are humiliating and threatening women, is all she can do. If it were me I’d appreciate someone complaining on my behalf to help get it down, so that I could worry about more important things, like recovering from being raped/harrassed. :/

      • jakki dodds

        i have to ask about the whois ip search for the ip addresses mentioned in the post above this one i am sending a ‘reply’ to-im not actually tech savvy or anything, but i input those ip addresses into whois ip as u suggested, n they come up with different addresses in different states, just curious what that is meant to illustrate?? im not trying to troll or anything, as I actually appreciate the work u do as well as the patience u must have for dealing with such things on a daily basis, but i am just curious about this one particular thing??

      • jakki dodds

        hi there joy, im not tech savvy or anything, but i followed your suggestion of inputting the ip addresses in the post above this one that im ‘replying’ to, to see the results, & it appears to me that they come from different addresses in different states, im not trolling by mentioning this either, as i appreciate your efforts and your obvious patience n tolerance by doing such a job day in & day out, i am just curious as to what it should be illustrating, or what i am not seeing that i should be perhaps??

      • J Lyn

        They came back to the same internet provider.

    • Curly Sue

      🙂 Melissa

    • Patricia Betty

      I agree Melissa. Facebook is a sewer and it would appear all the foul mouthed rats aren’t the ones with the pages. I am constantly reporting sick animal abuse pages. Absolute disgusting depraved cruelty and all I get back is Facebook have reviewed the report and it doesn’t violate their terms. What the hell has some pervert got to do to a defenceless animal before these ‘useless sacks of shit’ ( I borrowed that phrase from one of the moderators comments further up this thread – Charming isn’t she?) do something about removing the page and reporting the people who are doing it. Perhaps they haven’t read the scientific research which say child abusers and people who abuse women usually start out by abusing animals.

      • J Lyn

        You’re an idiot and most likely of the same group of people who don’t mind clicking report, but will hide behind your curtains when a neighbor needs help crying about how you don’t want to get involved. Why don’t you report that shit to the police, or do anything that requires an actual effort? There are cyber protection groups, quit being a whining cunt.

        You have no idea how much time I have dedicated to dealing with animal abuse issues, but I didn’t expect you would even though you claim to have read threads here. Do something with your life and if you aren’t willing to do something about that shit you report, quit reporting it. The next person might not be the lazy fuck you are.

  • Invisigoth

    Great post. A lot of information that I wasn’t aware of. I don’t know if I could see what you and your co-workers do every day without losing it.

    I’ve posted a link to this from my FB page to help spread the word.

  • Mike

    So let me get this straight— you’re complaining about people complaining and it’s your job to listen to complaints. Sounds like you’ve got your own case of butthurt. Suck it up or find a different job.

    • Zidopidokido Arichikito

      I hope to you’re a troll. I really do. Did you not get the part where he said that he may have failed to prevent a seven year old girl from being raped because too many people complain about meaningless shit?

      • Qua

        This guy is just a ridiculous, ignorant, self-obsessed fuck-tard, honestly, don’t even give them any attention. It’s just what they want and they’re not even important enough to cock-slap in the face, even if that’s really what they deserve.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Obvious narcissist is upset his report didn’t go through.

      • Patricia Betty

        Get a grip The author of this report is just an attention seeking idiot, who thinks she is here to save the world, and how dare we stand in her way by posting reports she thinks are far too unimportant for herself to deal with. I don’t know any seven year olds who could set up Facebook pages so they can report abuse. Vulnerable children don’t usually behave that way especially when they are only seven.

      • J Lyn

        “seven year olds who could set up Facebook pages so they can report abuse.”

        Do you even read? None of that makes sense at all. And it is nowhere near anything I posted.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Thanks so much to you two for taking care of this but yeah.

      “So let me get this straight— you’re complaining about people complaining and it’s your job to listen to complaints”

      No derps.

      I am complaining about people complaining about breast feeding pictures, two men getting married or breast cancer survivors tattoos because apparently some stupid fucks think those things are offensive, meanwhile, real complaints from people who are in fairly horrible situations have their complaints ignored because some stupid fuck doesn’t have a clue what an actual complaint entails.

      I don’t need another job, I need whiny shits and assholes to get the fuck off of the internet instead of adding 200K plus complaints about their sore anuses to the mix, every. fucking. hour.

      How about just suck it, buttercup.

      • Syl Minutola

        Mike trolling is not your strong metal suit, you really don`t seem bright enough.

      • Naomi Julius

        Two thumbs UP on that well-deserved anger. I’ve read all posts and comments and your dedication to making things better comes through loud and clear, which is what ALL human beings are placed on this earth to do. Many apparently think we are put here to “rise above” all others no matter how we accomplish it. But in the end, most rational people can easily see the haters and trolls for what they really are; deeply miserable, lonely, uninformed and uneducated.

      • Pia

        Your post was brilliant.
        I suppose I shouldn’t be shocked at the drivel some people are responding with, but I am.
        As as for the previous comment about self-proclaimed “activist”, people should be willing to put their money where their mouths are.

        Thanks again, I’ll be sharing, and liking the page you created to further help with these issues. If there’s anything I can do to help, I’m ready and willing.

    • Syl Minutola

      TY Qua, I was hoping to share with Mr Linksey the fact that there are people who will NEVER see the issues, and this should not deter him from the great job he does, I tried also to add a modicum of lightheartedness, if not humor, to the whole mish mosh of WINERS that I see him trying to placate when they don`t even deserve it. He`s a moderator who helps you ALL, some will never know, because they could not basically give a shit if they tried.

    • carolyn

      I agree, Mike. And that story about the little rape victim….appalling.

      • Nate Thönnesen

        You’re a moron, Carolyn. They have a lot of workers, and even if they hire more, that’s not the problem. People need to stop thinking they have this ‘right to not be offended,’ because /that isn’t a thing/. You don’t want to be offended? Then /don’t be offended/. Suck it up, princess. Things are going to happen you don’t like, but if they’re not actually /harmful/, then you can learn to ignore it.

    • Curly Sue

      that’s what i say. here, here. 🙂

    • Steve


      Here’s a point, you obviously missed it

  • Matt Kirk

    I’ll say it now,

    You sir are good for posting something like this, but to everyone else. Get over yourselves, you have all probably added to the problem and fuck, so have I, and due to our nature of already doing so we will probably continue to do so, yet you all suck up and try and act like the person who is actually doing the work to fix this. It seems like a lot a of you still seem to be only thinking about your image as you post your replies of anything other than your feelings of what happened to the girl. I for one will admit that I’m a selfish fuck who does not look at the world before going on impulse and posting things.

    Sir you did a good job, I’m still selfish but you did remind me that people are fucked up in the world to do such things like that to children.

    • Nate Thönnesen

      See, you’re acting all proud that you’re a selfish fuck. News flash for you, I’m not. I have not reported a single thing that I simply didn’t like, or maybe even offended me, unless it was something that /actually/ deserved reporting. Which means I’ve sent in exactly 0 reports to this day–or at least it’s so rare I can’t remember it. Please don’t put off your faults on others to make yourself feel justified in having the fault. Fix the fault.

    • Fedora Flameshirt

      I don’t report anything, even if I disagree, gore and such I don’t even report, nor porn(which I’m against). Although I’d report such a photo if I had seen it, such things are appalling. Anyone who reports just needs to calm down and just deal unless it’s some serious shit.

  • Elizabeth Boshoff

    this right here is why facebook, or well its users, are so fucking dumb. reporting all this shit?? DUMB. anyone who reports stupid stuff like that shouldn’t be using the internet. im sorry but its true. so put your big girl panties on if you want to stay.

  • Richard Tallent

    I can really appreciate the work of moderating a site like Facebook. I don’t envy the people who have to go through all the shit that idiots post every day.

    But as an artist who specialized in nude photographs, and as president of a local non-profit art gallery, I really, really wish there was a more transparent, open-minded policy on “nudity,” particularly in photographs (I’ve heard of paintings and sculpture also being censored, but photography gets the worst treatment).

    A good start would be to simply say that female nipples and the crack of a butt aren’t considered “nude enough” to merit censorship.

    Instead, “nudity” should be limited to the genitals, anus, and pubic hair (the latter only because it eliminates the debate about whether genitals were clearly visible).

    In the alternative, censor these only for public posts, or for people who are under 18. (Breasts and butt cracks aren’t covered by US porn laws, so there’s no legal concern with the age of the person in the photo, but Facebook should certainly have a policy for censoring based on apparent age.)

    A more relaxed policy would provide artists, galleries, etc. more flexibility in posting perfectly tame, artistic nudes, without opening the floodgates for Tumblr-like porn, and without getting into an insane debate about art vs. porn.

    It also removes the ambiguity in dealing with breastfeeding, areola, sheer tops, visible outlines of nipples on opaque clothing, transgender nipples, post-mastectomy breasts, and other gray areas.

    If someone abuses this to post, say, Playboy centerfolds from the 60’s, you can always censor them for copyright infringement.

    • Joy Lynskey

      You are supposed to be able to do this now as long as your group is set to 18+. But that still doesn’t mean you won’t get reported. I have charities who lose out because of this issue as well.

  • Ian Z. Futterer

    I agree with this completely, but as a photographer, I do not think that copyright infringement is something that should just be skipped over and thrown in the same waste basket as the complaints from people who don’t know how facebook works. Yes, it is much less important than rape, but it is still a crime.

    • Ian Z. Futterer

      oops, nvm. I didn’t see that the word used was SHARED, not posted. totally different. nevermind. yeah, that is pretty dumb…

    • Gavriel Discordia

      You have no idea what you are talking about. FB is NOT a copyright violation office and will never give a damn about your petty BS complaints about how someone stole your silly photos. NEWSFLASH! Pushing a button on a camera does not make you special! HAHAHA!

    • Joy Lynskey

      Copyright infringement isn’t skipped over by any of us. I actually have several members of my group who work on this issue alone.

      • Gavriel Discordia

        Im sad to hear that, its not FB place to enforce copyright thats for the courts to decide. Unfortunately the MPAA and RIAA are trying to make everyone running sites online and providing webhosting etc etc into police for Hollywood and Sony.

        Besides Copyright will only serve to stifle innovation, creativity, and our Digital Freedoms both online and off.

        I hope everyone forced into being copyright cops at FB are readers.

        There are many copyright documentaries that cover these issues such as; Good Copy Bad Copy, the PBS doc Copyright Criminals, RIP: a Remix Manifesto etc.

        And Creative Common cofounder Lawrence Lessig has written 5-6 books on the subjects of copying, transformative artwork, remixing and the like.

        Join the EFF and the IDL

        Digital Freedom Forever!

      • Joy Lynskey

        FTR. I don’t spend my time on CC issues. I know some people have strong feelings about them and I am glad to encourage their knowledge on how to fix those things. But I have a lot of other things I’m not willing to lose focus on for CC

      • TK

        I’d actually like to make this one little point about picture infringement and privacy in general. It’s a simple matter of common sense. If you don’t want the world to have it, then don’t put it on the internet. Especially not into a medium with a “share” button.

    • Ryan

      Okay people wow copyright issues do not rank anywhere near porn links/virus links which don’t rank anywhere near hate speech which is light years away from the importance of emergency situations as described in this article.

      Oh golly gee someone didn’t pay you ten dollars for your picture/game/video/doesn’t matter?!
      Yes please let us prioritize your minute monetary transactions over people’s suffering!

      Another commenter, TK, said this:
      “I’d actually like to make this one little point about picture infringement and privacy in general. It’s a simple matter of common sense. If you don’t want the world to have it, then don’t put it on the internet. Especially not into a medium with a “share” button.”

      Now look:
      It sucks when people jack your artistic stuff and call it their own.
      I don’t personally know this feeling, and probably won’t since all I really care about is if people enjoyed what I did and if it brought a smile to their face, that’s good enough for me.
      But I do know what it is like when things are physically stolen, and I have artist/writer friends who have experienced people jacking their work, and for them and others that have gone through that I fully empathize.
      But not when you’re going to be a jackass about it.

      This has no place or right to be considered an issue that can walk alongside the very clearly more important issue of “Lives are being lost and/or further critically injured mentally/emotionally/physically because idiots and the uninformed are clogging the system.”

      I would do a side by side comparison of what a copyright issue sounds like compared to what a critical emergency issue sounds like but it would be in very poor taste to mimic serious pleas for help here so hopefully my illustrating copyright issues will suffice.
      Given the emergency responder role Facebook admin and inevitably any admin of a social network as large as this winds up taking on, copyright complaints are basically the equivalent of dialing 9-1-1 and saying, “Yeah someone bought a sculpture from me and they are running around saying they made it can you come ask him to stop.”

      Not to mention the fact that Facebook admin can’t hunt down all instances of copyright infringement across the Internet, and being the Internet, it is going to happen everywhere and anywhere. And I’m sorry, but unless you’re brand spanking new to the Internet, you really must be prepared for that fact.

      Someone can always paint another Mona Lisa (and they do), but no one can make another John Smith, or Jack O’neill, or Fred Rogers, or Joy Lynskey, or you. I love Van Gogh, for so many reasons, but you know what Ian? If I had to choose between preserving Van Gogh or saving you, I would pick you in a heartbeat. I don’t even know you, hell I’m ranting at you now.
      I’m just really hoping you see this point, and would do the same for some other random person, possibly even a random person that has pissed you off. Let’s first worry about saving lives, then if and when we get that down so well we’ve got extra resources lying around to do other things, we’ll do those other things, okay?

      I’d like to give a shout out to Joy Lynskey and Qua while I’m at it for being some of the greatest people on the planet. 🙂

  • Classical Gas

    Thank you for this article – I can scarcely imagine the things which you deal with on a daily basis. Kudos to you for keeping on. I’ll never unthinkingly flag another ad.

    • carolyn

      she gets paid almost $30.00 an hour for “keeping on” and apparently failing. And here she is sniveling about it.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Yeah? How much do you make for being a cunt? I’ve been doing 18 hour days for them since 2007, who the fuck are you to judge how much I should be making?

      • carolyn

        I’m not the one on here sniveling about my job and using foul language.

      • Curly Sue

        no you’re not carolyn. 🙂

      • Joy Lynskey

        You are Carolyn you crazy bitch. Quit talking to yourself.

      • Mia Miller

        No, Carolyn, you are trolling.. Which means you probably don’t HAVE a job, since you have been on this page nonstop for the last several days from what I can see just reading the comments. And, let’s face it- you are being a cunt. Whatever your background reason for trolling this post.. you are definitely being a cunt. And that comes from someone who is just reading the commentary here. SMH. Some people with no lives.

      • Joy Lynskey

        I’m quickly falling in love with Mia

      • Sam

        It is painfully obvious that you and Curly Sue are the same person. You look very stupid.

      • Karkass

        It is absolutely astonishing how dumb your posts are. I truly didn’t realise people were capable of this level of idiocy. Are you intentionally missing the point everytime?? How can you not see how stupid you look? If you’d read the initial post you’d see that Joy is trying to get people to stop over taxing the system with complaints that aren’t time sensitive, and arent’ about immediate danger for someone. All you’ve said so far given the examples we already have, is that you’d rather see that little girl go through hell because YOU don’t like a picture and NEED someone to deal with it RIGHT AWAY, even BEFORE saving a little girl’s LIFE. You’re a disgusting person! She’s never said that there isn’t a place for watching out for racism and sexism and all the other -isms, it’s just a matter of priority and what can be handled. You are despicable. Joy is doing a good thing, and trying to do even more, and she’s asking for help from the only ones who can give that help- us, the cloggers. (I’ve never reported anything, that I can remember anyway) She’s saying that life-threatening situations are more important than your personal sensibilities. YOU’RE the one with the “delicate disposition” who can’t tolerate being offended- to the point that you would allow children to be raped as long as you get your way. Go cry to your mamma instead of FB mods- they have better/more important things to do than spoon feed your self-aggrandising, self-important, ridiculous, idiocy. Grow up.

      • Ryan

        Troll or not it is painfully obvious to all you have little to no concern, conscience, or respect for the lives and feelings of others. I would love to give you a psychological analysis of what you are because you have given me all the information I need to do so, but the content of my analysis would make it too be in bad taste to post here.

        You really should feel honoured that anyone even continues to grace your garbage with a response. The fact that you are clearly doing this to agitate and disturb others hopefully means you understand that you certainly don’t deserve it.

  • Penny Pigtales

    Thank you for this. I’ll do my best to continue not to flag stupid shit.
    I hope that somehow the bad things you see like.. disappear from your brain.

    • carolyn

      as someone said about Facebook and she agreed…if you don’t like log the F”K off”. If she doesn’t like what she does, quit the f”king job and let someone else have it.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Why would I do that? I do more good there than you could possibly do with your jealous sniveling.

      • carolyn

        I’m jealous of someone who is so bad at their job a kid get ignored while pleading for help??? Call me names, missy, I’m not the failure here. You are, by your own admission. And apparently, your job can be done by dollar an hour employees. And since your such a highly paid failure, maybe you could respond as an adult and not moan about me being jealous because of your personal failures..

      • Nate Thönnesen

        There’s a difference between ignoring things you don’t like in your free time and having to see it on your job. Plus, her complaint is legitimate, while what she’s talking about is 90% of the time illegitimate complaints. There is no ‘right to not be offended,’ so people should stop acting like there is.

      • Doodle

        Carolyn, you are a horrid, nasty, and unsettlingly dimwitted piece of shit. I am rather shocked that a turd managed to used a keyboard though. I see that you have no idea how to grasp even the very basics of logic and rationality,so just go fuck off now. It’s people like you who make the world a darker place.

      • David Riley

        Joy is not complaining she is educating us. Thank you Joy.

  • Peter Bay Jespersen

    Thanks for the reality check, it’s always good to get some understanding of ‘the other side’ of things. I’ll certainly remember this next time I’m tempted to complain about something, and most likely refrain, even maybe including instances of ‘hate speech’, though I guess if these get reported, at least /someone/ gets to review them, maybe sees if there’s more to it than that, or not. But I’ll certainly consider whether it really /is/ worth reporting, considering what you’ve said. Cheers ! and my best wishes to you and your co-workers.

    • Ryan

      Please don’t. 😦
      If you see a page issuing general hate speech, targeting no one person, please leave it be. Reporting that page won’t stop or diminish the amount of such generalized hate speech is out there, and will not stop anyone from running into it, at least not in a huge medium like Facebook.

      If you see someone viciously attacking a specific person with hate speech, then perhaps you could do so. Though it would be much more helpful to the victim of such a directed assault if you reached out to them, talked to them. 🙂
      It is really amazing and heartwarming when someone comes to your defense, and all the more so when they are a complete stranger. Message them and ask them if they are all right. Comfort them if they need it. You’ll put a smile on their face that will do more to brighten their dark day and bandage their wounds than making comments they never would have looked at again anyway vanish from sight. 🙂

      If you see someone in immediate danger, like a suicide threat, you definitely should report that pronto!
      But, also, do the things I said to do in the second paragraph. (But please make sure to be careful about it, okay? No “tough love” tactics there! D: )

      • J Lyn

        Are you saying to actually reach out and help people and that clicking report isn’t always going to have a positive effect for someone in need?

        Because that’s what I’m saying. 🙂

  • Gavriel Discordia

    I run a page for an entire U.S. State Occupy, i have dealt with all kinds of nuts before and keep the page intact and clear of disruptions. Page owners have a duty to moderate their own pages and NOT rely on FB to solve their problems.

    When it comes to uninformed Leftist and Rightwingnut activity on political pages, we have taken on a zero tolerance stance on all drama and banned anyone who causes a disruption. It made our pages safe for those who agree and are seeking to learn more, and they speak up where once they were afraid of attracting trolls.

    This duty as a page owner is especially apparent and made clear to anyone operating a progressive page, environmental page, or any other page for people who are not afraid to use logic and facts based on one simple fact; there is a ‘TeaPartyBook’ online now.

    As far as you should be concerned, its open season on the FOX ‘News’/Tea Party crowd for the ban hammer. They have no reason to be on FB other than trolling and starting shit. F them all…

    • Joy Lynskey

      Good stance to take. It’s about the only one that will work. I hesitated for years to just go all banhammer, but it really is the only true way to protect your page and your time investment there.

    • Curly Sue

      as gavrieil said,’ When it comes to uninformed Leftist and Rightwingnut activity on political pages, we have taken on a zero tolerance stance on all drama and banned anyone who causes a disruption.’

      Nothing like it just being all about you and what you think is right or wrong. don’t hear both sides to a story….just delete or block them so your little pages will be happy with just one sided ignorance.

      • Gavriel Discordia

        The fact is you have no idea what your talking about because you dont run pages. Otherwise you wouldnt put your foot in your mouth by trying to tell US how we need to handle our communities and news sites.

        We hear that line of BS everyday, “Trolls have rights too”

        No. They dont have the right to start pointless debates and post links to chemtrail videos and start arguments and post their political propaganda pictures or triads about how OUR pages are THEIR public forums.

        Discussion Groups are for Debates, and if someone has so much to teach everyone else they can start their own damn pages instead of using everyone elses as a platform for their ill conceived opinions such as yours.

        The Wing nuts and Anarcho-Capitalists can stick to Conservapedia and TeaPartyBook and your welcome to join them.

        People have some nerve suggesting we need to respect the rights of a few useful idiots and sock puppets to disrupt our communities over our ability to attract like minds, network progressive agencies together and get on with some progressive activism.

        Good Luck Trolls.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Says the person displaying tons of one-sided ignorance.

      • Uno Bubba

        You’re a troll. I’d ban you at a moment’s notice… along with your alter-ego.

  • Powell Schultz

    Nonsense article. What’s the author’s game, I wonder? Just a troll?
    Facebook moderators indeed… FB is not one of Zynga’s game forums. And if/when a user tries to report an image etc the options/reasons for reporting are already there – it’s a multiple choice thing and you pick one: “violence or drug use” “hate speech” etc. There is nowhere to write long-winded personal ‘reasons’ like those listed in the ‘article’:
    “I don’t believe in this coin. It goes against what I believe in.”
    “This fish doesn’t look like a fish, it looks like a man’s private parts, and I have small children around me during the day.”
    “I saw this on my feed and I do not approve please take it off.”
    “This page shared my picture without credit or permission.”
    “Can you remove this picture I don’t like it.”
    This is not true, my God would never let this happen.” Nonsense ‘article’.

    • Joy Lynskey

      You must have forgotten a few things. Up until the end of 2012, Facebook did allow user input for their issues. They also allowed people to report pages for impersonations. All of that was removed with the January 13th 2013 update.

      Move along, you have nothing to offer here.

      • carolyn

        “Move along, you have nothing to offer here.” Yes I do. You just don’t like my view of things. and i will not move anywhere, you powerless Troll.

      • Jessica Tracy

        February of 2012 I was trying to report a someone for berating, mocking, and telling a crippled and deformed child she should die. It was in the multiple choice question format.

        Just pointing out an inaccuracy there.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Okay. Maybe I should have given a lesson on how Facebook works first. The update that changed that rolled out on JANUARY 2013. Did I not just post that? I logged onto a dead account not even a week ago and it was still in the old format there, on my account, it has implemented the new system. I bet there are still accounts out there that allow open reporting options, but that won’t last long.

        Is that better for you?

        You want to deny that? Please tell me how you have never before seen a person on your wall complaining about their feed missing or their facebook bugging out, only to have your account do the same thing a week later.

        Just pointing out a lack of knowledge here.

      • Curly Sue

        joy you might want to check again because they still have a choice for impersonations. eg….fake page

      • Joy Lynskey

        They do, in fact have those. However, since they don’t work, and I always provide page owners who ask me for help with the actual right way to protect their pages permanently, which involves actually sending in a copy of their state/country ID. I would just have to assume that I might know what I’m saying, and that it’s quite possible you are just a trolling bitch with bad skills at hiding their domain.

      • Jessica Tracy

        “You must have forgotten a few things. Up until the end of 2012, Facebook did allow user input for their issues.”

        If I was not capable of “inputting my issue”, then it wasn’t allowed. I have a pretty good grasp for the way facebook works. I have a pretty decent grasp for internet, webpages, pushes, and technology in general.

        You, my friend, are being pretty darn arrogant here. It wasn’t a lack of knowledge, so much as it was a failing on your comment. You insinuated a generalization. Perhaps, had you phrased your comment a little more eloquently, you could have spared us the hassle. Something along these lines would have worked nicely: “You must have forgotten a few things. Up until the end of 2012, occasionally, Facebook allowed user input for their issues.”

      • Joy Lynskey

        Oh sweet fucking jesus. Okay, you tried to point out something you consider inaccuracy. That’s fine. However, go run a search on Google or any other SE you choose and you will be able to find in about 10 seconds facebook bragging about how they have ALWAYS allowed user input on reports. Do you know how they manage to make such a claim? It’s because they do.

        I don’t know if you noticed this about Facebook or not, but they are in a continual state of beta testing/updating etc.

        Facebook CAN make the claim that they have always “Allowed user feedback on bans/report issues” because they have.

        If you didn’t/don’t have the ability to leave feedback BEFORE you press send on a report, you have the ability to do so when your report is rejected. They didn’t implement the latter system without removing the former, on any given account, in ROLLING fashion like fb loves to do, meaning this week you might get it, next month your friend might. In the case of timeline, some of those updates took a freakin’ year.

        But I do want to thank you for making me actually doubt something I already know. I guess that’s the problem when you are a critical thinker. It even applies to yourself. You might want to consider that yourself calling me arrogant. My “arrogance” is in risking my job to help people understand a serious issue.

        For your information, when I get reports, they come in with Feedback


        Tags, F stands for feedback, I have never been anal enough to find out what those meant until just now. But you can thank a mod named Kapil for that. It’s him who reminded me that I was right.

        How arrogant of me.

      • Jessica Tracy

        The thing is, I completely appreciate what you’re doing. I think things like this DO need to be addressed… I just think you’re going about it in a terrible manner. You’re putting your job on the line and probably not accomplishing anything in the mean time. You’re being crass and rude to people who aren’t quite as vulgar. You’re only making yourself look like a jerk, to be blunt.

        When doing something so sensitive like this, you really need to be patient, professional, and polite to your replies and in your replies. People will respond better and you, in turn, will get a better response.

        You’re so tight wound from the trolls and people disagreeing, you snap at anyone making any comment that isn’t deliberately bending over to kiss your ass.

      • Joy Lynskey

        The snappiness of my comments is in direct relation to the assumptions made by commenters. Trying to point out ‘wrongs’ or inaccuracies, instead of just asking “hey, if that’s true, why is this” and also your insinuation that somehow you, from your limited perspective of the overall issue, know better than me how to ‘go about it’ is extremely presumptive and insulting. I have been doing this job for 7 years, perhaps instead of taking my time having me prove myself and fact check things I already know, your appreciation would be better spent not telling me how I should be.

        Kissing my ass? You have to be kidding me. I have responded with kindness and respect to every person here except those who are:

        A) An obvious troll
        B) Here to tell me how they somehow know better than me

        I don’t want anyone kissing my ass. If I wanted recognition, again, I wouldn’t be hiding my name.

        Instead of asking questions launched to distract, why aren’t you asking why after 7 years I am bringing it up now?

        That’s what a thinker would do. I’m not going to cater to people who come here to do nothing more than toss in snarky, uninformed commentary.

      • Jessica Tracy

        Actually, I’m pretty sure you were snapping at people who were just illiterate because you didn’t understand what they were saying. Regardless, I didn’t warrant a rude response. I was teasing and you were arrogant, as I stated. I wasn’t a “know it all”. I wasn’t being rude. I was joking.

        Calling people cunts, fucktards, morons, idiots, whores, bitches, and shits? I sincerely hope you aren’t looking for notoriety, because you won’t get anything positive. I never said you wanted to be noticed or recognized.

        Why do I throw in a comment in jest? To diffuse the anger and hostility you’re displaying towards your readers. Why are you just bringing this up after 7 years? That’s your business, not mine. Honestly, if it’s such a hot button with you, you’d think you would have done something sooner instead of sitting on your ass ripping into random people who are actually brave enough to share their REAL names; because, you know, calling someone a cunt is REALLY helping all those people your article is about. *rolls eyes*

      • Joy Lynskey

        Again. Full of assumptions and even lies this time.

        ” I was teasing and you were arrogant, as I stated. I wasn’t a “know it all”. I wasn’t being rude. I was joking.”

        Please show me where the teasing commenced. You were pointing out what you thought made my own comments inaccurate. Those were your words. I then spent more time than I had, TWICE, explaining myself to you, because you were just teasing then too. And let me continue to explain, in the name of teasing. Good lord, try that shit on someone that isn’t old enough to be your mother. Backpeddling is just that.

        “Calling people cunts, fucktards, morons, idiots, whores, bitches, and shits? I sincerely hope you aren’t looking for notoriety, because you won’t get anything positive. I never said you wanted to be noticed or recognized.”

        I called Carolyn and the subsequant account she made once I banned her first one a

        I replied to her calling me a drama whore, but just returning her phrase and putting a comma in the right place.
        Fucktards? Where?
        Morons? Where?

        You seen anger towards one person trolling and causing me a lot of extra time and that’s me talking to all the ‘readers’?

        Seriously, find something better to do.

      • Pandora

        It is quite annoying to lose the “duplicate page” report possibility. I had one recently where somebody had set up an identically named page and was then trolling ours trying to get people on to their “fake” one.. Only problem was theirs wasn’t actually “fake”, just a duplicate set up after ours (by more than 12 hours) by a person with a personal grudge against the “official” person who set up the page in response to a direct request (and with permission) from the national campaign admins. It’s a feature like “other reason” which it is sad to lose. Surely it can’t be too hard to make a “check” script which won’t allow identical page names. One to throw in to the pot I guess.

        As a site admin and moderator over the last 20 years or so I understand that it’s not possible to put a “tickbox” for every possible situation, but since 13th Jan it’s become almost impossible to report hatespeech/stalking unless it slots into very strict categories which sometimes just don’t fit. In my community there are certain groups who stalk and then deliberately go out of their way to post personal and private information gained about vulnerable people and their contacts, usually by using faked accounts and trickery, straight into public domain as a form of hatespeech/ridicule and with the deliberate and direct intention of putting them in real personal danger. I have had it done to me on more than one occasion, but as a public figure I’m used to it. They think it’s clever to steal a photo of me.. big deal, I have one on Wikimedia Commons for the whole world to see, and a Wikipedia profile page (public figure, privacy is a different matter).. no worries. Another person I know has been so harmed and upset by these activities that they have tried to take their life. They lost their home, job and family due to the “revelations” about their medical condition posted openly from their very private profile, including their photos, their work, home, phone number and all kinds of other “private” details. Of course we (as a movement) now have the perps home and work addresses. I wonder how they would feel if we were to do the same thing and post their private and personal information into the domain of groups who would directly target them for violent physical attacks just because of who they are, and ensure they lose their home and employment..

        I’m wise, I don’t post anything which isn’t already “public domain” in one way or another, but at the same time there are certain things which I’m happy to share with a select circle of people which I wouldn’t want to share with the whole world, even though they are in fact “public” already. It’s one thing knowing something exists if people want to look hard enough for it, it’s another splashing that right in strangers faces.. as you understand, with all your “false trails”

        I appreciate what you do, please carry on 🙂

      • Cackhanded Kate

        Yes, I’m beginning to wonder who is the troll here. If this person really works for Facebook then they seriously need to do some employee training on equality, treating customers with respect and when to seek counselling.

      • J Lyn

        That’s funny. I got the job for many of those reasons.

    • LittleWank

      Completely agreed. The reporting system hasn’t been like this in months.

  • Virgil

    K first of all, fuck you buddy who the fuck divi think u are to talk to people like that? I don’t give a fuck what u have to see on a daily basis! who the fuck are u to say your gonna delete somebody’s account? nobody said I had to sit on your fat fuckin ass in front of a computer looking at this shit. Get a fucking life u dumb cunt nerd

    • Joy Lynskey

      What the fuck are you talking about? Why do crazies keep coming here to rant? I have to think that the butthurt people who have shown up here are probably exactly the same people causing the problems on Facebook.

      • carolyn

        Becasue you let a little girl get raped and whined about how it affected YOU. You brag about your job, while sniveling about your job. You get paid for doing what others do better…for 1 dollar and hour.

      • Joy Lynskey

        I didn’t let her get raped and I didn’t whine about it affecting ME. I whined about how WHINY fuckers like you affected her chances of getting help in time. Get the fuck out of here before I ban your sniveling ass. Go get some fucking help, Facebook is NOT going to counsel you through your issues.

      • Joan Patrick

        Of course they are they can’t seem to get enough clogging you up with so many reports about nonessential offences that they have to come here too god forbid that people scroll past or unlike a page so they don’t have to view it BEFORE reporting it not that it should be reported too bad you can’t bill for “inappropriate usage of reporting abilities” kind of like they do if you call 911 and its isn’t a real emergency but that would shut some fuckers up.

      • Curly Sue.

        just a bit of power tripping here on the mods side don’t you think. so you’re planning to ban all that doesn’t agree with you? now calling people crazy because they don’t agree with you. get off your band wagon..seriously.
        I am an American who demands rights and all, so I make approximately $29 dollars per hour more than them.
        as in your worlds joy, “Get over your narcissism. Your shabby reasons behind reporting shit are not just offensive but harmful in many cases.’

      • Joy Lynskey

        You aren’t making much sense. I’m going to have to ask you to be remotely literate or leave.

      • Pia

        Without a doubt.
        Though there’s a surplus of crazies on the Internet. And sadly, they seem to be the most vocal.

      • Ryan

        “You aren’t making much sense. I’m going to have to ask you to be remotely literate or leave.”

        That is my favorite retort of all time.
        Have I mentioned how generally awesome you are yet

    • Mia Miller

      You, sir, sound like the pot calling the kettle black. Sounds like it’s time for you to take your own advice and get off YOUR fat ass and get out from in front of the computer and get a life. Or go upstairs and visit your Mom instead of just masturbating to her picture down in the basement.

    • Karkass

      Shut up. Mods actually DO have the right, and more importantly, the RESPONSIBILITY to delete accounts…

  • ColbyC

    Virgil, I’ll bite on your hook, you retarded fucking troll. It is quite apparent that you either lack the intellect to compute what the author is saying or you have nothing better to do. If you don’t like how this operation is ran, you don’t have to be a part of it. Delete your account. I guess the real bottom line is that you can go fuck yourself right the fuck off.

    In other news, this is a well written article and hopefully the idiots will get their heads out of their asses and stop wasting people’s time. Thank you for informing us on how disgusting some of the things are, and letting us know about things to keep an eye out for. It’s unfortunate some people are allowed to exist in our society at all. Consider the message passed on.

    • carolyn

      oh, I guess we stepped on some sensitive toes by daring to point out the other side of this. ” It’s unfortunate some people are allowed to exist in our society at all.” you sniveled. oh, and who gets to determine who’s worthy. You?!?Ha!

      • Joy Lynskey

        Oh look. This butthurt cunt can’t stop posting. And without so much of a link to identify herself with. You know posting here leaves your IP right? Find something better to do with your time.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Other side of what? You and your gun nut friends running around reporting shit? Is that the problem? You are upset because your personal agenda doesn’t go through? Fuck off.

      • Cecily

        You are an idiot. You need a life. You need a hobby or to maybe get out of the house. Oh god, or are you that busy body neighbor everyone hates? poor girl. you probably report people daily and no one cares. You are lacking attention is that it? Do you need attention? Do you need a friend? I am sure you can find something or someone to make you feel justified in life and not have to bash others/report to get the attention you crave:)
        Seriously people, the world does not revolve around you or your petty dislikes. There is real shit out there. You are running the risk of “seeing something you don’t like” every time you open your browser.

      • Karkass

        PLease grow a brain before posting anything else. or at least go back to the original post to see that you missed the point ENTIRELY.

      • Glenn B Barnhart Jr

        This thread is an interesting study. Joy has eloquently explained some of the “behind the scenes” issues facing FB Mods trying to keep the platform somewhat safe. I heard no “complaint” per se in her article and found it interesting. It is hard to understand the source of the vitriol that the article triggered. I am a regular FB user but have never reported any page. If I find their content distasteful i simply stop viewing and as far as I know I have viewed no material that might lead me to believe an individual was at risk.
        A couple of questions…
        1. What is a “troll” as used frequently in this thread? Generally the meaning of words become apparent when seen in context but this one is elusive. I’m pretty sure no one was referring to the troll that lived under the bridge with whom the fabled goats contended.
        2. Why is Carolyn/Curly Sue/ Sybil allowed to dominate this thread with inane chatter when she is clearly semi-literate and off point most of the time. Were I to post and receive the feedback she does i would have to reconsider my positions, my rhetoric, and my sanity.
        3. If one has multiple personalities can each have their own FB page?


      • tlars699

        Okay, carolyn- you need to stop. Seriously. I mean I could understand your perspective right up until here, just skimming through. Trollish, much?

    • Joy Lynskey

      Thanks Colby. I have no idea why so many have chosen to take this personally. I have no guess on it other than that they are the same ones who can’t cope with being on Facebook without hitting the report button.

      “you can go fuck yourself right the fuck off. ”

      Yes, they sure can. Somehow, people seem to think I am asking them to think about ME, or to consider me or the other mods when really, I thought I had made it clear I’d prefer they think about the people that might really need help from facebook mods for real issues, not tittys and tea parties.

      • carolyn

        ” I have no idea why so many have chosen to take this personally”
        You let a child get raped, and complained about it’s affect on YOU.And you ‘re just doing a job a monkey can do. And a monkey wouldn’t cry and threaten to tell.

      • Joy Lynskey

        I *let* a child get raped? Did someone read it to you? How are you literate enough to type this stuff but can’t have possibly read what I wrote?

      • Joy Lynskey

        Look Ms or Mrs. Stephens, you obviously need help. If you post here one more time I am NOT going to ban you, I am going to leave this shit up while I call the police in your area to get you the help you apparently need. They are going to want to read it to understand why I called and hopefully to get you an old fashioned 51/50

      • oregonangus

        Joy, please do everybody a favour and DELETE this effing bitch, Carolyn. there are many other people here who are actually adding something positive to this exchange of ideas. engaging this ignorant fucktard has probably just encouraged her enough now that even if we all ignored her she’d keep on filling up this space with her spastic drivel. Please just lower the hammer on her and let the rest of us be on our merry way. thanks.

      • Curly Sue.

        you bragged that you were going to post some ones reports because you didn’t like what was being said. seriously joy! i totally get what your saying…but who are you to decide what is morally right? I have reported several things…but if facebook had any kind of moral compass it wouldn’t be an issue. sorry that you feel others moral compass isn’t as good as yours but thank god some of us do and feel hate speech, pictures or some girls cunt is okay to be floating around facebook. also…how would a seven year old have a facebook account in the first place????????

      • Shelli

        How would a 7 year old have a FB account? You’re seriously asking this question? My Son had one when he was 8, with my permission. However, all he had to do was lie about his birthdate. It’s really quite simple.

      • Joy Lynskey

        You want me to post them? What are you getting at? Making a brand new email account with a canada extension doesn’t mean I don’t know who you are, idiot.

      • Ryan

        Joy someone recently told me, “thank god you’re a person because the world would be worse without you” but honestly, I think it really should have been sent to you instead. I don’t even want to imagine how awful things would be if you weren’t there to help all of those people, and their fate depended instead on something like that creature roaming around the comments section. Isn’t it funny how the only point it manages to prove is how worthy and qualified you are for the work that you do?

        I am glad it is apparently unable to comprehend logic and reason, such realization would probably be devastating!

  • Martina S

    I got permanently banned for reporting pedo’s, I thought it was important to get these freaks off facebook, but in turn, I’m the one who was punished, they didn’t even give me a warning or anything either…so now I don’t report $hit, but I would like to be the one able to delete all the sicko’s!

    • Martina S

      So, actually they aren’t even doing their jobs! moderator my butt, I’d love to get paid to screen facebook and get all the wack jobs off of there!!

      • Joy Lynskey

        You must have missed the tons of places I mentioned how most reports go to an automated system. No one is reading your reports, they don’t come to us to read.

        Do you even understand a little bit of what you read, or did you avoid the stress of reading totally?

        “I’d love to get paid to screen facebook and get all the wack jobs off of there!!”

        Yes, I am sure you would do a lot better with 7 years less experience than I have.

  • Tilzah Elflover

    You are a moderator, to deal with peoples complaints, small or large, valid or not, is your job, that is the job you are paid to do. You are NOT paid to decide who is right and who wrong. You moderate and deal with each complaint as valid. As most complaints that are made are valid to the person making them.Yes there are going to be times where you get fustrated , get over it!! Did I say before that that is your job? The issue I have here is that a lot of little problems often point to the fact that there is a big problem out there.

    • Gavriel Discordia

      Get off the dudes back, some of us have a conscience and try to be human beings before ‘doing our jobs’. Petty ideological ninny complaints mean jack when peoples lives are on the line. Your priorities are wack lady…

    • James

      SERIOUSLY. This. Did everyone miss that he said he gets paid $30 an hour to do this work? That’s three times more of an hourly wage than I’ve eve made in my life, usually doing much more difficult work. Even the police have to sift through nonsense complaints in order to get to the real crimes and horrors worthy of their attention. This guy makes it sound like there’s thousands of real horrifying crimes going on via Facebook that he personally prevents. The fact of the matter is that stumbling across these things is the side-effect of the actual job, not the job itself, and blaming every day Facebook users for somehow preventing him from effectively helping people in real life horror situations is just kind of ridiculous.

      • Joy Lynskey

        “Did everyone miss that he said he gets paid $30 an hour to do this work? That’s three times more of an hourly wage than I’ve eve made in my life, usually doing much more difficult work.”

        I’ve been working for them for 7 years, I have 2 degrees that are the only reason why they even hired me for this position. If you have never made more than 10 dollars per hour you may want to consider getting some higher-education.

        “Even the police have to sift through nonsense complaints in order to get to the real crimes and horrors worthy of their attention. ”

        Yeah? Oddly, the police are taking care of real life issues. I made it pretty clear that I take those seriously too, but usually only when they pop up after reading 8 hours of idiots whining about jesus meme’s or crazy liberals.

        “This guy makes it sound like there’s thousands of real horrifying crimes going on via Facebook that he personally prevents”

        Really? Because I specifically wrote about only one crime that I was NOT able to prevent. Idiot. I also provided 3 resource links from other past mods who shared pretty much the same story as I did. Did you read that? Because most people who have a brain like to read more than just one story to get to the root of the matter. I provided those for those people. Obviously, one of them isn’t you.

        “The fact of the matter is that stumbling across these things is the side-effect of the actual job, not the job itself, and blaming every day Facebook users for somehow preventing him from effectively helping people in real life horror situations is just kind of ridiculous.”

        You know my job description? The job itself, so you know, is to take raised tier complaints from the floor mods (that means the grunts if you want blunt) aren’t sure how to do their own jobs. This means that those titty pictures and jesus meme’s just get banned out and those pedo pictures and other instances that require alerts come to me. I don’t have to look at them, I just have to complete the required steps for specific reports, sometimes that involves calling local authorities, etc.

        Did you just not read? Quit fucking posting then because I have other shit to do than to reply to morons. I am actually here, as I said, to answer any relevant questions people have. Your trolllolololing is annoying.

        Did my update help you to comprehend anything better? Probably not.

      • Joan Patrick

        guess the extra money helps pay for counsling for what they have to look at all day every day or the schooling required to get there thats expensive of and 8 years exp. huh must not need to get paid that much. its just a computer job right? I make 30 So get over yourself if you dont like your payscale GO BACK TO SCHOOL AND GET A BETTER JOB.

      • LittleWank

        Dude’s full of shite, IMO.

    • Joy Lynskey

      “You are NOT paid to decide who is right and who wrong”

      Uh huh? Did you read? Where did I mention that I was basing decisions on what was right? I made it patently clear that it was not my option to do so.

      You fucks need to read before you comment.

      And also, sorry for your narcissism, but you being offended by pictures of tittys will NEVER merit more of my attention than people who are in actual danger or trouble.

      Deal with it.

    • Nate Thönnesen

      So what, Joy cannot have an opinion about the work just because he’s paid to do it? He’s not saying she’s going to not continue dealing with the reports (even if it’s to laugh at them because people are waaaaay too easily offended and act as if they have a right to not be offended, when no such right exists), he’s simply pointing out how scumtastic this stuff is.

    • Jessica Tracy

      I agree with this post. I work customer service as well. Facebook users are your customer base. It doesn’t matter their complaint, you have to handle all complaints. A blog post like this is likely not going to make your life easier. Far as I can see, it’s wasting your time arguing with people like Carolyn etc.

      • Karkass

        Uh, no. FB users are NOT the customers. the companies that buy ad space are the customers. How did this become what SHE (how have so many people thought Joy is male name?) makes an hour? how does have anything to do with anything? I agree this will probably make her life even more difficult, but for non-jerks it’s nice to get a bit of insight on how things work and how we can help make things more effective so that crimes being commited and people getting hurt can be dealt with instead of babysitting the “I didn’t like that cartoon” crowd.

    • Cecily

      Are all these people total idiots? She isn’t complaining about her job, she is trying to tell you to grow up and report shit that matters, not your own little personal pissy pants problems. If you don’t like something use the “hide post” option or delete the person or I don’t know get off Fb and find something better to do with your time. She needs to keep the reports to shit that matters so she can actually help the people who REALLY have a problem. If dumbasses keep reporting stupid shit, she can’t do her job as effectively as she needs to because she has to deal with dumbass complaints that DO NOT mean anything at the end of the day. Grow up this is the internet,…. you are going to see shit that offends you. If you can’t handle that fact GET THE FUCK OFF. It’s simple really if you have a brain:)

      • tlars699

        You know, as a general idea, there are things you can do to *filter your feed* and you guys can post in the article on how to do that, or how about sending an automatic response to those who mention “jesus” “Mo” “Titties” etc., explaining how to do just that?
        I filter Xtians off my feed all of the time, and I’m much happier for it. I don’t have to even defriend anybody. It’s great!

  • vincent

    What a regrettable revelation this is. As it seems unlikely that this information will reach everyone or that these overly sensitive fb reports will ever relent to offer the important ones a more timely visibility rate – how about another solution? Is it impossible for facebook to implement a system by which these reports can be filtered or prioritised by things like key words in the report description, or the age of the user reporting? If facebook are unwilling to coordinate such an addition to the moderators ‘toolbelt’ then I’d suggest that they are equally part of the problem.

    • Gavriel Discordia

      Maybe they should spare some adspace for help-line numbers and stuff like that. And maybe people need to take care of their own problems and start help-pages and do something for their own instead of waiting for authority figures to fix everything.

      Yeah its would be great if they were hands off like Craigslist so no one would ever get deleted. And yeah it would be great if FB got everyones fingerprints and DNA on file and could access all our webcams and find all the bad guys, but both are unlikely scenarios…

      Be the solution.

      • vincent

        I can’t imagine that prioritising reports based on common criteria is impossible, but I can imagine that facebook might simply not care enough to do so. While we can all argue about what is right or wrong, it could be resolved majoritively from the inside by ensuring that important reports are highlighted before others. I think anyone who reads this article and doesn’t try to be a part of the solution is … well, unreasonable is the politest word I can use… but what are facebook the company doing about it? Why does it take so long for a child’s plea for help to be read? Shouldn’t a child’s message with the word “uncle” in the content be prioritised? Facebook should also take responsibility and make some changes to the way these reports are reviewed, with some dedicated algorithms and an appropriate priority system.

      • Joy Lynskey

        “Be the solution”

        I could have removed about 500 words from this post just to say that. I’m glad you did, I just wish they would.

        You made some great suggestions by the way. I have a meeting Tuesday about some of the mod issues and I am going to bring up what you said about the ad space.

    • Curly Sue.

      here here vincent. maybe put their money where their mouth is to set up such a great idea.

    • Ryan

      Computer programs and algorithms that pick out specific words can only do so much. Any algorithm that you write to filter through the approximately 5423789502789402 reports they get every x units of time will either:
      a) Grab a vast majority of the important reports, but with an overwhelmingly greater number of silly reports clinging to them
      b) Grab important reports with minimal silly reports stuck to them, BUT sadly missing a great deal of important reports that did not match the strict search criteria that would be required to produce this result

      You suggested for example searching for the word “uncle”
      That alone will grab mostly silly reports
      “So-and-so said my uncle smells bad”
      “What’s-her-face said my uncle is a poopyhead”
      “My uncle smells bad and is a poopyhead”
      That is result (A)

      Now you might suggest requiring it to find serious trigger words along with “uncle”
      That will still grab silly results
      “I hop3 ur uncle rapes u”
      “ur uncle can suck my cawk”
      “that’s not what your uncle said about my dick durrrrr”
      This is still result (A)

      We could narrow it down more by having it search for specific phrases, although then we’d probably drop having it require uncle in there (as it probably should anywhere) because anyone could be abusive or molesty, not just someone’s uncle
      Sadly however, you will then miss reports that lack the descriptiveness of your tighter search criteria…
      The seven year old girl might not have used any serious trigger words in her report, in fact I just scrolled up to check, if what is in quotes is the whole message, then no she really didn’t.
      In that case, a stricter search criteria would have passed over her report entirely… ._.
      This is result (B)

      I hope this helps explain a bit about filters, it if helps add anything to my credibility you may know that I am a programmer. If you have any other questions you can ask me, hopefully, I will have an answer. 🙂

  • James

    I will gladly do the job you describe for $30 an hour. To whom do I send my resume?

    • Joy Lynskey

      You start 7 years ago and work your way up.

      • carolyn

        It took you seven years to be bad enough to avoid helping the rape victim?

      • Joy Lynskey

        Yeah? So you are here to taunt me for not being able to help a rape victim? How long did it take you to learn to be such a raging useless cunt?

      • carolyn

        “How long did it take you to learn to be such a raging useless cunt?”
        WELL, i DON’T HAVE THE EXPERIENCE OR JEST FOR IT THAT YOU DO, BUT I’VE BEEN WORKING ON IT SINCE I WAS RAPED AS A CHILD, AND WATCHED THE ADULTS LIKE YOU TELL HOW HARD IS WAS ON THEM, AND GET ALL INTO THEIR OWN GRIEF. I await your filthy mouthed preply, probably blaming me for my own rape.Because I dared question your own self pity.have you turned my IP in to the internet police yet? Oh, wait…You are the internet police. No wonder you are os damaged and profane.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Aw fuck you cunt. Here you are ranting about your own personal me issue again and saying that it’s because of people like me? Shut the fuck up and go cry to someone who gives a fuck about your adult ass. You are blaming me for ‘letting a little girl get raped’ which makes you a sick bitch. You have done nothing but troll here and make snide comments and ignorant judgements. I didn’t have shit to do with your rape, if someone is still alive that did, I’d suggest you go have it out with them. This isn’t a site for therapy, and you need some.

      • Joy Lynskey

        There you go. Now anyone who agrees with you can go talk to you on your facebook profile. That’s where you belong. Not here.

        Otherwise, you are not going to be making any more comments here.

        Comprehend? You are doing nothing but distracting from the real issue, and obviously your own.

        Get help.

      • Mia Miller

        Hey, Carolyn- you need to stop your ass and think. If years ago there had been such a thing as facebook and you reported you were in danger (as you claim to have been raped as a child.. I am not doubting you btw) Would you be arguing your non-existent point? I mean, if you read the article, which you apparently didn’t, you would notice that this moderator is saying that she wasn’t able to help a little girl because she was MIRED in FRIVOLOUS reports that she had to survey IN ORDER. Without those frivolous reports, she might have seen the serious, critical one sooner and been able to help that child. You are placing blame on a person for a straw-argument reason. Seriously. I really think you should get some help. (And no, I’m not being mean, I am truly concerned.) That kind of misplaced aggression isn’t good for anyone. You have unresolved issues that need to be dealt with for your own safety. What happened to you was WRONG and whoever did it to you, if there’s a Hell, I hope they burn in it. But your aggression is misguided here. She didn’t set that girl’s report aside or ignore it. She was busy having to slog through people’s useless butthurt because it’s her JOB to do so. The whole point of her article is that she WANTS to be able to help the people who are in DANGER and can’t because people are too wrapped up in their own butthurt and reporting things that are petty.

      • J Lyn

        Holy crap. I sure do like you. I’m not sure why very few people get what I wrote, but you just nailed it. I don’t think they *want* to get it. I think that might be due to some guilt.

      • LittleWank

        Wow, dude. YOU are the problem. You want to speak to people the way you do, bully them, put their real name on your blog so others can bully them too, and it’s all good? I’ll bet if someone did it to you on FB, you’d report the shit too, wouldn’t you?

  • Hello Dolly Llama

    I think it is irresponsible for Zuckerberg to create a community of hundreds of millions of people, and just let it police itself by machine, instead of using some of his billions to set up a credible monitoring system.

  • Margaret

    I appreciate everything you do. I personally don’t report much, but wish the one i had made several years ago would have made it higher up on the priority list. A friend of mine living in ny committed suicide after posting his intentions on his status. I still wonder how many people’s petty reports came before mine.

  • Olana

    When I read the title of this piece, I thought “Oooo, I’d love to be a Facebook mod; ideal job!”. But WOW! I could seriously have not imagined the extent of what you have to deal with. I’ve seen such things, and dealt with such situations in the past, but simply cannot imagine being inundated with it the way you are, or feeling as disconnected and helpless when receiving it, as I’m sure you do. Major kudos for doing what you do. Thankfully I’ve never seen anything like you describe on FB; I’m blown away that anyone would be so stupid as to post that kind of thing on social media. It’s such a sad sad world.

    Looking at it from the other view though; I had to close my FB account because it was getting temporarily banned several times a day, every day, for what seemed like a couple of months (may have only been a few weeks). I had no idea what the problem was, and as far as I could tell wasn’t breaking any rules. It would be useful if FB sent people an email (automated of course) telling them why they’ve been banned; what posts were offensive, that kind of thing.

    • Joy Lynskey

      I know. I have a group that actually works towards unbanning accounts for people who have been banned unreasonably. I have been working on a personal account for a person who runs charities on FB pages for a month. The reporting system is ALL wrong and I’ve been trying to convince those on the back end who will listen that these random bans are going to be the end of FB

      • Rolling Pin

        There are a number of pages that get banned on a regular basis for very minor issues, simply because some people don’t like them (certain law-enforcement-supporter pages, for example). What’s the possibility of an autorule requiring elevation before a page which has been unbanned can get banned again?

      • Joy Lynskey

        Good question and one I will bring up in my skype meeting tomorrow.

      • Rolling Pin

        Glad to hear that! Good luck!

  • s.sawyer

    of course we all have things we find offensive, any civilized human being is offended at uncivilized behavior but it is everyone’s right to their opinion and our own beliefs on what is important enough to be reported..simply put just being offended by a post isn’t reason enough to make it an issue despite our feelings or idea the bar has to be set that if you don’t like something avoid it if its illegal report it your beliefs are your guide and I believe that your opinion though i may disagree is as valid as my own

  • Toby

    Oh my god man.. This is just glorious! Joy, people like you make me happy.

    There are thousands of idiotic people who know what the internet is, and proceed to spread their horrible amounts of butthurt throughout the internet. They never do the simplest thing, get off the internet and do something else. Because they are effecting the lives of good people, effecting good friendships, and families.

    Sure, some things offend me, and something I do offend others, but we don’t go all guns blazing over it, because honestly, sometimes it isn’t THAT big of a deal.

    You deserve a medal, I applaud with confidence.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Kind words Toby, thank you. I don’t want a medal, I don’t even want people to know who I really am. I was only hoping that this post would open some eyes about some of the real issues back here and hopefully encourage them to restrict reporting activities to very serious issues. I don’t get offended much, but wow, if I did, I’d certainly know the internet wasn’t the place for me to be.

  • Kittamaru

    My God… I knew Facebook attracted a crowd of all kinds, but this is beyond comprehension. Joy, I hope you and yours will be able to put all this behind you when the time comes… seeing the worst of humanity cannot be easy on you! I wish people like yourself weren’t required to try and prevent this filth from going on, but humanity is depraved and sick… and that saddens me to no end.

    Best of luck Joy, and to your teams… every single person you help is, I hope, worth the pain you suffer through.

  • Allison

    such a great article. appreciate all that you do. i actually am even more annoyed by fb snitches now. ive been banned more times than i can count and none of them were for anything in violation of fb standards. risque photos sure, but no nudity porn hate speech etc. and to think so many people are wasting your time on bullshit and have likely taken your attention from a matter that is truly serious……its totally fucked. you can believe that those who are ‘bothered’ by some side boob, or dirty talk and flip out, i will do my best to let them know what they are doing…..basically backing up 911 with prank phone calls. ya know im thinking it wouldnt be a bad idea to as you are obligated to ban admins who do post outright porn or nudity even amongst willing adults, fb should ban fb snitches who report frivillous crap like you mentioned in your article. they can either lighten up or be kicked off like everyone else. it may free up some of your time to tend to the real issues.

  • Cathy Spaulding Brooks

    If something offends me on FB, I simply put it on ignore. I would not “report” it. I simply, to put it in “historic” language, “Change the Channel”

    If it is a threatened crime (especially if it’s local), I’d call the cops or 911. Can’t now think of any instance in which I’d report something to FB.

    Does simply
    putting someone on “Ignore” make me narcissistic?

  • Jack

    I wish everyone who had a facebook account took the time to read this. Honestly the whining is really annoying when you can save lives.

  • bbob

    Brilliant article. Astounding in fact.
    What also astounds me is the people who simply do not understand. Nobody set facebook up for ‘you’ (whoever you are whinging and moaning about what you find there and what offends you). Nobody forces you to be there. Facebook is a service that you can use on the terms that facebook sets. And it can change those terms whenever it wants and you can merrily fuck off if you don’t like it. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. For your own thoughts, problems, words, sensibilities, responses, emotions.
    There are a minority of people in this world to whom terrible things happen; unexpectedly, unavoidably and against their will. These people need help, protection and justice.
    For the rest off you, simply don’t press the ‘on’ button if you still need a babysitter.
    If for a single second in your thought processes you even vaguely toy with the notion that ‘facebook’ or the internet in general ‘owes’ you any thing then you need to get a grip. On reality, on your own behaviour and on what is important in life.
    And by ‘owing’ you I mean expecting protection or validation.
    Protect yourself. Validate yourself. USE YOUR BRAIN and emotional intelligence.
    Teach this to your children. That is your responsibility in life, not whinging, moaning and reporting to the guy that wrote this article. And by teaching them I mean, lead by example.
    So you are a perfectly lovely person posting totally acceptable stuff and facebook bans you or pulls it down? And you want to complain about that? You feel the desperate urge to tell somebody about the total injustice of it all. GET A GRIP. Find a warzone and stand in it, do a shift in a care home, nurse your adult son through drug rehab, spend a day hunting in bins for your own food (you are 4 and your parents went out 2 days ago), work a 14 hour shift then bath and put your kids to bed, invent the dyson, find out you’ve got dementia. None of these people will have time to put the computer on and post brainless shit or complain about it for a long long time. They don’t know what ‘facebook’ is and perhaps you shouldn’t either.

  • Kitty

    What a jerk he is crybaby whining in his article just as he claims others to complain. What a friggen joke! Then he admits he doesn’t care about porn on the net, or its users, and admits that the majority of facebook employees are of another country. Jobs taken from the American people so they can save a few dollars. Also he admits our private messages can be read and violated without a warrant being issued first. Sounds to me like a very bitter person who hates their job and he needs to find a new job. By the way, think of all the serious cries for help that are being missed by that automatic ignore system.

  • Vinícius Gama de Farias

    Wow… I don’t even know what to say. Suddenly I feel great for never ever reporting anything on Facebook. I’ll keep this up, and share this article so, hopefully, more people can think twice before reporting a coin or a fish.

  • Charles Kinsey

    This story pulls at many of my strings . I certainly understand the frustration and even guilt felt by the writer . I also hate many of the same people . Nothing on my end really makes any of this my fault or makes me shrug off having my page deleted for a minor baited violation after being reported by someone far worse . I did kind of chalk it up to no one caring enough to read comments around my own or even the title of the post , but then i’m trumped by rape and horror which I reported a few times only to be told it was okay that a page showed a hanging body . So I have a little empathy but it doesn’t just explain away the problems . I did however appreciate this story and the writer in context .

  • Eric Ciolina

    This is one I am ashamed to say I use a lot: “I saw this on my feed and I do not approve please take it off.” but it’s mostly on pages that appear for me to like. In my case, maybe others as well, when I’m reading my news feed I like it to be from my friends list and only that, not something I might like because I like something else. Since there’s not an “Unlike” or “Don’t Like” button then reporting seems the only viable option available.

    I have a number of people on my friends list that post things i don’t approve of or find offensive but I don’t report something like; “Can you remove this picture I don’t like it.” or the others that you listed because, well, I can just not look at or remove that person from my news feed, or worst case unfriend the individual 😦

    Everyone has a right to the own opinion and to express that opinion, just because you find something offensive doesn’t mean you have the right to make that person believe the way you do. IMHO if you feel you have to change how someone else views the world just because you find something they like as offensive, then maybe you should try accepting the fact the see things differently and stop trying to change them.

    Reading this article, thanks to the individual that shared it on my news feed, I’m going to try very hard at changing how I look at each posting now. Forgive me on those days my mind isn’t working very well and revert back to reporting the uninteresting stuff.

  • John

    wow i am amazed….. facebook has some intelligent moderators…. kudos…. i just got off a thirty day ban for chiding someone for being rude…. it annoyed the hell out of me… but unlike the legions of trolls that inhabit facebook with tons of profiles this is my only profile and when it does get deleted i wont be coming back…..i was also annoyed with reading the article about zuck saying billionaires are just smarter than you…. he needs his ass beat in a serious way…imagine a website with a billion user profiles and no real customer support…

    • Joy Lynskey

      Yeah. It’s a fucking kick in the teeth. He knows people will stay and play and he doesn’t have to pay. It is that simple really.

    • Ryan

      I’ve never not been given reason to believe that he wasn’t both an idiot and an asshole.
      I’m glad I never thought that of his company or employees though, and so much more so after reading this article. x_x
      I have only respect now for the employees of Facebook (whereas before I had no opinion).
      Except of course for Zuck, I will almost certainly never be given a good enough reason to see him as anything but an asswad. :<

  • Joan Patrick

    I’ve never been good at speaking to people whether it’s verbal or written but on have found myself to view the world more lyrically and on occasion with prose. So I guess here’s my opinion of face book.

    “Though Captain of my fate I be
    And sail the foam specked oceans
    My head lies heavy ‘gainst my chest
    Weighed down by leaden crowns of flesh
    I am pillowed in my body’s sleep
    For even a Captain must have his rest
    And a sane man have his apathy.”

    we all decide what we will wand will not view so if you don’t like it ban it scroll past or unlike the page if you have to un friend somebody but don’t report something because you find it offensive if it is CRIMMINAL by ALL means report it otherwise leave it be because I can guarantee somebody find you as if not more so offensive than what you’re about to report. Just like some people will be offended by my poetry and guess what? I don’t care.

  • Shelli

    I totally feel ya on this. I used to work for a company that scoured the internet for “objectionable” materials, to make sure that it didn’t make it past the filters for the blocking software it developed. If something was marked as offensive or illegal, it was then passed to several other moderators to ensure that it truly was objectively being handled. Sounds like that might not be the case at Facebook (correct me if I’m wrong)?

    I’ve also had my stuff reported because the religious find it offensive to their delicate sensibilities. *rolls eyes*

    Not sure if you’ll see this or not, but I would love the opportunity to do the type of job you do! If you guys need more eyes, please let me know how I can apply for that job. You can contact me through my blog or the email that should come through with my comment.

    • Curly Sue.

      Shelli says : April 14, 2013 at 11:47 pm

      How would a 7 year old have a FB account? You’re seriously asking this question? My Son had one when he was 8, with my permission. However, all he had to do was lie about his birthdate. It’s really quite simple.

      yes i am asking! if you have to lie about your age to be able to have a facebook page then you wouldn’t know the kid was seven. so are you seriously questioning my question shelli???

      • Shelli

        Your question was how would a 7 year old even have a FB account. I showed you how. Do you know what the child said exactly? No? Then you don’t know if the child said her age or not when sending the report. It’s not rocket science, ya know.

    • Curly Sue.

      i love some of the ass kissers around here. lmfao. NOT! if you read everything shelli, you would know that you only get paid $1 per hour.

      • Shelli

        Did I mention anything about pay? Please feel free to quote me if I did.

        Also, the company that I worked for before didn’t pay by the hour, it paid by the amount of pages I was viewing. I probably received less than $1 an hour. Pay doesn’t mean jack shit to me, I enjoy the work.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Yeah. I’ll keep banning Carolyn/Curly Sue here. She is one of those people who rapid fires reports into Facebook about things that offend her.

  • John Atthecross Mariani

    I have an art page … but from my phones page app i can see that there are people who give “negative ” feedback . it is art and i usually do not post anything that could be construed as offensive . but it seem that there is always at least one person who wastes their and your time with a negative report …
    i have shared this story on my art page and home page to get the word out .
    Thank you for making this public .

  • Rob McLauchlin

    Arrogant, ethnocentric, ignorant: If the author is the best Facebook can do, it should stick with ‘bots.

    • Curly Sue.

      here! here! Rob

      • Karkass

        Mrs. Vengeful Idiot Troll, it’s spelled “Hear, hear.” You really should spend some time on improving yourself, like losing that “getting paid $1/per hr.” obsession you’ve got. It’s very bizarre. For someone who’s claiming a morally superior position, you talk about money more than anyone else has on this thread. It’s very suspicious, and once again, makes you look absolutely stupid as you continually misunderstand this discussion and point fingers everywhere but where they should be pointing. If you know so much about right and wrong, and your page suggests you have a consience, you should DO something other than troll the people that are trying to help you!

    • Joy Lynskey

      “Arrogant, ethnocentric, ignorant”

      Three things those that know me would never call me. Basically, this means you fail and that chances are high you are also a whiny reporter.

  • Genie Christie Long

    Joy, I spent my career (31 years) working for Child Protective Services. I know the awful things that are out there, and I commend you for caring and for doing what you can. If there are things that can be done to help you, I would be more than happy to do that. I am retired now and spend a lot of time on FB. I don’t have the problems that some of the commenters here talk about – if I don’t like what someone posts, I unfriend them. If I see a controversial article that I know will be full of stupid comments, I don’t read the comments. Works better for me that way. 🙂

  • Amanda

    I’m so sorry you have to go through all of those horrible images. This will definitely make me stop and think before I report anything. I do have a question about spam. Should I just hide the post, or mark it as spam? Lately I’ve been getting biker dating ads in my newsfeed, I mark them as spam, I figured that way it would stop them from popping up. It hasn’t and after reading this I’m worried that those posts I’ve marked are some of the pointless reports you have to go through. If so, I am so sorry!

    I have reported pornography, unfortunately by the time my report was looked into, the pictures had been removed by the poster themselves. Glad they were removed, but frustrated that I then get a message saying my reported posts didn’t violate Facebook rules. They were of a naked woman and man having sex with Kim Kardashian’s face put over the woman’s. You could see penis and vagina, and they were posted repeatedly on a marriage equality group. What would your recommendation be in that instance? Just block the poster or report?

    Thank you for all of your hard work and that of your colleagues!

  • Julie

    FB might get some relief for the moderators by having a better-honed category menu for complaints. “Offensive content” is simply too broad. Add options such as “report a crime”, etc. and that might help separate the important ones from the silly ones. Several of us reported a pedo page with very slow response from FB, but I took the view that perhaps it might be more useful to report these sorts of pages to the FBI anyway. It is not unreasonable to suspect that at least some of them are RUN by law enforcement, anyway. If someone threatens to shoot the President, call the Secret Service, not FB. If someone threatens to commit suicide, call local police in their town. These sorts of solutions should be made public on FB with general announcements telling people how to intervene on their own if they believe there is a credible threat. Repeat endlessly that “unfriend” and “block” are available to users who find someone’s taste in art, politics, cartoons, etc. objectionable. FB might also track chronic complainers and sanction them instead of their victims when a certain quota is reached. It is quite true that political operatives in the pay of both parties make it a habit to troll the opposition’s pages in the hope of getting them automatically banned.

  • Sean


    Thank you for the work you do. I have never reported anything myself (never really occurred to me to do so, honestly).

    I once had a friend who was posting some… cries for help, I guess they were. We sort of thought he was “crying wolf”, as he had done this type of thing before. Later, I found out that he had committed suicide.

    I don’t know if reporting would have made a difference in that situation, but I am glad that there are people like yourself who are there to help.

    I apologize on behalf of some of the people making ill-informed, ignorant, or simply mean comments here.

    • Andrea Leong

      Sean, that’s very sad.

      In the case of a friend or acquaintance talking about suicide, I’m not sure that reporting to fb would be effective. The best thing anyone can do for them is to talk to them and ask directly, “Are you thinking of taking your own life?” The worry that this question will create thoughts of suicide where there were none before is false. If someone is thinking of taking their own life, listen as best you can without judgement, and encourage them to get help. Keep doing that and keep in touch with that person throughout the coming days. We’re in the better position to do that than a fb mod.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Good tips. And if you think someone is going to attempt suicide, call the police and send them to their address, but do not warn the person. I know that may feel like a low thing to do to a friend, but it does save lives, and not all of them regret being saved.

      • Sean

        Thanks- In this particular situation, this was someone I hadn’t seen in years. He’d been struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, and was completely unwilling to accept help, from myself, or any of his (several) other friends who were in recovery. I don’t remember exactly what it was that he had posted, but it wasn’t a “Wow, this person is going to commit suicide” type of thing, it was just more drunken rambling.

        My point here was that this type of situation seems to me to be the kind of thing one would report, and not whining about “them damn liberals in MY Amurka”.

      • J Lyn

        Thanks for getting the point and leaving your comment. 🙂

      • Andrea Leong

        Sean: heh, indeed.

        My post was sort of general, just some tips I picked up from a short mental health first aid course 🙂

  • Athena Indorril

    This makes me feel like total shit about myself.
    Here I am, rotting like a corpse in my own self-pity, crying to people who really aren’t my friends, wishing I were dead, thinking that my sorrow is justified because I don’t hate my life but I hate myself. And these poor people… :[

    • Joy Lynskey

      Don’t waste time feeling bad for anyone else if you feel like that. Find me on Facebook and add me, there is no sense in anyone feeling that way if simple conversation with another will help it. I can always make the time.

  • M

    this was so necessary. i could honestly write an essay of gratitude and how much i agree with you. wish there was something i could actively do to help this. in the mean time, i hope the positive feedback you receive stays in good energy with you.

  • Tash

    This post was good, I am thankful to know that Facebook helps in cases like these, the only time I report things to Facebook is when it is clearly child abuse or looks borderline child molestation and animal abuse pages, both things are illegal and must be put to a stop.

    I am bewildered at what some god people would complain about, I mean seriously a coin? What the hell -_-

    I am sharing this.

  • Jessica Equality Naomi

    Facebook is gay bash centrral and the fucked up moderators refuse to remove any gay bashing no matter how violent it is. Hundreds of corporate tyrannical theocRAT gay bashing cults spew all kinds of gay bashing shit & the fucking idiot stoner coder college flunk outs refuse to remove any of that shit. But I HAVE been BANNED many times. I even got censored for 2 months for writing GAY RIGHTS ARE HUMAN RIGHTS AND HUMAN RIGHTS ARE GAY RIGHTS.

    So save your sob story for someone who gives a fuck about fucked up Facebook. Your paycheck and Sandberg & Fuckerberg’s profits are soaked in gay bashed blood. Facebook policy is the only good gay is a gay bashed to death gay.

    Go ahead ban me again you lying gay bashing bitch

    • Joy Lynskey

      Did someone open the gates on the crazy cunt bus? Look bitch, I have spent more time than anyone I know protecting and defending gay rights. I have an entire group of admins dedicated to haranguing the shit out of people who think it is okay to treat someone like shit because of their sexual orientation. So you just take your crazy fucking agenda and get it the fuck out of here. I don’t have any one specific agenda other than doing what is right. You might want to consider how your little display of cuntsack here may be affecting your chances of sharing your message on facebook.

      Get a grip for fucks sake.

  • Dimitris Bakoyiannis

    I love you for this. A person could be crying for help right beside them and they’d still be butthurt over a photo of an obese person because “It’s not right”. No, f this, he made his choice and emptied the damn fridge. As for gore, it’s the internet, it’s not that hard to find gore. I remember watching an uncencored video from Gaza, where a father picks the lifeless body of his little son from the wreckage of a collapsed building. And that video was at BBC’s website. It’s remarkable how easy it is for people in the age of technology and widespread communication to care only about themselves.

  • Lena

    The moral of the story is: Facebook, being a huge rich company it is, has to have more staff and pay better salary (the outsourced Asian companies’ employees are being paid how much?).

    • Joy Lynskey

      A dollar or less an hour. That was my reasoning for highlighting the pay. As opposed to what some of the idiots here think, I was not ‘bragging’ about my own pay so much as highlighting the disgust level of the difference in pay for doing a harder job, just because they aren’t in America and their ‘cost of living is lower’

      When I outsource jobs from my own business, I pay a set pay, regardless of whether Americans or people from the Philippines bid for the jobs. I am *NOT* going to pay the people from the Philippines a dollar per hour just because I can. The job has a base value to me based on MY income, not the income or cost of living in other countries.

      Mostly thought because I’m not a piece of shit.

      • tlars699

        That less than a dollar an hour, while cheap to us, is better than what they make at a textile factory, and much less dangerous work.
        Perhaps if they hired more people to do this work, there would be less of a problem all around: 1. More posts get viewed, and dealt with appropriately. 2. More employees means more people in an area getting a bit more pay , save more, and eventually able to educate themselves- this rising relative level of comfort could motivate things like unionization, and demand for higher pay, etc. 3. Since people wouldn’t be banned willy-nilly, and would have the problem sites dealt with appropriately, more people would be willing to stick around, and teh Facebook can make even more money, which it could then give to the employees so nobody goes on strike.

        It’s great that you’re giving people appropriate compensation for your personal business.

        I know you’re sick of all the whining and whinging, and carolyn/curly sue deserve to be asserted* against.

        However, tact/grace are much more pleasant to deal with, grace under fire is evidence of great character, and having great character convinces more people that your cause is worthy of their effort and attention. Yeah I know, this one is regardless of who represents it, but for every poster, there are probably more people who think,
        “Man, Joy swears a lot. Someone that mundane in their insulting technique must not be as lauded/experienced as she touts herself to be.”

        *Calling someone a “cunt” while satisfying, is nowhere near as funny as recommending to them that they should “Alt-f4” the next time they see something offensive, as that is the “Automatic content/censor filter for you”. 🙂

  • Curly Sue.

    damn….glad i copied all that has been said. just in case some body deleted what they have said that wasn’t right. like posting peoples names and writing under a bullshit name. 🙂

    • Joy Lynskey

      You crazy wench. You can’t have read the actual fucking post, I actually shared at the start of it that I hoped people who knew me wouldn’t say anything. I gave clear indication I was invoking anonymity. Kind of like you tried to do by switching IPs after I banned Carolyn. Except you failed. I didn’t. I was honest from the very first paragraph. I’m going to have to ban you if you won’t at least read the article.

    • Joy Lynskey

      I’m glad you did too. Did you read this yet?

      “I am aware that just writing this puts me in the position of jeopardizing my place as a Facebook moderator, but it’s about time someone do this. Since I have never really used my real name on Facebook, I am hoping that those who know me will keep quiet and those who don’t won’t concern themselves with the messenger as much as the message.”

      I haven’t hidden the fact that I am hiding my real name to protect my identity. Why do you seem to be one of the few people here who doesn’t know that, Carolyn?

  • Vickie Temple

    Thanks for this article…I will share it. I will also ‘like’ your page and I’m retired from my job, but, and I’m on Facebook A LOT, so, if there’s anything that I can do to help, please don’t hesitate to let me know. This article has been extremely eye-opening and like many others who have commented here, I had no idea that so many of these things were taking place so rampantly. I too am guilty of reporting a few things that aren’t so highly important, such as spam, etc…I haven’t been excessive about it, but, I will no longer be reporting anything that might interfere with the truly important cases at hand. I am a huge advocate of stopping child abuse and domestic violence. Thank you for all of your hard work!!

  • Tommi Murphy Cobb

    how about thus, change tyour standards to inform your members that if they report abuse that does NOT fall inthe category of illegal, THEY will be banned.

  • Brokenwings

    While I agree with the concept that it’s disgusting the petty crap many people report, I get sick of facebook not responding to stuff that is serious.

    My daughter was 8 when her violent abusive father and his officially-diagnosed-sociopath lover were writing all sorts of horrible cruel things about her on facebook. Family court of Australia wouldn’t act on it, the department of child safety wouldn’t act on it, and facebook? well their response was to delete an account they mistakenly thought was hers and just tell me not to let her see the sick twisted things being said about her. DESPITE THE FACT I SAID HER ABUSERS HAD ME BLOCKED AND *I* WASN’T LETTING HER SEE ANYTHING.

    I repeatedly said her father was showing her the sick things said about her while she was in his “care” and they could block every account on earth other than his and she’d still see be being exposed to the abuse by him. But they did nothing – just let her father and his psychopathic lover continue to torment my daughter on facebook.

    It’s all well and good for them to say don’t let her see it, but it’s a criminal offense to not hand over a child for shared custody when the family court says to, and the police can forcibly make you hand your child over, and the family court and DOCS just do not care about protecting a child from emotionally and psychologically abusive father and his twisted abusive lovers. Mothers do not have the powers physically, emotionally or legally to stop an abusive father showing their child abuse online. The police, courts and DOCS just say it’s not physical so it doesn’t matter, even if it messes up a child mentally for life.

    I trusted facebook to step in and take down the abuse online, but they did nothing to protect an innocent 8 year old girl.

    • Andrea Leong

      Brokenwings: that’s terrible. What happened in the end?

      I can’t fathom the stories I’ve heard about DOCS. A friend of mine who has a child with his emotionally abusive girlfriend was somehow denied visitation rights after he moved out. It seems so arbitrary.

      • Brokenwings

        In the end (in a nutshell): After battling through family court for three years with the court being fully aware we seperated after he attacked our daughter when she was just 5, he spent three years lying in court saying he did not use drugs before a drug test was finally ordered and when facing it being failed, he admitted to having lied all along and just promised not to use with our daughter in his care. He was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and anti social personality disorder, admitted he had been taking our daughter on trips to visit known drug dealers (although lied and said it wasn’t to pick up drugs). As well as his conviction for bashing our daughter (sadly only charged with violating a domestic violence order not with assault), he had multiple convictions for bashing me (also only for violating the restraining order, not assault).

        The mistress he moved in with when we split is diagnosed with severe narcisstic personality disorder and anti social personality disorder (diagnosed sociopathic) and I should mention, I’m a healthcare worker, and she has the most severe case I’ve seen outside of prisons and high security psych wards. (Sadly I knew her before discovering her affair with my husband, and despite talking to her and helping her out a lot, I was always careful to keep my daughter from ever meeting her – I just wish I’d done a better job of keeping my husband away from her). She abused her own child very badly and was on records with DOCS for it.

        It disgusted me that she wasn’t even allowed to see her child at all for years and had only just got back strictly supervised with her own child, but the family court and DOCS just let her loose with my child every every second weekend. My exhusband would leave our child alone with this sociopath. Even when she began making threats to harm my daughter, neither DOCS, the police nor the courts would step in. They just made excuses for it like “oh she doesn’t really mean it, it’s just the stress of two family court battles” (mine with my ex and her own with the father of the child she abused). Quite frankly, I don’t give a s***. If you threaten to bash a child, there is no justification for it EVER no matter how stressed you claim to be.

        My daughter spent nearly three years every second weekend being exposed to sickening abuse, not just the horrific vile comments made by her father, his psychopathic mistress and his twisted abusive sister, but all sorts of abuse. Thankfully though, within weeks of the family court battle finishing, the psychopathic mistress (who already was jealous of my daughter and me) totally cracked it. She was actually jealous of the time my ex spent stalking me and was jealous of the few hours a fortnight he actually spent interacting with our daughter and so she demanded he cut off all contact with my daughter and demanded he stopped stalking me and pay attention to hers instead.

        Ironic that a jealous psychopath is what saved my daughter from being abused when the police, the legal system and the child protection system wouldn’t do a damn thing.

        I just feel so sorry for the abused kid they have together now and how DOCS won’t do anything about the poor kid.

        Andrea, as you said, it’s extremely abitrary. I’ve seen kids ripped from loving homes over complaints DOCS knew were false when they stole the kids, and I’ve seen very badly abused kids (physically, sexually etc) where DOCS won’t do a thing.

        In our case, they simply informed me it was a matter for the family court to act. That according to them, it was up to the family court to initiate an investigation into the abuse, and the family court just said it was up to DOCS to initiate an investigation. Both repeatedly saying it was up to the other and that if the other wasn’t investigating, there musn’t be any abuse. And the police were even worse. They just said unless you’re actually watching physical (or sexual) abuse right in front of your eyes, they can’t do anything. The emailed death threats, even with proof from my ISP, still they would not act on it.

        The whole system is a pathetic joke. The family court doesn’t care about abuse because shared custody is considered a right, and DOCS just steps back and says they’ll respect whatever the family court decides.

        It just disgusted me too the irony was DOCS said very bluntly to me – if I ever took my ex back, they’d take my daughter from us because I was endangering her by letting an abuser in the house – that even if I just once for five minutes let him see her (even under strict supervision by me or friends or family) that they would declare I was neglecting her by exposing her to an abuser. But if I handed her over during court ordered times, then they wouldn’t even check up on them, no matter what abuse my daughter reported. That he could expose her to known child abusers and known drug dealers, and still, they would not investigate or remove her from him – because “that’s a matter for the family court”.

        Before 2006, the system did have some flaws where mothers were favoured, but since 2006, the system gives all the rights to violent abusive fathers, and mothers have no rights to protect their children at all.

        I couldn’t get DOCS or the police or courts to protect my daughter from the physical or verbal abuse, but I don’t see why third parties like facebook can’t protect children from vile abusive nastiness she was being exposed to by her father and his associates on facebook.

      • Andrea Leong

        Holy shit. I’m horrified that DOCS is so fucked up. I’m so sorry for what your daughter suffered and I hope she has a ton of resilience. I wish there was an apparent way to fix the system, or at least navigate it.

    • Captain Kickass

      No offense, but none of this seems like it is even remotely fb’s fault or responsibility.. Sounds like you just have a scumbag ex.. I can emphasize with your situation, but honestly he could just write something on notepad, show it to her, and tell her it’s on fb.. How is facebook supposed to know he’s not joking when he posts something about his own daughter?? They are not the police, which is who you should’ve called while this was going on.. At least then they could’ve shown up at the residence and noticed they were on some kind of drugs or located drugs when they went inside to check the welfare of the child..

  • Larry L. Daigneault

    Joy I enjoyed your article. I was truly glad you could assist the little girl. To others following this: You know it’s really bad that liberals outlawed the right to abuse children or rape women. Freedom of speech has a price: you are going to hear and see things you don’t like, indeed that is the prime point of freedom of speech but it also is not without limits. I’ve only called for sanctions on two persons, both who launched into FU laced screeds when their lies were politely challenged, by others. Course I also seen (on AOL) several persons disciplined for saying the word tampon in a discussion of toxic shock! Then again I have a lifetime ban from Huffington Post (Ariana’s is left leaning but the post’s moderators are far from neutral and far from fair. My offense was calling 9/11 Traitors, Bush and Cheney, Nazis which was quite politically accurate. All credible 9/11 evidence points to the Bush WhiteHouse with an assist from Tel Aviv. The sheer volume of Bush lies and evidence suppression on the matter were telling as well as the total lack of credible corroboration to the official story. By 2008 42% of American realized this truth.

  • User

    Im sorry, but you and your ilk are pieces of shit who randomly ban people from posting who are innocent. Maybe if you werent so obsessed with crushing speech, you would be able to get to the real problems. If theres a nipple on facebook, who cares. If theres a bloody corpse, who cares. Whenever I see stuff I dont want to see, I click the big X in the corner.

  • noble berean

    Thanks for writing this.

  • William

    This was a harrowing and gritty depiction of what moderators have to endure on a daily basis. I, personally stay away from social media websites whenever possible. But, this is not the case for everyone, and it is surely the only means of communication for many people, especially those who travel or live in remote places to begin with. I do see it as a necessary evil. We wanted our freedom in America so bad, that we give it to those who would abuse it. That is the price we pay to “like” shit all day long.

    Is that what you wanted, Americans?

  • Kimberly Barkley

    Why are people bitching about what other people are posting… if you don’t like it, don’t look at it. O.o

  • Bob

    You say you’re using an alias but your profile has a real address that’s used by you and Doug Lynskey. Something’s not right there.

    • Joy Lynskey

      I am using the same profile information that I’ve been using on Facebook for several years. Many people know me and who I really am. I won’t be revealing myself and I have no relation to Doug Lynskey. I actually chose the surname because of an extended relative who in some old conversation mentioned there were ‘very few of them’, so when I needed to create a personal facebook account, I remembered her saying that and I needed an easy way to track content and mentions of the name I use. I.E. I didn’t want to jockey for position against Joan Smith on the search engines. I wanted to be able to set up google alerts for mentions of the name so I could be ‘self-aware’ of internet mentions of “me”. When I first created it I did a thorough search for Joy Lynskey and found zero in my area and one located in Florida. That was it. That’s pretty incredible considering any given name, even the most unusual could have thousands. Since I was pretty far away from Florida and knew it would be easy to differentiate, I went with it. I created my profiles under that name, often using (with her permission) a photo of my aunt. I have a lot of reasons for hiding my identity in several ways, all of them self-preservation on my part. If you can’t accept that, that is your issue to deal with, not mine. If none of my explanation makes legitimate sense to you, go read about it before commenting some more.

      Now, a couple of years ago I took a hiatus and Facebook deleted that account accusing me of making money on it. Mostly it was because my previous mentions of similar issues to this. The people I’ve met here and invite to my personal profile can attest to the fact that a “Note” created on my wall almost 2 years ago gives a very lengthy explanation of everything I just mentioned. So of course I suppose, you could go on to argue about how all of that was preplanned in some way, but mostly, I will just move along and get back to work.

      Now, I gave that explanation for anyone who read your comment and felt a tick of inconsistency. I appreciate critical thinking, but I won’t appreciate banging out a bunch of trolling crap and expecting me to spend minutes of my life I can’t get back going back and forth or worse, devolving into the old ‘prove who you aren’t’ idiocy.

      My IP the site registers isn’t ‘legit’ either, but you know, I have the right to protect myself, regardless of the opinion of any single person on earth.

  • Allie

    *has never reported anything other than hate speech, because she doesn’t believe in censoring anything other than hate speech to begin with*

  • Lira

    I will translate this and post it on my wall, so all my conctacts will be able to understand it (with due mention of this blog, of course). Thank you for your job and for posting this, I think I’ve never actually reported anything, but I sure didn’t think all this horror was happening at your job. I suppose I sin as being naîve.

  • Timothy Tibbetts

    The BEST part about this article is the comments. Many, not all, actually read this article and proceed to comment just like the example complaints you use. I don’t think it;s a Facebook thing, it’s a people on the internet thing who can’t wait to leave something negative. I am exhausted just reading it all. I was going to write and article for my website about this, and probably will after I take a nap 😉

  • Someone Somewhere

    Here’s what I don’t understand. Surely a policy of never banning is quite possible if you simply make the page in question *not* searchable and set the server to 404 whenever someone attempts to access it via URL or link. That can’t be a very difficult solution to engineer at all. It would probably make the situation a lot easier on the page owners that get banned for no good reason, and it would have an added benefit of not deleting the material in cases of legitimate complaint if it needed to be presented to law enforcement.

    Personally, I doubt Facebook has hired many talented web/programming people in a very long while. More then likely it’s been more concerned with positions of management and marketability. Which explains its slow decline into a cesspool now that the actual technical talent represents such a small percentage of its actual workforce.

    • Joy Lynskey

      “Personally, I doubt Facebook has hired many talented web/programming people in a very long while. More then likely it’s been more concerned with positions of management and marketability. Which explains its slow decline into a cesspool now that the actual technical talent represents such a small percentage of its actual workforce.”


  • Sarcastic Fucker

    I have both sympathy and empathy with the poor bloody moderators who have to sift through the bullshit.
    “I’m offended you said the word “White”
    “I’m offended you said the word “Black”
    Fuck me, can we say anything or shall we just be political correct drones?
    bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz blip blip click.
    “I’m offended that you made fun of a bee”

    “Why did Facebook never respond to my report or my ban issue?”

    I’ll be blunt here. Overtaxed system, automatic algo ignored you. OR, not enough fucks given about your issue if manually modded.

    • Brokenwings

      I’d go with the second. Because psychologically abusing a disabled 8 year old just isn’t considered important unfortunately. That’s the world we live in today. I don’t blame facebook per se. The police, family court and child protective services should have done something about the ongoing abuse which was also physical, not just psychological, but it doesn’t mean that facebook couldn’t have done something about the abusers tormenting her with vile written psychological abuse on facebook and showing it to her every court-enforced access visit.

      We all have a duty to protect abused children from abuse, and that includes psychological abuse, and if the police, courts and CPS won’t act, then it’s up to the media/forums where the abuse is being carried out to try to do something.

      • Karkass

        You missed it. What she’s saying is that BECAUSE so many people report every little thing that offends them she couldn’t get to the little girl as quickly as she wanted to. How are so many people missing this point??? She’s been saying from the beginning that if people were adult enough to just ‘change the channel’ as it were, then the sytem that COULD help little girls in danger would be way faster!! That’s all she’s saying!!! She is asking for help in the form of people not reporting EVERY LITTLE THING they don’t LIKE because SHE CARES AND WANTS TO GET TO THOSE WHO ACTUALLY NEED HELP, not have to waste her day with “I don’t like that thing” kind of reports!!!!

  • Ellie and Ernie (@basementkittehs)

    In your example above there is the 7 years old getting raped. While you may able to help a case like her to call their local police, what exactly is a 7 year old doing in Facebook and with her own account? The last I checked the minimum age for having a Facebook account was 13, and even that with parental consent. So in the example case, you’d get her help from the police, then ban her for breaking the age policy?

    I admit I do click on report and offensive every now and then – but none of the things I click as offensive are anything posted by a friend. I find some of the ads annoying and spammy: just because my friends have babies does not mean I want to see baby product or breeding product ads. Just like just because my friends brag about their diet or sports obsession or eating disorder doesn’t mean I want to see a ton of sponsored diet ads.

    • Joy Lynskey

      A person of any age can have a Facebook account if they lie. As far as if the girls account was banned or removed? I highly doubt it, for at least a couple of years it will likely be used for evidence. Unpublished? Probably so.

  • In Awe

    You are a hero for writing this. +1 heaven for you

  • Nikki

    As so many have said here, I appreciate the insight this article has given me.

    The FB reporting system is confusing. It was my understanding that my reports were primarily being handled by a computer. I have attempted to “stop” ads that appear on my side bar, for things that I do not like, by using the drop down box. I have definitely clicked, ‘against my views’ and sometimes ‘offensive’ because I thought I was “telling” a computer that this is not the content I wish to see. It never occurred to me that this was handled by individuals, or was “clogging the system”. I just got tired of seeing ads that were truly against my views. I hoped that my actions would help to place ads on my page that did interest me.

    I had no idea that “real time” crime was an issue here, either. I have never seen anything like that on my feed. I hope I never do…

    I have also answered “no” to the “Do you know this person outside of FB?” question…having no idea that this might get someone “in trouble”. I wondered what the point of the question was, and now that I know, I will rarely answer it again, as most of the “unknown” requests I have received seemed to be from people that had no malicious intent (as best as I could determine).

    For whatever reason, FB (and the internet in general) seems to make many people feel that they have a license and a DUTY to bash others, be blatantly rude and offensive, force their religious and political views on everyone else, and spread utterly ridiculous warnings and lies. I have been guilty of this to some degree myself (especially the sharing of my political views) and I intend to try and curb it. I doubt I will be capable of desisting in informing people when what they are sharing is a complete falsehood…I try not to be rude about it, though.
    I am so happy that I am able to choose my own religion, and my own set of political ideas. I don’t want to take that joy of choice from anyone else, no matter how much I disagree with their views (hate crimes, aside).

    I have found that FB’s system of sharing everything that I “Like” has encouraged some folks to: A) attempt to tell me the error of my thoughts and ways for “liking” such a thing B) be hidden from my friend’s news feeds, and/or C) cause some to unfriend me. The sharing of every single “Like” is very invasive, and I don’t “like” it. I wish there was a “secret like” option, or that FB simply didn’t do this. Not because I am ashamed of my views, but because I have respect for my friend’s feelings! I don’t generally “Like” a page, or a picture, to make a statement…I don’t “Like” a meme because I want to make anyone angry, and I’m usually not trying to say “I’m right, and you’re wrong.” I “Like” something so that I can join in conversations about it, with those who also like it. I “Like” something to support a friend, and sometimes I “Like” something simply to acknowledge to my friend that they have been heard. This sharing of likes has started a lot of drama on FB that is completely unnecessary and avoidable; if only FB would not do it. It didn’t do that in the early days, and it is an “upgrade” that I don’t think many appreciate.

    The old saying, “Never discuss religion or politics in mixed company.” has been completely thrown out the window on the internet. While it is wonderful to have so many resources out there that one can join or read about: FB is supposed to be a discussion among friends. Unless one has no friends that think differently than them (ha!), someone is bound to become offended by someone else’s likes. I don’t enjoy offending others…and I especially don’t enjoy offending my friends! I have joined in fewer and fewer conversations on FB due to this.

    I have rarely reported any pages or statuses as “offensive” or otherwise, and thanks to this article, I will think thrice (instead of twice) before doing so in the future.
    Thank you for this information, and thank you for doing the difficult job of being a moderator.

    • Phoenix

      Nikki, on your “About” page, if you click on the edit button at the top of each section, you can mark the section to be seen by “ONLY ME.” This hides it from everyone else. I started doing this after I got a ration of shyte for liking a satire page that one of my alleged friends found offensive, because t mocked her beliefs. I was delighted that she blocked me, but then decided to keep my “likes” to myself,.

      And “Joy”…this was a very informative post, and your comments were also informative, if somewhat vitriolic (when warranted). I’ve rarely reported anything, but will still think twice now before I do.

    • Timothy Riches

      A good comment, and well-written. It’s worth noting that there is a difference between reporting a post and reporting an advertisement you don’t want to see. The author has indicated in a few comments that they are separate systems, so I don’t think you should worry about reporting the ads.

  • Newt

    Shut up and do your job.
    Kidding? …but not really. Facebook has a TOS, and you get paid to enforce it. What you’re complaining about is job security.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Yep and that’s what I do. Enforce it, beyond any personal biases or issues. Was that in question? If so, that’s weird.

    • Captain Kickass

      250k reports an hour is not job security, that’s an overabundance of morons not willing to be adults or question why something offends them.. If a joke or even reasoning about Jesus or the bible offends you to the point you have to involve an “authority figure” you might as well call 911 for an officer to escort you to your mailbox, cause you can’t handle things like an adult.. 1000 reports an hour is still too much. You missed the point entirely.

  • Lee

    Thank you for your efforts and this post Joy Lynskey. *HUGS*

  • Sue

    You would get less complaints if FB would roll back before ” suggested links”, ” pages you might like” etc…. The SPAM that clogs my wall, mostly the political trash or Dr. Oz crap 10x’s a day is unwanted & now Skype is posting text messages to the wall without notification or warning.

    I report & hide SPAM every time It appears so if you are overworked, ask for a raise. Oh wait, you are already making what? To do what? Who is the cry baby with the mouth of a immature vulgar teenager? Grow up or shut up because all I’m hearing from an over paid child is me,me,me, poor me.

  • The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports | I Dream of GG

    […] The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports. […]

  • wired420

    Just have to point out facebook has 1.5 BILLION users. Not 1.5 Million….. A real facebook mod would know this. Thanks for proving your whole article is a lie.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Really? I addressed that in a previous comment. If I wrote million instead of billion I admitted that would be a mistake. Instead of yammering here, why don’t you hie off to a search engine and search for my pen name + social media.

      There’s a reason why the things I write about social media take up a lot of those first few pages. Feel free to find the article I wrote talking about Facebook reaching the 1 billion mark. It was a mention in the SWSX article on Digital Brand Marketing.

      Feel free to do that, feel free to investigate shit for yourself. Or just ramble off irrelevant shit. Whatever makes you feel good.

    • Andrea Leong

      Haaaaaaaah. A one-letter typo or one-second brainblank proves the whole article is a lie?

      • Joy Lynskey

        Yeah. I finally got time to check that and yeah, that’s a huge mistake. I will *CHANGE* that now (trolls) because I do know how many people are on facebook and there is plenty of content I have written over the past few years to prove so. You could also go ask a few notable people on social medias like Mari Smith or the several people that dedicate digital social media magazines to my content on twitter though. Don’t just sit here railing about how I changed a word, go do some research for yourselves.

        Here, I’ll help you to get started.

        Also, feel free to trace that content and my pen name back approximately three years, when I began to use it. If you are REALLY super smart and have good investigative skills, you could probably find out my real name. However, that would be stupid, petty and aside from the point. It’s better if you just take your meds and go.

      • Joy Lynskey

        The freakin’ thing is 1444 words long. The fact that I only made one typo is amazing. I’m horrible at proofreading my own work, most people are.

  • The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports | No Dice At All

    […] The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports. […]

  • bruce

    Private messages to me were seen by a third party who had unfriended me. I only know this because they phoned me and told me! so who else saw these private messages?

  • Joanna Hawthorne

    Thank you for your article, and the spirit in which you wrote it. It really helped me understand a bit more about facebook and the importance of not reporting things that are really unimportant. Thank you for the job you do, and have done, and for going to bat for this issue. Reading down through the comments, I see that you have much to deal with, and I just want to give you my support in what you are doing. Thank you so much!

  • Whoopass

    Gosh..ever thought without the offended masses, you wouldn’t have a $29 an hour job?….cut people off for moaning , they’re the 1.5 million dumbasses paying your wage. while I think supporting rape victims is amazing work, facebook is fucking social media….do your job and quit fucking whining………..if you don’t like it do something else.

    • Karkass

      Sigh. She wasn’t whining. She was trying to make a system more eficient in order to help those that actually need it. Not everyone is totally self centered, y’know.

  • Beth Horned

    Thanks. Keep up the good work.

  • Kat

    Having just waded through these sometimes interesting & thoughtful, sometimes childish & silly comments, I’d just like to point out that not everybody lives in the USA. When you talk about “The President” I think of the President of the local Bowling Club, sorry, but he’s the only President I know personally. When you rattle on about Liberals and Conservatives….well Liberals are a different party here in Australia and we don’t have Conservatives, only conservative politicians who are members of many different political parties. Please just remember that the internet & FB is worldwide, not America-wide.

  • Mike North

    Your post is very eye opening. It seems to me that much of the problem is self inflicted by Facebook. There could be less of a problem if they had a better tiered system – a kind of “Facebook 9-1-1” for users to report particularly aggregious material. That, combined with stiff suspensions for misuse might help to ensure to the real issues get rapid attention.

    Also, I did a quick Google search and found virtually nothing on the problem of frivilous complaints drowning out serious issues. Facebook could do itself and others a big favor by calling more attention to the matter.

    Keep up the great work. I’m gratified to know there are people like you on the look out.

  • Beto

    I tougth Facebook was created on a country wich first and most important statements are the spech freedoom, so no matter what theme you want to publish or write o make a “fanpage” or a pic should not be deleted or banned (at least that is ilegal), having childs around or persons that could be amazed or bothered with the contents of facebook is the responsability of the person who open the page at that hour and in that place.

    Also a social netwrok is a simplification of the real world, diversity is something that exists, things we like, things we don’t like, we can change the world or a simlesocial network to be “The correct” for us

  • Canon

    Can I just say, that when I was feeling sucidal and talking about some of my close friends about it, and you sent me that message… it meant the world to me. It felt creepy, yes. But it meant a lot. Thanks, mods.

  • Gloria Anton

    I was an admin for over 6 years of a chat server 1996-2002 (started in MSN chat then went over to another IRC when that closed). I respect what you’re trying to do and understand the limitations you have with time, and volume. Thank you for doing what you can.

  • drew

    You make $30 an hour to sit on your ass and be an asshole. STFU and GBTW.

  • Catherine Steinberg

    FINALLY a lone voice of reason in the psychotic bully playground that is Facebook! As a page owner who has her share of troll attacks to fend off I appreciate the advice and perspective. Thank you!!

  • Michael Mclean

    thank you so much for everything you guys do… i know the dark shit you all have to see and i have seen a lot of it myself… as an admin on a FB like page i see a limited sampling of the lesser scum you deal with… and i can tell you that you guys are an unappreciated force… thank you all for doing what you do.

  • mindmadeup

    Reblogged this on you said it… and commented:
    An (alleged) Facebook moderator writes.
    Yeah it is tough out there in Freakland but if it is too tough for you then you know what to do…

  • The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Y...

    […] Want to know what really happens when you report something on Facebook? Read here for more.  […]

  • blakey

    ^^^^^^^^me me me me me^^^^^^^^

  • Jacqui Pirzenthal

    Brilliantly put, thank you.

  • Recovered Baptist

    Then they need to update their standards page. If their time is truly taken up by acts of real violence, then say so. They should stop pretending that they care or are going to do anything about hate groups that exist only to attack racial minorities and gays (the number of FB pages with the words fa**ot and ni**er is appalling, they are at least partially responsible for violence against minorities, and FB ignores complaints about them). It isn’t just about some easily-offended busybody complaining about coins or things that look phallus shaped. Some of the complaints are real and about actual hate groups. And they all get ignored. So. Please. Just be honest and edit your standards page to say “Sorry. We’re very busy and don’t have time. And if you try to complain, we’ll just snicker and write an unprofessional, profanity-laden blog post about you.”

    • Joy Lynskey

      Yeah? So you think we should be equally concerned with people who ‘say’ hateful things as opposed to people who ‘do’ hateful things?

      • tlars699

        They’re not equal, but they should still be reported and dealt with:
        “Say”ing hateful things, if not dealt with/ignored, often leads to those same users being reinforced in their behavior, because then it is “accepted/tolerated”. It is bullying, and escalates into “do”ing hateful things.

        Look at the rape pages/postings(saying after the doing), and how the victims committed suicide(this I count as furthering the doing).

        How much you want to bet that those rapists “liked” pages where raping others was supported and lauded, even if it was only a “joke” page?

      • Recovered Baptist

        They’re one and the same, hon.

      • Ryan

        Tlars, you’re right, however, preventing the people who are “doing” bad things that are happening in the here and now takes priority over those “saying” bad things. And since idiots like Carolyn or whatever her name was are clogging up the system, not all of the bad things actively being done can be prevented. 😦
        Those situations, as the article shows, are very time sensitive.
        Time that can’t and shouldn’t be spent (wasted) unfortunately, on anything less than dire and immediate circumstances.
        I wish that wasn’t the case and I wish it wasn’t so severely the case that the word “wasted” was more fitting of the situation than simply “spent” but it is. D:

        If we can all spread this article to as many places as possible, specially viral pages where hopefully a lot of people will see it, will help work toward changing this situation. 🙂

  • Ben

    Joy, as an administrator for a discussion board with nearly 7,000 members (tiny in comparison to FB), I just want to express my thanks to you for expressing your frustration with dealing with narcissistic and self-absorbed members. If it is any consolation, some of us do understand. Thanks for your ongoing efforts. kind regards, Ben

  • Ramon Casha

    FB could reduce reports if they gave users effective tools to tackle problems themselves, such as the ability to block pages and not just users, and making it easier to block apps (some apps manage to “hide” the block link).

  • Daleks

    The only time I’ve reported people is when they’ve used hate speech. So should I just not bother to do that?

    • Joy Lynskey

      I won’t tell you not to report anything, but I will tell you if you want the person who posted it to ‘suffer’ you’d be best served just letting them know so they get to know they are a pos, and you get to feel better.

      Is the anonymity of reporting doing that for you?

      That’s not a sarcastic or in any way a smart ass question/comment. A serious question, truly. I will read and reply if you answer.

  • Maria B

    This is such a great article. I’ve personally clicked “report” only once or twice, and always with regard to a page that promoted hate speech. In light of true horrors that FB moderators face every day I sincerely doubt my actions. I wish you best of luck. Your actions most certainly do make a difference at the end of the day. Mine, in the big scheme of things, probably don’t.

  • Adam

    Haha, always wondered how much shit you guys go through. Who the fuck puts kiddie porn on facebook? What the fuck lol

    • Joy Lynskey

      Gosh, you should see just some of the NAMES of the groups, they don’t even try to hide it…

      • Claire

        Do those pages get deleted if the moderators see them, even if no-one has reported them? Do the owners get reported to the police? Do the police do anything with that info? With these sickos being so open about there perverted tendencies, you’d think it would be easy to find and prosecute them? But I’m guessing that’s not the case?

      • J Lyn

        In some cases they do yes. Depends on the pages content of course. In many cases police are alerted, even if just reports are made and no charges filed. It IS easy to find some of them, they use their real IPs and don’t understand it leads to them in some cases. The worst offenders of course know how to mask that, they are harder to find.

  • Anthony Edwards

    Thank you for watching out. I will never ever report anything offensive on Facebook. I hope that little girl is okay.

  • Vera

    I’m only reporting for copyright infringements, maybe not as important as life and death situations, but hey, it’s my money being stolen, and that’s because of FB. If Facebook would be harsher with copyright infringers, we would have less shit going on. I think there are at least 1 million of quotes and memes pages around, 95% of them are copyright infringements.

  • Anima Ignis Solaris

    i had just found this read it and i am not surpised this has happened i mean people bitch whine and complain about the most STUPIDEST of things…I mean seriously it’s all in the mind of what things either look like or it’s different in what there belief is and all that other stupid crap i honestly feel bad for the mods and admins who put up with this kind of crap. PS: to anyone who may be a facebook mod or admin I am requesting something some people are getting blocked some of my friends or people who are in group pages for no apperently reasons I have no idea how this has happened or not so far it’s happened to people at Bronies forever page and some other pages if any of you mods or admins have gotten reports about this can you personally see wtf is going on cause idk why or how but it’s like at random and those who get blocked haven’t even done anything wrong thank you.
    PSS: i know it’s silly to ask through here but i can’t really think of any other way that may get to any of you straight away if you ever check this ^^”

  • David

    I was a Myspace forum moderator at the height of it’s popularity. I didn’t get paid a cent. I answered all the queries that I got. I banned people as necessary (and they’d jump back on within minutes until their fake profiles ran out). I acted as a go between in their arguments or helped them out if they couldn’t figure out how to do something.

    What I didn’t do was offer a reporting system that actually does nothing.

    I don’t know what’s going on with the other 1.2 billion users. All I know is that a disgruntled Myspace trolling turd created a Facebook account of me and made all kinds of threats. I reported it the one time I was allowed by your system to do so. Friends of mine reported it as well. Nothing was done about it. You guys don’t give a fuck. Fine. The other 1.2 billion users don’t give a fuck about me either. That’s ok. But don’t blame us that you can’t save the world. You are the people who invite complaints by pretending to have a system to deal with them. Take away the report button if you can’t keep up with the workload or get another job but don’t get all prissy because people click on a button your web designers put there.

  • Bhashkar

    Reblogged this on Specks of tech and commented:
    The other perspective.

  • Geist

    Excellent article Joy.

    Although I do wish you had some better abilities as a mod, like you’ve said…that’s pretty much out of your hands.

    Maybe somebody should set up a target list, get a little BOFH action down on some of the problem reporters and folks like Carolynn/Curly Sue. 😉

  • Edd Caine

    It strikes me that if you have to wade through 50 “take this picture down” and “I don’t like it when people take the micky out of my religion” comments to get to a comment as serious as that, then the system isn’t a great one. If your job is to catch those posts specifically, then there aught to be a way of rerouting the other posts, or at least one or two mods specifically set up to deal with the really serious cases and others to field the drivel and litigious reports. Either that, or a better way of reporting more or less serious things, although I readily admit I’m not sure what that would be. Either way, if there’s a potential rape to prevent, you should not have to deal with the other reports *at all*, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be there, or that they won’t be…

    • Edd Caine

      p.s. really good article though. Very interesting to hear a mod’s perspective, and sorry you have to put up with all of our shit.

      • Joy Lynskey

        I’m not. I get to meet a lot of really good people. Tons of idiots don’t negate that fact. And thank you

      • Karkass

        WOOHOO!!! someone who actually read the article! I’m impressed, and think you’ve said good things here, Mr. Caine. I haven’t mentioned it thus far, but Joy your efforts in both the moderation and trying to make the system better are appreciated! Thanks for your hard work!

  • Steven

    So… you’re saying that if Facebook used a tiny fraction of their vast wealth to triple the number of reviewers like yourself, they could stop child rapes from happening. But their vast wealth trumps that. Um… that makes Facebook the asshole, not the people that file complaints. You’ve basically just told us that Facebook cares more about its profits than children being raped. So, fuck YOU for saying “fuck you” to the people that draw the advertisers to Facebook that make them rich and pay your salary, but Facebook refuses to pay extra people to stop child rapes. Yeah, fuck YOU.

    • Claire

      Additionally, I would like to say that regardless of profit margins it really is Facebook’s responsibility to provide a better system – with the inventive techs you have over there it should be possible and more staff should be hired if that is what you need. Facebook has provided another medium for child abusers to use and therefore needs to play a role in moderating that medium.

    • Joy Lynskey


      Missed point comment goes here.

      Also the sound of a jet flying over your head quickly.

    • Captain Kickass

      You’re a dumbass.. Shit like this (child rapes) shouldn’t be delegated to facebook.. People should just know to call 911.. How is facebook to know if a child is going to post a cry for help as a report (in lieu of a status even). That’s the equivalent as you calling autozone when you meant to call the police and blaming autozone for the cops not showing up in a timely fashion when autozone made the effort to call for you (when they had no obligation to)…

    • Captain Kickass

      People posting crap like this “offends” me.. Like it’s facebook’s responsibility “to know” when a 7 year old girl is reporting a rape about to happen thru a system that you obviously think should be there for your trivial reports. You’re saying “fuck you” to the writer as if it’s her fault the system couldn’t acknowledge her cry for help over the shit tons of pointless reports for 4 hours. It’s not a business’ responsibility to take over calls that should be directed to 911 (or local authorities). That’s like you calling autozone to call 911 for you and getting mad at autozone in their delay in calling 911 when the cops take too long showing up.. Reporting to a business shouldn’t be an option over 911.. so fuck you steven for not using reason..

      • Captain Kickass

        And great, now the post I thought got lost finally shows up after 20 refreshes and another post… Oh well, brought up different points in both.. (cause I’m drunk but not lost on the point)

  • Claire

    Would it be possible to make the report options sound so serious that fewer people would stop reporting random rubbish? Or put a warning on the report button that explains it slows down the process when mild things are reported?

    I will share this article, obviously, but I hadn’t seen the sort of things you have talked about on Facebook (presumably because I don’t go looking for it) and wouldn’t have realised that this issue existed. Thanks for writing this article, I will certainly be wary of using the button.

  • Mungo9000

    Great article.
    This article should show up when you click the “Report” button as a final reminder.

  • vanillarosetangents

    Many of your point are valid, but this doesn’t really take account of other workers who clearly don’t share your perspectives. There are so many breast-feeding pictures get banned by Facebook, despite meeting official FB guidelines.

    • Joy Lynskey

      My perspective? On breast feeding pictures? You must not have read a word that I said. People who report breast feeding photos should be shot? Does that support your personal agenda enough?

  • Kit

    any jobs going in the uk?
    I’d love to help with that line of work.

    • Joy Lynskey

      None you would want. FB tried the UK for outsourcing. The UK got real pissed their people weren’t be supplied with benefits and proper counseling for the things they dealt with. The UK cares about their people it seems.

      • Marilyn Roman

        Once upon a time people had rights in UK but less so now. Have never read anything like this before as I only use FB to keep in touch with friends and family scattered throughout the globe/ Time wasters abound in all walks of life and it seems to be getting worse. I’m retired and came to social networks with no real knowledge but there are amazing pages. One or two of them post things I totally disagree with so I just hide them from my feed. To each his/her own. I do however feel that we all need to take responsibility for our actions and get real. Blaming everyone else seems to be the name of the game and trolls seem to be very disturbed.

        You do a difficult job and a necessary one and letting off steam is important but be careful not to get ground down. You can’t save everyone but every little bit helps. You were not responsible for what happened to the little girl and should feel neither guilt nor shame. The key point is there was a way for her to alert someone and start the process of becoming safe.

        I now understand a little better what goes on behind the public face. Thank you

      • Louise (@LouiseSecret)

        If facebook used a report feature that separated the obscene from the other not so serious stuff – the latter could be outsourced to the UK and possibly other countries.

  • Christopher Sudlik

    I have a question for you then sir, considering the noble goals and aims of what you say you are doing on a daily basis. Why are so many religious bigots successful here? Why do they get posts taken down that have absolutely no possible means of being considered against the terms of use? If you are so overtaxed, then why is one religious group successful at banning all the things you say you don’t care about while they can post literal, specific death threats and bomb threats that get repeatedly ignored by facebook reporting, including ignored appeals?

    It literally horrifies me that child rape victims, and in progress crimes don’t get attended to while facebooks reporting team pushes religious zealotry on a constant basis! I saw a picture of a blue sky with the words in white “You can be good without god” that had been posted to an atheist group get removed, and the person running the page had their account deleted, but you can’t find time for child rapists? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

    Is facebook telling you to do it that way, or is that of your own volition? Granted, what you deal with sounds horrific, but from what I’ve seen on facebook, tons of horrific bullshit passes through, lots of people seriously suffer so that facebook can push religious and social ideals?

    Or is there some enormous mitigating factor I have overlooked to this awe inspiring, terrifying behavior?

  • AKaye

    Thanks so much for your hard work, and for writing this post. I am so pleased to read the comments from those who used to report trivial posts and now will not! Take heart in that your efforts are indeed having many positive results. I hope dearly that your identity and security are well-protected, fb would suffer harshly for lack of you.

    I completely understand your use of explosive language in response to uneducated commentary- especially to those who’ve obviously not even read the article through, or without giving its content enough attention to comprehend it. The ‘offense’ taken by many at your mere choice of WORDS emphasizes articulately the very problem about which you’ve written- that individuals think their ‘feelings’ are so important that they take valuable energies from actually important topics. People would be doing their human societies such a great service to reserve their outrage for TRUE wrongdoings like violence and other harm against others or specific threats of such.

    All the best to you in your continued work! And I suggest, sometimes banning people who insist on such wastes of human energy enables us to conserve ourselves for the noble fights. You’ve allowed certain dissidents to state their positions; once their views been entertained, and especially once it’s become clear that they’re people incapable of respectful conversational exchange, I fully endorse kicking their asses to the curb.


  • Jet Black

    Strange how the “anonymous moderator” chooses the name of a freelance writer to use. Pretty sure most of what is written here is fiction, especially as they lecture in “how to cultivate page followers”…obviously get a contentious, imaginary 7yr old in your blog, that works wonders for numbers, doesn’t it?

    • Joy Lynskey

      Ahh, you would only have a good point if the fucktarded people here hadn’t FORCED me to reveal any of that. I also revealed several other things about the identity you seem to be looking at. Did you read any of that, or just start posting ignorant accusations like the rest?

  • Jennifer

    Thank you for your work, I’ve worked in Forensic science and I know first hand how truly monstrous the human population is, It’s easy for someone to say ‘you chose that job’ but you never actually know the full extent until you get certain cases, each one taking a little piece of your soul until you just become an empty shell but we stick at it in the hope that we can save a few. I will never know the endless pain you have to suffer each working day, but I can offer a small amount of empathy and sincere gratitude that you make a difference. I wish you strength and peace 🙂 x

    • Joy Lynskey

      Thank you for your kind wishes Jennifer

      • Captain Kickass

        Just want to let you know, law enforcement is on your side here. I’m sick of the “all about me” attitude I get on almost every phone call every day at work. People (in the US anyway) are getting so ridiculous, they call 911 for weather reports, and call non-emergency numbers for actual crimes (man strangling a woman as a roadside assistance call). The email address I provided is my actual email, and I support everything you have posted here.

      • J Lyn

        Thanks. I am going to use it. I have an idea or two to run by you. Hope to hear back.

  • ParadiceNZ

    Hmm, I agree that having to wade through people being “offended” by trivial bullshit is pretty fucked up (anyone uttering the phrase “I am offended by this” pretty much triggers my moron-detector automatically).

    However, the one thing you probably can’t lay at the door of the users is the amount of time it took for the 7 year old’s horrible situation to reach you.

    Facebook has obviously decided what it deems to be an acceptable turnaround time for processing reported content. If users were submitting less garbage, Facebook would employ fewer moderators. You would still get to any specific item in the same amount of time.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Probably a lot of truth in that, absolutely. However, we do have a lot of moderators, and I can lay it at the door of all the people who reported upsetting curse words, pictures of models half nude and other random stupid things that clog up the system. Perhaps if those things were less reported, even a smaller staff could handle them more accurately.

      Speculation is just that, and it usually goes both ways. Most often, the truth lies somewhere around the middle.

  • Paul

    I’ve reported pornographic photos in the past as I’ve always thought FB should be family friendly but after reading your article, I’m wondering if this was a mistake. I too would hate to think I’ve caused problems for others by being over sensitive.

  • Colin Melville

    Just to clarify:

    1. Atheism is not a minority, atheism is an absence of religious faith. Let’s try for some literacy, shall we?

    2. Atheists are a minority *in the USA*, but Facebook is a worldwide phenomenon. To extrapolate the situation in America to the rest of the world is ignorant and just plain silly.

    3. There are (fortunately!) many places much more enlightened than the USA (including my two countries, France and the UK) where atheists and agnostics are actually the majority.

    • Brokenwings

      Colin totally agree with point 2 and 3. Even here in Australia where, according to the census, christians are a majority (barely), if you actually speak to people, most of them will admit they are actually agnostic and just pick christianity on the census because it sounds like close enough to what they’d like to believe in. In reality, they don’t have any particular belief and are either exploring options or just don’t care about whether or not any god exists.

      I cannot however agree with you on point 1. Agnoticism is the absence of a defined religious faith. Atheism however is the religious belief that there is no god or gods at all. Believing no god/gods exist is still a religious belief.

  • Chris Costa

    When I report dodgy/offensive adverts, do the reports go to the same set of moderators? If so then I will avoid reporting offensive-looking adverts in the future.

    • Andrea Leong

      Hi Chris, if you mark ads as spam, they will go through a different system (there’s a question somewhere above).That doesn’t directly answer your question, but it’s an alternative that definitely doesn’t go through the same channel.

      Incidentally, the only time I’ve seen ads that I’d describe as “dodgy” on fb is when a browser extension was putting them at the left of my news feed.

  • Susannah Goble

    I would just like to say well done. It is fantastic that people like you are out there helping people and trying to right injustices. I know I am not strong enough to do what you do and view those horrors every day, so I think you are absolutely amazing. Thank you.

  • Matthew Edwards

    The author of this page is a hero of the highest caliber. I have re-posted this article, and asked my friends to do so, in the hopes that some people may now think before reporting. I doubt it but just maybe. Love light and peace.

  • Lady Andrea

    Reblogged this on Andreaurbanfox © and commented:
    Simply awesome blog.

  • Steve

    Wow so I get to sit at my pc for 8 hours and ban shit on facebook ? I for one wouldn’t much care what was reported, I would make a list and if I ever saw them I would hang them up, wow…on facebook all day….what a job !!!!
    Do you need anyone ?!

  • toby

    Just the attitude of the author alone is enough to put me off this article. I read it all and the comments. It stinks. If you really card you would reveal yourself and go to press about it.

  • Rick Ellis

    hey I can fully understand your viewpoint here, Keep up the great work

  • carl

    Face an open space use it or not personal choice. If offended turn off, move on, or confront. Try not to be as abusive & ignorant as those who offend you. Clearly, it seems even when the risk of real threat & real crime is enhance by trivia & personal sensibilities, those who perpetrate such as still offended & offensive, I would have started this comment with ‘ I’m amazed’, but really I’m not. Delicate ego’s always demand personal attention over & above any real tangible threat or harm to themselves

  • Timothy Riches

    Kudos for the excellent post, and also the patience and humor with which you respond to commenters. It was well worth reading them all just to enjoy your responses. And such restraint over the gender confusion! You’d think that with a name like Joy it would be obvious. All the best.

  • Scott Davis

    Facebook is either in the business of law enforcement, or it isn’t.
    If it is deputized, or a mandated reporter, then its reports should be
    accurate and should stick to the law and the truth in all cases – and
    often, we can see that this is not the case. The “algorithm” reach
    confirms this. If Facebook isn’t in the business of law enforcement,
    then it is illegal for it to constitute itself as a Government within a
    Government, and to wrap any type of cloak of authority around itself.
    The fact is, Facebook uses anonymous and often baseless reports
    as proof of guilt of some vague offense, and robs people of their
    First Amendment rights on that basis, and Facebook is doing this
    more and more often. If Facebook is going to act like a government,
    maybe it should just be nationalized and become a Government
    agency to make everything legitimate. But then, Facebook would
    have to go by due process in everything it does. Furthermore, if
    Facebook would be nationalized (which makes sense in many ways,
    first of all because it is the only way to protect the First Amendment
    rights of millions of Americans who have been lured into using it)
    then it would be a crime to report non-offenses or to report things
    maliciously, and it would be punishable by a fine or even imprisonment
    to use Facebook’s administrative capabilities to try to shut someone
    else up via the method of concocting issues of offensiveness or
    fake harassment against the victim who is the target of such
    censorship. This would not deprive people who work for Facebook
    of their jobs – it would make their jobs a lot easier. And it would also
    not make Facebook unprofitable for its owners – after all, the Federal
    government nationalized General Motors, and it was able to reprivatize
    itself by conforming to Federal mandates. Maybe Facebook should
    be willing to do the same. It would help to balance the Federal
    budget for the first time in over twelve years, too – all in all, a
    win-win scenario.

    • Dar Long

      “The fact is, Facebook uses anonymous and often baseless reports
      as proof of guilt of some vague offense, and robs people of their
      First Amendment rights on that basis, and Facebook is doing this
      more and more often. ”

      Hey there, little man. Here’s the thing. Your “Rights” on Facebook? Don’t really exist. This is Facebook’s sandbox. Don’t like the rules? Go find another sandbox to shit in. I hear MySpace is lovely this time of year…

  • CliffyTX

    How does one go about becoming a Facebook moderator? I’ve been interested in being one for quite some time, but only heard of the 3rd- world-wages variety via some freelancing site.

  • Brian Carey

    The message I take from this is that there are real cries for help out there. If we could put this all in perspective and be aware, maybe we could help some child in desperate need!

    • Karkass

      How come so many here aren’t getting that? I agree, and got from this article that we can all help some people who desperately need it just by not getting our collective panties in a bunch and whining to our mom’s that ‘he said’ or ‘she posted’ or ‘that pic sucks’. Helping actual people out of actual danger by simply not doing anything, by simply not clogging up a system that can only handle so much garbage. Seems like a reasonable and easy to deliver request!

  • Steven Cock-Cely

    I find your article very revealing and even though I almost never report anything I certainly had no idea such kind of crapped was reported on a daily basis, and even worse, I wasn’t aware there were cases like the little girl you weren’t able to help because of people’s stupidity, I don’t know if you feel guilt about it but if you do, I give you my support and do not feel guilt for it was not your fault even though you could have helped it was not all in your hands. On the same topic, I’d like to know if there’s any way in which I can help you and this team of people that work with you, for I am really concerned about such problems as child abuse, home violence and so on, and even if I do what I can with the people I know, I’d like to know if there’s any way I could help on a bigger field.

    Best regards.

  • Scotty

    The more suggestions of bullshit I don’t like that you plague me with the more pages I will block and unlike.
    I will also report anything I see that I feel is harassing/offensive or annoying.

    Your whole post here is a petty whinge just like what you are complaining about.

    While I feel for anyone in trouble in any kind of situation you are a moderator on a social networking site.

    Don’t like your job quit.

    Or like most of us get on Facebook have a sook, and get on with life.

    • ianhawke

      You obviously understood nothing of what he wrote, this makes it pointless for a reply to be given to you. Pay attention to words, and you might get attention.

      Troll fails are savoury ❤

    • mindthecorner

      “Don’t like your job quit.”
      Oh yes. Let’s all quit our jobs if we don’t like them and suck unemployment money from all the other people who are working to pay taxes. After all, we can all go on Facebook and pretend we’re better than others!
      Ah… the “freedom of speech”…

    • David M.

      “The more suggestions of bullshit I don’t like that you plague me with the more pages I will block and unlike.
      I will also report anything I see that I feel is harassing/offensive or annoying.”

      The first part of that statement, “the more pages I will block and unlike”, would solve the second part. Interestingly, that is exactly what the author is suggesting. If you find something on a page “offensive or annoying”, unlike the page or “hide” the comment, and move on. Reporting every little thing that YOU find “harassing/offensive or annoying” is what’s clogging up the system, taking time away from their ability to deal with legitimate concerns.

      “Don’t like your job quit.”

      Ah, yes, one should always just abandon anything they don’t like. There is no point in trying to correct a problem, just run away. You obviously didn’t comprehend the article. The author didn’t say she didn’t like their job, she said she didn’t like having to wade through all the butt hurt “I’m upset/offended” to find the ones that could be classified as legitimate complaints. “I find this joke offensive” is NOT a legitimate complaint, it’s whining.

      • J Lyn

        Thank you for one of the most realistic comments I have viewed here, David. I’m on the dashboard so I can’t even see who you are replying to, but I can clearly see a voice of reason. There haven’t been a ton 🙂

  • Scotty

    Also fuck off.

    • Karkass

      Whoah, got her there! You are really good at this! So clever! So unobservant! go back and re-read the whole article- your reporting every little things means that real people suffer real pain ‘casue there’s a finite amount of resources to get through all of this, and someone who needs help doesn’t get it because YOU are piling “I’m gonna tell Mom on you!” complaints about things that aren’t anything more than your OPINION being challenged. Grow up, leave the sandbox.

  • ianhawke

    Revealing piece, I must say I felt guilty quite a few times. I didn’t know any of this. Thank you for sharing, hope more people come over and learn social networking.

  • Bad Witch

    It really sounds like you hate your job and should probably look for a new job. Not sure if you job pays particularly well, but if it doesn’t pay well, then definitely time to brush off the CV!

  • Alex Ayann

    fun read, and i perfectly understand the frustration of moderators. i am curious though, does facebook have teams of moderators who can actually speak the languages that facebook is provided in? and if it does, are those people trained to at least understand the criteria for banning content?
    a photo of a nude i had posted (from the back; non-pornographic; part of an art series) was deleted in less than 30mins. yet when i reported a page for extreme hate speech directed at an ethnic minority in my country, with death threats, fascist symbols and all, i received a kind automated email informing me they were unable to confirm the terms violation. seriously? would that be because that particular page was in romanian and facebook moderators speak only english so they can only moderate less than half of the content on facebook? or could it have been because the moderators themselves were compatriots of mine and approving of incitement to violence towards that ethnic group, as most of them do?

  • Teresa

    Great article. I wish I could have been this straight forward when I was the community manager for Microsoft’s Q&A site. It was frustrating dealing with the petty reports, trolls, people accusing me and the rest of the team of being biased, etc… However, the reward of knowing we literally saved lives made it worth it.

  • Črni Žec

    Ok. Fine with that. But what with animal harrasment, violence, hate speech, and so on? Many things insults everyone, but many things you don’t need to watch or comment. You can avoid such content that insult your look on things.

    But, I find Facebook very criminal. Because it boosts violence and hate speech and protect such things. Why I think that?! I reported few times groups where few people interacts with each other speaking what is the best way to kill an animal or someones pet. You would puke when you see what those people writes on the walls. I reported the group as users also for hate speech and violence speech, facebook replyed me:”We do not find nothing against our rules, no actions will be taken!”

    Other few times I reported few people that were attackin some persons with pure hate about nationality and color of their skin. I got same reply from facebook.

    Few days before I got some poll from facebook, where they wanted me to rate their report system, how effective he was. I rated it with lower score possible, because protecting hate speech, violent speech, groups where ppl interact and teach others how to kill living beings, how to attack and insult and hate people with different colors or nationality, or where rich kids says how they will tomorrow go and beat some poor kid because he smells and so on… I find Facebook in the same line as criminals, as they do their best to not keep their rules as human rights, as I see, it is like rules are created to break them, and support those full of hate and violence to others.

    That’s my exeprience with facebook report system. I do not report anything anymore, because it is uselles, since moderators are dumb or they simply do not care. My english is not good, but people usually understands what I am trying to say.

    Have a nice day.

    • Joy Lynskey

      “since moderators are dumb or they simply do not care”

      You must not have read any of the 400 words I dedicated to explaining why a lot of these issues are not in moderators hands.

  • Verdad

    Sweet bleeding hell. See, I’m not bright. I installed a comment blocker because the sheer stupidity of the planet (and our country in particular) was doing bad things to my health and the safety of people around me. Being an idiot myself, I occasionally can’t resist the urge to unblock comments – it’s a vicious cycle.

    If people would learn to use Facebook features, they wouldn’t see so much ‘offensive’ crap. I have reported occasionally – a page “outting sluts” comes to mind. I’ll self-police better from now on. The sheer volume of the monster didn’t really click until I read this. I do report a ton of ads (WHY does FB give me the option to block all posts from a game, then put “What your friends are playing” in our newsfeed?? Seriously??) and the occasional click hack/malware. But mostly, I try to learn to use the tool I’m playing with. Perhaps FB should respond to reports with a video on how to use FB.

    Facebook is a playground. I’m just glad that there are people who respond to the real emergencies out there. I remember the early days of AOL (when it ran in DOS – damn, I’m old) – and trying to find a way to help a young lady who was clearly suicidal. There were none. Glad that’s changed some.

    Joy, you have the power here to delete the truly stupid shit. Please use it. There’s far too much stupid in the world as it is.

    Kudos, Joy. I couldn’t do it without going postal.

  • Bruce

    Joy: Thank you for your work. I trust that you have access to counselling and have a way of leaving your horrible job before you get damaged by it.

    • Joy Lynskey

      I am actually a counselor. That is part of the reason for my employment. That doesn’t mean I am immune for sure, but it does mean I have coping skills pretty honed on my own. I did walk away once when things became so overwhelming, I will not hesitate to do so again if needed.

      Thank you very much for your concern.

  • rabenaas

    Reblogged this on r a b e n w e l t e n and commented:
    Stop and think.

      • Thomas E Clay Jr

        Joy, I have several facebook stalkers whose harassment has continued unabated for 5 months which includes posting my Social Security Number along with my address and number. This man prides himself on how many times he has been reported. It’s an entire subculture of people that do this not just to me but to others. Facebook never does anything about it because there is no way to contact facebook about it and still the pages continue. I’ve gotten death threats for months and the police can’t do anything because they say, ‘stay off facebook.’ The reporting system never lets us input the the nature of the abuse and reviewers never look at the pages to understand it. What more can I do? They post obituaries of my dead relatives and on and on.

      • J Lyn

        Find me on Facebook. Someone usually can!

  • Karen Fuchs

    If . someone is in obvious harm . attend to them above others regardless of time .Priorize like an emergency room and attend to those in obvious life situations / Don’t take . c/o personally. Try to do this objectively otherwise. you Joy will burn out . . All people matter , and need respect not judgement and blame or name calling . . Too much hatred is cause by hate and emotional assessments . Sorry . But if more people treated everyone with respect and help we would have less problems . Maybe There should be some Guidelines on an internet to curtails . the radicals . That is all I say . IT is wonderful that FB has people watching for problems and are there to help women children and or men in trouble or harm . KF . P.S. I respect and can see your problems and it is hard to satisfy and help everyone .! Hang in there . I wish you all the best in work , this is not easy . XX Helping another much make up for all the things that are
    untoward . Maybe we as people who post can help you in some small way ?

  • liam burrows

    Troll. This person doesn’t work for Facebook. Probably doesn’t work at all.

    • liam burrows

      Facebook are morons, but even they wouldn’t give this person a actual job, let alone pay extra dollars for her ‘skills’, when someone in India is looking to moderate for Facebook for less than 10% of the pay.

      Want proof? Here it is: ‘Joy R. Lynskey has been a writer for over 20 years. She is currently a full time freelancer who owns her own content creation company.’

      As I say – unemployed…. She’s one of those ‘I know anything there is to know about the internet and freedom of Speech’ Nazi types.

      • Joy Lynskey

        Lmao! You must of missed a lot of the comments here to be saying that. Educate yourself. It helps. A LOT. I am far from unemployed, I work about 18 hours per day between FB (for which I am a third party employee) and my own work and assisting the two people who run that business you mentioned above. I haven’t participated in that company since 2009, but I make money from it. We also pay taxes.

        You? Are you angry because some human beings still have ambition, or is this just more petty jealousy coming out?

    • Joy Lynskey

      Oh gosh. Take the blue pill next time.

  • Barry

    I actually don’t have facebook because I see it as a waste of time.

  • Hudson Jorge

    I have nothing to add or subtract from what you Said here.
    I Just want to say that I appreciate your job sharing this to the people.
    I hope good people will respond and support your cause.
    With all my respect.

  • ericlebrek88

    Reblogged this on The Cookie Jar.

  • Tony S

    Thanks for this Joy. We just experienced our first “3-strikes” ban on our politics/atheism page not that long ago, and needless to say, it was educational. We shot a video about when we got blocked:

    Your explanation sheds a lot of light on what happened with us. Needless to say, I get several reports a week from people who complain about an image or link we posted. We’ve been more careful to post certain items off FB on our blog, and then share the link rather than have the content on FB. That seems to work better for us, but sharing is drastically reduced. In any case, it’s good to know how the process works a little more, and for your insights on how FB works.

    Tony Santos

  • mindthecorner

    I’m not really the “reporting” type of person, I’m actually very tolerant and peaceful when it comes to what others have to say/show. I think – to this day – I may have reported 10 times (if as many), and all related to random pornography advertisement by some posters. Other than that and gore pictures/videos, I don’t see any content worth reporting on a daily basis.

    Either way, I had not thought about this possibility. Thank you for opening my eyes. I shall now think 10 times before reporting anything.

  • Hannah

    I really had no Idea. I mean I often see things where people are saying stupid, offensive things but I just think “hey this kid is an idiot and it’s not even worth my time of day to report him”. But I never thought about the crimes that may be getting reported through facebook and the fact that people’s stupid complaints could be preventing others from getting serious help they need.
    I really and truly would like to thank anyone who does this type of work. I couldn’t imagine how hard it is to see such sad and horrible things happen especially against narcissistic people asking stupid questions and getting upset over petty things. Sharing this everywhere I can right now.

  • Anna

    I truly empathise with you and I am appalled at the horrors you describe. I am however equally appalled by Facebook. They must be aware of the situation you describe so why haven’t they allocated more resources to this cause? This is where social media can truly help but instead you have to sit and get upset at Facebook’s users. It is not the users’, no matter how silly their complaints, it is Facebooks duty to take care of the monster they created. It is Facebook’s fault you didn’t have time to help the girl, not Facebook’s users’. Facebook has the money, it is all a question of will.

  • Tommi MoonYak Henriksen

    I thought everybody knew the reason FB doesn’t child ban porn is that a group hasn’t collected enough “Likes”, right?
    Of course the mods are sat there thinking “This is sick, but they’re still a couple of clicks short of me doing what I know is right”

  • naoomi

    I want to say thank you to you for facing the horror so others don’t have to. I also want to thank you for caring, genuinely caring. I am so sorry for the little girl. I am so thankful people like you still exist in this cruel world.

  • Larry

    It seems like the author is angry at Facebook users for using the reporting system, whereas the author *should* be mad at Facebook for providing the reporting service the way they do, with no caveat or explanation that superfluous complaints clog the system.
    What kind of normal person would realize that their complaint is going to vie for attention with decaying bodies and children being raped?

    • Joy Lynskey

      The same kind of ‘normal’ person that realizes that Facebook provides a platform for people of ALL ‘characters’ are free to use it. How did you manage to read that and not gather my disgust at how screwed the Facebook system is?

      I think I just realized why the first part escaped you. Never mind.

  • Matt Begley

    Ms. Lynskey, I would like to express my deepest appologies for every time I dissed Facebook moderators for removing a picture or banning something that I didn’t in any way find offensive. I hadn’t realized what an insurmountable task you and your coworkers are attempting to achieve each and every day. I would also like to express my deepest thanks for your efforts.
    Matt Begley
    Recently enlightened facebook user.

  • aingealvanhelsing

    I’ll admit I never stopped to consider the implications of a trivial report, whenever my mouse hovers over that button I will remember this post and seriously think before I press my overused left-click.

  • Lyle Upson

    wow, this has been a riveting read … including the interplay with the troll

  • George Hayduke, why ya askin'?

    Sanctimonious whiner.

  • Carlie

    I had a visceral response to reading this today, which, I suppose was your point. The pettiness of the people on FB astounds me every day. I consider deleting my own account until I realize how it keeps me connected to friends. I digress; this article hit me square in the gut and even though I have never actually reported anything on FB because I figured it was pointless and nothing really offends me much anyway, I think it speaks to all pettiness. People are so focused on their myopic view that they rarely realize that others are truly suffering and, compared to the trivial worries and paltry woes which are cried out dramatically on a status update, it is frivolous and insignificant. I can imagine this situation with the young girl is very haunting and I’m sorry that petty griefs got in the way of a more timely response. I wish people could see the big picture more often. Thank you for pointing it out.

  • Musician

    I cant even imagine all those fake reports to atheist pages G_G

  • gadiv

    I didn’t read through the comments (there are an awful lot of them – congratulations!) but of your examples of obnoxious reports, you listed “This page shared my picture without credit or permission.”

    I was wondering if you could explain why that type of report lacks the level of gravity needed to not appear on that list, what with copyright law and personal privacy, since the former demands a certain amount of rigor in defending copyrighted materials of the owner, and the latter is … well, more obvious. I understand that someone posting something to Facebook provides Facebook itself permissions to use content, but how that works for third parties using Facebook that post another person’s material doesn’t seem to provide protections for those third parties that would infringe on another’s copyrights.

    Of course this isn’t nearly as important as other stuff, I get that, but I don’t get how this sort of thing warranted inclusion in your list.

    • Joy Lynskey

      Because it is a huge issue it made it to this list. Because Facebook isn’t an open search engine, the CC issues are not taken as seriously. I agree that something should be done about a lot of the open theft there, I am just not sure what.

  • Bippy

    Thanks for this information! I had not given much thought at all to what happens after someone reports an image/post/page. This whole blog, particularly the comments, has highlighted many things: that there are many people doing great work [helping stop abuse, for example], everywhere, and at personal cost; that there are many people who have poor comprehension of the written word [as is made apparent by the ignorant responses to your post]; that many people have nothing better to do than troll. I should just avoid reading other peoples’ comments on just about any article or blog I read! The internet has become a useful tool in intelligent peoples’ hands, a dangerous one in others’ hands. And as for facebook, sometimes I wish it would just implode!

  • MRE

    Oh PUHLLEEEZE Yah.. right.. facebook admins are seeing things as graphic as are what described here in this article. I doubt that with ever bit of my being. To say that facebook admins are somehow the unsung heroes of the internet is lunacy. Total and utter idiocy. Facebook administration is essentially asleep at the wheel and would be the last source of help anyone, ever, should go to online. What a crock this article is. If you think some intern is going to stop joe-rapist-murderer from getting at you, think again. Talk about a case of over claiming your own worth and position on the internet. Street bums could take over as facebook admins and you wouldn’t see any change in the system. What a lousy diatribe of utter BS, spouted to gain sympathy from the masses. On facebook you are alone. If someone bothers you or really harrasses you, then you have two options: Deal with it, or delete your account. If you really think you’ll ever get an admin to even speak to you let alone do something for you than you are sorely mistaken.

    • Joy Lynskey

      No one claimed to be a hero and I resent the ignorance of that statement. Gain sympathy from the masses? No. The only request I made of the masses was to stop reporting bullshit. The fact that you seem to have seen all this huge desire for some kind of fame makes me wonder how mature you could possibly be. I’ve actually made it pretty clear here that no one will ever get attention directly from a mod, so I can’t even describe how much fail was in your last sentence.

      Why are you yammering people here? It would be mystifying if it wasn’t so stupid.

    • Captain Kickass

      MRE is showing his ignorance… He’ll eventually get it though, he honestly doesn’t know that 90-95% of the population is made up of dumbasses, incapable of knowing which reports need to go down which avenues.. People call 911 for the most ridiculous things and call non-emergency numbers for the gravest emergencies.. What makes you think a dumbass wouldn’t think sending their 911 call thru a facebook report was appropriate?

    • Jimmy McTimmy

      You obviously understand idiocy very well. It can be a lot of fun to read what miserable, small-minded people think about great articles.

  • Emily Pylant

    Thank you. Thank you so much. I salute you, good sir or madam. You are an inspiration to us all.

  • The Old Wolf

    I can’t thank you enough, both for what you do and for writing about it. I would like your permission to repost this over at my blog, in a slightly bowdlerized form. I know many people who *desperately* need to read this, but who would not be able to get past the language (there’s some meta-irony in there, but life is full of such things.) If you don’t approve of this, I’d still like to reblog it in its original form.

  • T

    This is such B.S.- that “R.I.P. Amanda Todd” FB page, for example- had CONSTANT violations of FB’s rules, including the consistent posting nude images of a minor, over and over again. Including gruesome images of violent deaths- one specific image I remember, was an African american guy with his guts hanging out, who had been run over by a truck. There were images of suicide methods being photo-shopped to somebody’s face or body. This entire page needed to be taken down- not to mention all of the comments and things people discussed on this page- that became even worse than the above aforementioned.

    FB chose to keep this bastard page running- even with tons and tons of violations, that kept going against your apparent community guidelines and rules. FB just did a huge “fuck you” to that- and kept it going, for months. So you’re going to sit here and tell me that you actually take care of gruesome subjects and problems of harassment and whatnot?

    That page was reported multiple times too- and still managed to somehow stay there, magically.

    Yeah, you take care of serious issues? Fuck off. As if you do that! What YOU do, is sit there and let shit stay, and fester. Maybe it’s because of all the other whiny shit, you have to sift through- but what I do know, from personal experience of trying to actually get you guys to do something about an actual serious issue- is that you do FUCK all… but have no troubles worrying about whether or not somebody was adding too many friends, in a period of time, instead. Because apparently- adding people is a problem to Facebook- but not child pornography, violent and graphic content, discriminatory and racist posts, suicidal content etc…

    Yeah. Again- get lost- with your whole “I do a great job here, and I can’t because of the stupid stuff people complain about… and look at how great I am, and how empathetic I apparently am- and the rest of you are stupid” deal. You might get paid well, but that doesn’t mean, that you DO well, on the end of ACTUALLY doing something about anything that matters.

  • Stacey

    Joy, thank you for sharing your perspective. It has certainly changed mine. I have only reported a few posts on Facebook, but only because of pornographic images. Otherwise, if something offends me or I don’t like something, I just keep scrolling. Out of sight, out of mind.

    The sad part is that the little girl’s story is the direct result of something being out of mind because it was out of your sight… because it was being covered by too many complaints. Complaints and cries for help are two different things. Sadly, the squeaky wheel gets the oil, so the people who mouth off complaints will likely get more attention than those who actually need it.

    I haven’t the slightest idea where the atheist argument came from. All I can say is that, yes, atheism is a minority in the United States (if not all over the world), but every person deserves the right to be heard and the right to be treated with honor, dignity, and respect. I want to emphasize this: again, every -person- deserves to be treated with honor, dignity, and respect. A person might be an atheist. A person might be gay. A person might be a millionaire. A person might be 12 years old. What matters is that they are a person first, and the description comes second. I just wish people would realize this and stop hating the person because of their beliefs. Then maybe their wouldn’t be so many senseless reporting happening on Facebook.

    – One pissed off Christian.

  • dyanne

    Interesting perspective about a rather frustrating and poorly managed social networking site. A bit self important perhaps? Rather like the punters he criticises– but with more power maybe.

  • CM

    What a load of sanctimonious bullsh*t. Right, people reporting things are preventing the GODS at FB from single-handedly preventing child rape. Give me a break. I think I just threw up.

  • pamoore3

    I see your point, but you get well paid to deal with FB complaints, so stop moaning. Also, the new Facebook layout is rubbish. It looks so cluttered now. I wish you would leave well alone and put more effort into fixing glitches and making genuine improvements. I also don’t want to see the faces of ‘people I may know’ glaring at me across the top of the page. It would be nice to have a layout editing facility and more editing power in general.

    • Joy Lynskey

      “You get paid to deal with FB complaints so stop complaining!”

      Proceeds to complain. You don’t understand narcissism do you?

      Here, I’ll show you.

      I get paid to deal with complaints, but not the type you have, so carry them to someone who does.

  • JulieH

    Thanks for this, and for what you and your colleagues do. I had no idea and was sure it was all algorithms. I had no clue of the horrible stuff. I reported a something once because of violence or something, but it might have been just butthurt–I don’t even remember what it was. I hope you start to see at least a dent in the bullshit you have to wade through, if not fewer harrowing things to deal with.

    And also, I don’t normally encourage anyone to feed the trolls, but I am addicted to your responses!

  • Dawn

    Thing is there’s a level between I’m offended by random inoffensive shit whining and active crimes that often doesn’t get tackled until major kick off happens. I don’t know if that’s because of the auto system but it’s worrisome. Rape doesn’t happen in a vacuum, rape culture plays a large part in it. So when the mods don’t take down rape culture based pages, pages which harm survivors? It isn’t just allowing freedom of speech, it’s spreading ideas about access to the female body, and male presumed ownership of women of all ages. Ideas that are absorbed by abusers.

    Just because writing horrible misogynistic things about women on facebook isn’t a crime doesn’t mean it’s a neutral thing to do.

    And yes as a mod elsewhere I’ve seen some horrific things myself including Child porn, gore images and worse, but I never forget that rape culture is just as much part of why we have rape as rapists.


    would it not have been proper for you to report the little girl’s concern on rape and ignore the petty others on fb??? seems as though you did not report intentionally for some reason, eh??

    • Karkass

      Sigh, again. THIS IS WHAT SHE’S BEEN SAYING – THE WAY THE SYSTEM WORKS SHE CAN’T GET TO THE IMPORTANT THINGS BECAUSE THE STUPIDITY IS IN LINE FIRST, SO SHE’S ASKING PEOPLE TO STOP PUTTING STUPIDITY INTO THE LINE SO THAT THOSE THAT NEED HELP CAN GET IT. I’m truly baffled by how many people are missing the basic premise of her article!!!! It’s not like all the complaints are up there on a big screen at once and the real actual ones glow red so she can pick them out first or something. She stated the fb model of getting through these complaints is horrible and needs reform, and and that people also need to reconsider reporting every time they see side boob or a joke about jesus.

    • J Lyn

      You’re an idiot. Next.

  • GD

    Interesting, as I’ve been banned from facebook for simply posting an article with a political opinion that someone didn’t agree with, while I’ve reported photos of grown men posting photos of themselves making sexual moves on children, which facebook found “didn’t violate their terms of service”.

  • Lynn

    Oh Shit. I am one of those idiots that occasionally flagged something. So Sorry. I will not be doing that anymore. Glad to have some real information and feel like a total Ass.

  • Katherin

    As a person who has never reported a picture, a comment, or anything else because I respect the opinions and beliefs of other people and do not have to be right (I also strongly believe in the Right of Free Speech. I am also capable of putting my big girl panties on and skipping by something that offends me because the world does not have to please me 100% of the time…. I have to wonder something…… The people that are continue to argue through out the comment section…. Are you the same person that logs a complaint when you feel that not everyone conforms to your ways? The only reason I ask is because to sit and fight on a feed takes a lot of time and effort….
    Maybe if you would take a breath, gather your thoughts, rise above this petty argument, and stop trying to be right all the time then actual things that this person needs to see would be available and things could actually get done.

  • MattB

    Hi Joy. This article was a real eye-opener, I’ve never reported anything on FB because I’m not easily offended and if someone does piss me off I just call them a dickhead and, under extreme circumstances, block them. So glad I haven’t contributed to actual issues getting through, unlike the whining masses. Oh and personally I couldn’t give a shit what (if any) religion you are, your personal politics or any of the other petty crap some people seem intent on dragging up, you strike me as a decent person trying to do their job as best they can to help others in a very real way. For what it’s worth you have my respect 🙂

  • J.M. Midnite

    Hire more people then. If a 7 year old is getting raped because you alone couldn’t get to the report then you are overwhelmed and undermanned. You also are whining quite similarly to the ones you complain about. It’s your Job: Deal With It. More to the point, you sound like a low level employee who hates their job.

  • Jonni Collins

    This post made me cry, truly. I feel so ashamed. I reported a HORRID picture that was, in my estimation, one of the biggest examples of human depravity I have seen come across my Wall, other than child rape. I was absolutely HORRIFIED when it was left up and I was told it did not meet the standards to have it taken down. I bitched, pissed, moaned and groaned, argued and even
    RE-reported it. I even downloaded the picture to my hard drive as proof of what Facebook allows people to post; I still have it. Short story, it shows a naked young girl with her breasts clearly exposed, drenched in blood, with a crucifix shoved down her throat to the point that even blood flowed from her eyes and a ragged hole in her chest where it had been repeatedly pierced by the same cricufix into her heart. I hope you can see why I was horrified. The caption was “Christians: always trying to shove their religion down our throats.” I am Agnostic but was raised Pentecostal and my religious views made no difference to me; I thought this was the ugliest thing I had ever seen. Now, after reading this post, I am deeply ashamed of myself and yes… I was brought to tears. Anything I can do to help, please let me know and bless you in any way you are confortable with, for having the tenacity to stand in the face of such ugliness day in and day out in hopes of finding those truly abhorrent posts and situations that need addressed. I am sorry. 😦

  • Charlotte Stevens

    Brilliant Joy, thanks for having a back bone 🙂

  • The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports | The Internet Offends Me | facebook in the news

    […] The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports | The Internet Offends Me. […]

  • Christian

    I must say this shock me to the core. Mainly because iv been trough similar shit. i have been the leader of a guild of 200 people (befour you say its not the same listen please) i had to moderate everything i knew there culd be kids there and so forth. about 4 months in we had one guy kill himself and i found out later he had actualy made a cry for help in the guild chat but people was to bussy being but hurt.
    also had an insident where i had to contact proper authoreties in the US (im from sweden) imagine my horror when i had to report the sexual abuse of a 12 year old boy to the authoreties and then they just patched me trugh to the FBI and i had to repete myself. i cried myself to sleep that night.

    And that was 200 people.. imagine 250K an HOURE!

    I have nothing but respect for you Facebook moderators.

    I am not religious at all but if anyone of you are then god bless.. if not then let me say you are a good person. please keep up the good work.


  • Chris

    And what, praytell, do you do when a gang of trolls starts posting that you or a relative are a pedophile all over fb and when u report it, less than 5% of the material get’s taken down? what’s the best way to report this kind of serious cyber-bullying? Oh, and don’t say put them on block, your fb TOS means nothing to these people who can produce profiles at will and there is no way to get rid of them by reporting. Please advise-

    • J Lyn

      Call the police. I’ve done it. I have called the police, printed out the pages where threats were made to or against me, and the police prosecuted them vs the state for harassment.

      • Brokenwings

        J that’s fantastic they do that in the United States. Here the cops just laugh in your face and tell you to stop wasting their time. Even when dealing with cyberbullying of an autistic 8 year old that involved threats, the cops won’t act. The threats weren’t made on facebook, but the horrific cyberbullying was done on facebook. It wasn’t sent to the 8 year old (as the 8 year old did not have an account), but it was done on her father’s and his associate’s pages and then shown to the 8 year old.

        I don’t want to get into an argument with you because I assume facebook has made progress in the cyberbullying arena since the 4ish years ago since this happened, but I’m just saying the police in some other countries ignore even the worst cyberbullying.

        I had copies of the vile threats sent via email which were taken to the police with proof they were real and nothing was done.

        It’s fantastic that states in the US act, but here in Australia the cops don’t give a rats about cyberbullying and cyberstalking.

        You can block a person, but you can’t stop them putting up abuse on their accounts behind your back that defames you or your child (which is a common way abusers harass their victims) and it doesn’t stop them showing a child who has been ordered by a court into access visits from being exposed to things written online tormenting and mocking the child.

        When the police, courts and child protective services won’t act, the only solution to protect a child being exposed to abusive comments on facebook is to remove the abusive comments and if the offender continues, then to ban their account.

        My daughter got lucky – her abusive father cut off contact all of a sudden three years ago – but I know of other children still caught in this situation.

      • J Lyn

        I know other countries handle it differently. I am part of several cyberbulling protection and advocate groups.

  • Scott Cynical

    If there is a group that wishes to physically respond to scenarios such as this, I offer my help for the Southern Alberta region.

  • Rin

    Besides being an incredible eye-opener I would like to say that, you sir, whoever you are, deserve a medal. Facing the utter limits of human stupidity while trying to protect lives of people who will never even know you exist must be excruciating. You are the superheroes of modern society.

  • melamom

    Thank you for your posting. I, too, am offended by people who make a big deal out of every little thing. In my opinion, if you don’t like something then change the channel, or the website, or the post , or the station… Be proactive and move away or learn to ignore it. I have a Facebook Friend who’s passion is saving abused pets. Thanks to this I have dozens of posts on my feed of these poor critters. I get tired of seeing them but he has a right to be passionate and post them so I scroll past. No harm done. The population needs to grow a tougher skin or stay off the net!

    Thanks for doing your job and letting us know what it is. Good luck!

  • The Old Wolf

    May I have your permission to reblog this in slightly bowdlerized form? I know many people who *desperately* need to read this, but they couldn’t get past the salty language (there’s some meta-irony in there, but life is full of such things.)

  • Anne Marie Bamford

    I would think people who are atheists have good and bad people as has any group of people, but unlike religious groups don’t rely on fear of punishment to keep them good

  • Druscilla Ryan

    I constantly report things on Facebook. These reports are for rape jokes, sexual images of women taken without their permission, rape threats, threats of violence, hate speech, and racist jokes. None of them every get removed. I don’t think this article says anything to those of us who report things that are actually violent and sexist and condoning rape culture. You look at them and decide that they aren’t violent or hateful–well, THAT is a problem. Quit condoning rape culture and I’ll feel empathy for you and your hard job (that pays more than three times what mine does).

    • J Lyn

      Good job being part of the problem. I make more money working for myself. If you don’t get a better job or more education. I paid out of my ass for mine for ten years after I finished school. Quit assuming shit and being upset someone makes more money than you and I still won’t feel empathy because you are a sensitive bitch.

      Racists jokes? Are you serious?

      Condoning rape culture, you’d know how stupid it would be to say that to me if you seen the messages I sent to the three CNN reporters over the Stupidville case on Twitter, where everyone could see them. What did you do about that? Report the photos?

      Do something more. Facebook isn’t even a fucking search engine. Your activism stops at the goddamn door. Get over yourself.

  • Harriet

    Are complaints regarding, say, racist, homophobic or misogynistic comments considered time-waters? Because I must admit to having reported a handful of the nastier ones I’ve seen. On the one hand, I feel pretty justified in so doing, because I don’t think anybody should tolerate violent, hateful comments like , some people make on facebook, but on the other hand I don’t like apparently being responsible for child rape.

    • J Lyn

      If anyone felt like they were directly responsible for child rape because they have reported things in the past, they shouldn’t. The blog was a simple plea to ask people to reconsider the things they report if they are of a petty or personally and not generally offensive nature. Make sure they are worth it. That is all.

  • Nickie

    I will use my time & yours more wisely. The last thing I complained about was the ads but idea of what goes on behind the curtain.

  • Kris

    Facebook is a privilege, not a right, guys. If Facebook could have the potential to hurt your business, then maybe you shouldn’t have made an account or have been more aware of what could happen. Facebook is a company that makes their own rules, whether right or wrong.

    Thank you for this article, it sheds a lot of light on “reporting” pages, etc. It is sad that this child only had the means to go through Facebook to report her abuse. I have never reported a page for the reason that I believe in 1. minding my own business, and 2 there are more important things that i’m sure need to be dealt with (like this for example) than something minor that I disagree with. However, these days people are encouraged to snitch on minor things that are not their business to begin with. We live in a nanny state.

  • Karina

    I find it interesting that you (Joy) can sleep at all! There are people doing all of the scarring work for a dollar whilst you ensure that they tap the buttons in the right order! Maybe if your employers spent that extra money they r paying u to parade around blaming others for things that essentially keep u employed, more of these serious issues could b addressed. The pays should b reversed! Just saying

  • Daniel

    I reported some horse porn that showed up on my feed. It didn’t get removed. Now are you telling me that because there are some paedophiles out there, that in the grand scheme of things horse porn ain’t that bad, and I should get over myself? That’s pretty fucked up!

    • J Lyn

      No. I’m telling you that people mass reporting breast feeding mothers and posts about gay people decided horse porn wasn’t bad enough. Blame them or fb’s shitty algo, not me.

  • Daniel Cutter

    Damn… thanks for sharing this, comrade. There’s a lesson in there. I’ll do what I can to spread it.

  • kudos and a suggestion

    I commend you for all your hard work. Your stress levels must be through the roof. Thank you for the work you do. Allow me to make one suggestion now that the door has been opened? Create an option to report adults behaving inappropriately with minors. There are options for me to report “offensive” photos but no way for me to report someone who is behaving like a predator. This could help stop the victimization of minors who simply don’t have the life skills or maturity to deal with such situations and parents/caregivers who want to protect their children from real and present online threats.

  • Audrey Capel

    Joy if your employed by Facebook , too check compliants ect ,, the i,m shocked at how easy you use swear words to get your message across and Capital letters which all know is rude and considered swearing

    • J Lyn

      What? Because I have a job I shouldn’t be able to curse in my free time? You’re wrong as hell there. I don’t EVER curse at anyone on my job, if I want to EVERY second I’m not there, it’s my right to do so.

      I’m surprised you have the fucking balls to tell anyone that you are shocked that anyone who works anywhere might curse.

      Get the fuck over yourself.


  • Dave

    This is way too hateful and self-righteous. You’re blaming the entire Facebook community for bad reports, bragging threateningly about your lust to delete accounts, and saying half of members should be in jail? And for what? Sure, you feel bad about a rape victim. But how is feeling bad about a rape victim an excuse for being angry at so many people, and propping yourself up as superior?

    It sounds like Facebook needs to deprioritize people who report political speech as “offensive”. And maybe a few other things. But in order to make an argument like that, you’d need evidence about how many invalid reports could be eliminated by those methods, and what the cost really is, compared to other solutions. But that’s too much for you. No, you just invoke a story about a rape victim, and blame the entire world.

    • J Lyn

      Bragging threateningly about my lust to delete accounts…. Lmfao. Spin much? I would think that making it clear I have only thought about it would indicate I never would.

      Propping myself up as superior? Who do you suppose is carrying me around on their shoulders? No one even knows who I am.

      Blame the entire world for the rape victims plight? No, just the idiots who report un-reportable offenses.

  • The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports | I Will Survive

    […] The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports. […]

  • Panos Sialakas

    Reblogged this on Panos World and commented:
    Panos here: Not much to say rather than urging you to read that one…it’s about the dark side of life and how facebook as a means of expression and communication reflects that dark side.

  • deborahmcintyre2013

    Fantastic explanation and well worth the read. I will be reposting and sharing, and yes- if I can help, I would certainly like to help…Thank you for some awesome positive feedback…the list of preceeding comments show us a pure and unadulterated example of how fast people can lose track of the actual point being made here. -and that is human..unfortunately so…I will definitely start thinking in ‘global terms’ from now on and certainly not reporting unnecessarily in the future…Great eye-opener…Thank you.

  • Amy Smith Willow-Run

    PPPFFFTTTT whatever.. You all have seen fit to suspend me for posting Legal Public info which is only offensive to the person that committed the crime and is embarrassed. .. I have reported hate and threats of others and you didn’t remove those.. BUT i get in trouble for posting public info and threats made against me just because I liked a charity’s page and nothing there.. what a joke. OOO and one my personal pictures taken in My business removed but was ok for the person that reported me to post pictures I took and are owned by me of my personal property and you didn’t remove them..If you are going to complain about about the petty reports then umm how bout allowing those that you are suspending be able to first defend themselves..

  • Raven Sparks

    I agree with a lot of what was said in the post, about people being whiny little bitches basically, but also have a few issues. I find myself constantly getting blocked or banned for stupid things that do not violate the terms in any which way whatsoever. Petty people with no minds report, and I lose everything.
    I think Facebook needs to take a step back and stop trying to parent so much. The name issue for example. I have nearly lost my account numerous times because it’s assumed my name is fake. I have to keep uploading my passport and it angers me because nearly every name I come across is fake, yet they keep their accounts- and I admit after the third report I myself decided to report others to see if they would lose their accounts…but of course not. Another issue is having multiple accounts. A lot of games require that you spam your friends with requests. I’ve tried making a separate gaming account, and it worked so well…until I was deleted for having multiple accounts. What does it matter how many accounts you have or under what name? Policing those things only gives trolls and bored troublemakers more things to report and therefore waste moderator’s time. I see so much nudity and porn online, yet upload a photo with fake blood on my face and I’m deleted and banned. I see photos of mass murders and dead kids- people pushing it as far as they can, and yet even through many reports these photos stay. I just think if you take away the menial things, it removes a large chunk of useless reports so the focus can be on more important things. What’s important to one person isn’t important to the next. Losing my profile is like the end of the world to me

    In saying that, I had no idea so many cries for help and utterly important issues came up in your daily lives online. It’s scary really, but makes a lot more sense now as to why it’s so hard to reach anyone.

  • Julie Coker-Godson

    Well written. You have every right to feel quite angry at some of the pathetic things people protest about. I do political blogging and believe me it does get very nasty in that area and I have experienced and “witnessed” savage attacks by people who, for no other reason, decided they didn’t like me and wanted to defame me instead. There is pathetic competition for who has the most “likes” and “stealing” other people’s page likers. Unreal stuff I tell you. For myself, I just put my big girl panties on and get on with life. I feel for you having to look at some of the awful imagery you have to censor. So have a cup of the best coffee and a nice sticky cake and have as lovely a day as you can manage. With respect. Julie Coker-Godson

  • Twitchy Witch

    I approve of this rant! For the sake of the people that need to hear how it is, continue your truths!
    ~Twitchy the Witch

    I have linked you back to my page, sir. Eventhough, I know you may never find me amongst the swarm of responces before me.

  • Kathy J. Mitchell

    While I agree that there are FAR too many over-sensitive people who use the internet and don’t know how the “X” in the top right corner of their browser works OR when it is appropriate to view particular content when humans of a certain, impressionable age aren’t in their presence, I wonder how many 7 year old girls’ cries for help were delayed for 45 minutes longer so this whiner could complain about his/her job and post it? At 7 years old, they’ve already learned in pre-school, kindergarten and first grade how to dial 911 and/or find an adult they trust when they need help even if they have shitbags for parents… what kind of shitbag parent lets their 7 year old have a FB account in the first place. For the Moderator who posted this – get back to work and quit bitching. For the rest of you over-sensitive morons – find a hobby that suits your delicate sensitivities and get off the fucking internet.

  • akeicher

    amazing that even after reading the article there are so many people who feel the need to argue over each others comments…did we not learn anything from what we just read? what a waste of time!! I had no idea that facebook really helped people and wow that is amazing and ya we should learn to shut our mouths for sure and stop wasting the time of those who can help…wish I could do something to help. no I have not ever reported anything. nothing offends me enough to complain…it’s facebook people!! I LOVE facebook keeps me connected to my relationships it’s GREAT…I use it how it was intended to be used no airing of personal laundry or criticizing others about their opinions…just positive stuff from here:))

  • Nancy

    I certainly never expected a response or a correction if I report an issue (i.e. lost video of my rescue before I got him – still not fixed). No way can they get to every issue reported.

    I agree with Vicky, also. If something offends me when it comes through the newsfeed, I simply hide it. It is not that hard. If brutal, not hard to remove them from the feed. If hideous, not meaning religion, politics, sexual preference or race, report as you need to.

    Facebook, like the internet is open domain for the most part. Post it, it is public knowledge, archived and can be retrieved.

  • Running Poo

    Stop looking at everybody’s content you creeps. You don’t need to moderate anything. Go the fuck away.

  • Brenda Backus

    I am reading all these posts and find it so hard to believe so many of you got off the subject and started talking about atheists and christians and other things. The mods. cursing did offend me because I think it’s a smart person who uses proper language instead of curseing all through a post,blog,whatever. If a seven year old is smart enough to try to get help in this way then for Heaven sakes stop the petty comments. You don’t like that subject you are reading, stop reading it, they have their own right to speak about what they want,block or delete them from your profile. Let these mods get to the important things and stop the pettiness!

  • Spaceman Spiff

    To the moderator who wrote this article, Who the hell is whining now? Fuck you too.

  • Dave Egan

    As a youth worker, I use FB to connect with the kids I work with. I post up new events that are going on down the youth center, and give them information on upcoming group activities. I also use it to start up pages for our different clubs, so the kids can keep up to date with everything we do.
    I started up a second personal FB profile so the kids would only see my work related stuff. They have no business looking at my personal page, and I would not feel comfortable adding them, as it seems inappropriate to me, let alone how it would appear to their parents that a 26 year old man is on their friend list.

    A few months ago, I came across an instance of cyber bullying going on, aimed specifically at one of the kids that attend our center. The organisation I work for has a zero tolerance policy on bullying, both physical and cyber, as there have been many instances in recent years of young people taking their own lives needlessly because of bullying.
    When I went to both confront these would be attackers, and report everything they had said to the young man, I was met with a wall of aggression from these kids.
    Out of over 20-something in number, only one other kid stood up to them online, and said they were out of order.

    Both myself, and the young guy who stood up for the kid being bullied, were reported by all these other kids, and we had both our accounts suspended for 30 days.

    The moral of my story is; Facebook as an entity, doesn’t really give a toss. I tried to prevent a vulnerable young man from getting attacked, viscously I might add, and I am the one who was banned.
    If any other business and/or corporation, had the same shoddy quality control as you guys do, they would be out of business faster than shit from a goose.

    If people are giving you false reports such as “…I’m offended by that picture of a cat, because Jesus never owned a cat”, or something equally as ridiculous, they should have either an immediate ban, or deletion of their account.
    It should be treated on a par, with false or prank phone calls to the emergency services.
    Too many innocent people are at risk. Children are committing suicide over bullying. Young women are self harming over attacks from their peers regarding their appearance. Images and videos of women, children, men, the elderly, and animals, being tortured, raped, assaulted, or sexually victimised, are being spread, and are falling through the cracks of your team, because Joe Bloggs in “Whatever-land”, is offended by a picture of a dog eating toast off of the popes hat.

    You guys need to do something fast.
    Something needs to be done. Things need to be re-evaluated.

  • robert

    Yes fuck all the cry babies. Ppl should just be greatful for what they have worry bout ur own damn self

  • Chris

    yea i have to agree with most here, a hell of an eye opener, and right on the money. too many over sensitive think skinned people need to wake the fck up or log off. its that simple… be it stay offline, block fb, control your fucking kids.. ect.. quit whining about shit that has no relevance to your physical real lives. 🙂

  • Courtney

    Thank you for this post. I get really sick of people who report things that are inspiring (like the woman who lost both breasts to cancer and got a tattoo that covers her entire chest) as offensive. Meanwhile, there are horrific images of abuse of all kinds/groups that post awful things that aren’t being removed fast enough because of petty bullshit reports taking up time and resources. Some people just need to get the hell off the internet.

  • IAmMe

    I will admit that, yes, I do get offended or triggered by some of the things I see on Facebook. I am smart enough to look away. Or speak up, to the admin or my friends, making known what the image/status promotes if it is indeed bad enough to say something. But I knew, even before I read this article, that telling Facebook does no good. You have to approach the people and tell ask them if this is the kind of world they want to live in where uncle’s post inappropriate pictures of little girls and instead of anyone doing anything to stop it, they encourage it and spread it. These moderators are doing what they can, but they can only do so much. I’m so glad this article is here, and I’m going to share it. People need to be aware that complaining isn’t going to stop/change anything. Only they can.

  • Neb

    I never realized that FB moderators actually contacted authorities in such cases. Hopefully some of those who use the report button on asinine post, will think twice before doing so.

  • Dana

    Wait. Is this the same Facebook that banned all photos of women breastfeeding, and you’re calling Facebook users butthurt?


    Other than that, and maybe the crack about photos being used illegally (since that’s a copyright violation, and that’s supposed to be against FB terms of service too), some very good points made here. Will share anyway.

  • Vincent

    It’s still a choice, delete your F.B. account. Problem solved.

  • Anthony G.

    The World is a Beautiful place, but beyond the beautifullness lies the Real truth of UGLYNESS in THE REAL WORLD..Witch is brought through the INTERNET/FACEBOOK ASWELL….it’s sad that people would do such horror acts in the world then to thing bring it to a place such as FB to Share there Sick Twrested MINDS…like the little girl’s story..reading that just makes want to find the GUY AND KICK HIS ASS TO NO ENDS!!!…But I feel if people keep doing what there doing on here and getting away with it,,well that tells you,Everything just can’t be POLICED 24/7…PPL on FB just put the DAY DREAMS OUT THERE ALONG WITH THERE NIGHTMARS..ALL IN ALL When There On FB there a tottal diffrent person then thy are in person”REALITY…Like I said Before and I’ll say it again..It’s JUST FACEBOOK/You’rs NOT MINE..MINE IS MINE IF I SHEAR IT WITH THE WORLD MY PROBLEM OUR GOOD TIMES THEN IT’S MY CHOICE TOO…AGAIN IT’S A FRE WORLD IN FB WORLD..EVERYONES HAS THERE FREEDOM..TO SAY WHAT THEY WANT & HOW THEY FEEL..LEAVE IT AT THAT..BUT IF SOM”PEACE B WITH U>

  • Anthony G.

    on a lighter not..if the internet offends you..stop logging in it..get the HELL OFF sIMPLE AS THAT..THX U.

  • Day Glo

    Thank you for taking the time to write this, I had no idea things were that rough. Hang in there and ignore the petty fucks, IMO 30/ hour is not enough to deal with that garbage. Shared.

  • Linco

    I got on Facebook to get in touch with friends and keep in touch with family. And then of course, I started liking the random pages, the ones for cars, blood and gore, movies, etc etc… Suggested friends, I glanced over the list, but ignored them. I always went with the mutual friends lists. Friends request, if I knew you, then yea, and if I didn’t know you, then I ignored you. Some of the random pages I liked, I started to not like them. So I clicked the unlike button. Ok, ok…I’m rambling now…I chose to get on Facebook, I chose to push the Like button, I wondered why there was a Like button and not a Dislike button, and then I found it…It’s a little tricky, it took me awhile to find out, but here it is folks…When YOU click the Like button…it changes into a Unlike button!!! Amazing isn’t it?!?! Did you “Like” that? Well, I got another one for you, that Friend that YOU “Like” that now butthurts you? Click on what used to be the “Friend” button, and now is the “Unfriend” button!!! And so much easier than finding the report button!!! And that’s the truth, because I still haven’t found that one.

  • Dar Long

    Wow. I broke my usual policy (Never read the comments) because the article was so well written and compelling. The comments are nearly as eye opening. I’ve been around since Compuserve was handing out 6 number email addresses, so I’ve seen the good, bad and ugly. Here’s my litmus test: What’s the purpose of reporting this photo/article/page? If the answer amounts to “So someone will know I don’t like this/this makes me feel hurt” then shut it down honey and get yourself an Etch a Sketch because the internet (and the 21st century) is no place for you. Those who have been banned “dozens” of times or have made numerous reports WTF are you people doing/reading? I almost feel like I’m missing out on the cool kids club because I’ve never been banned and never made a complaint. If something bothers me – I don’t return and I sure don’t engage.
    The comments of course prove the old adage that those who need the lesson most are not capable of recognizing the fact.

    This is an important article that should be mandatory reading before anyone gets the keys to the internet.
    Thank you, If there is anything an old retired Canadian nurse (who has seen it all) can do to assist, please don’t hesitate to ask. What you do matters – even when it feels like so much Bullshit.
    Stay strong.

  • Daniel Green

    Thank you. Thanks for standing up against hate and crime. Keep fighting against that garbage, and know that you are not alone in a good portion of these thoughts.

  • Rene

    What a load of crap. For starters, a facebook moderator/employee would never reveal things like the stated above whether it’s true or not, it’s really sad that you had to come up with this bullshit just to get likes on your page, pretty lame.

    • J Lyn

      Stupid. I didn’t even make the page until a few thousand people started messaging me asking for a place to discuss the issues. Why don’t you show up later and make some more random, dumb shit assertions?

      A facebook moderator would never reveal such things! You really are an idiot. Are you seriously judging an entire workforce? You obviously have no idea of the things any Facebook employee would do.

  • Polly

    It seems to me that the article and the ensuing comments prove one thing….Facebook isn’t the problem – the people who use it are. Blame religion, politics, gender, sexuality, mental illness, stupidity, ignorance, poor upbringing, poverty, bad parenting, lack of education and anything else you can think of, but blame doesn’t solve anything. It doesn’t change the fact that in this world there are no longer any limits to what is deemed unacceptable. We are being desensitised by all types of media, 24/7. Each new generation will push the envelope further than the last. The anonymity of the internet has allowed heinous people to wallow in their execrable perversions while encouraging the like minded to participate, compete and let observers believe that what they view is somehow acceptable because it is “published”.
    Blame allows people to continue unabated so they don’t have to look at their own behaviour.

  • LittleWank

    What I see is a FB mod(or not) here, who tells people not to report things unless it’s harmful, yet he/she is using hate speech in the comments section. How is this ok? Hate speech, threats of violence, and copyright violations are the only thing that I’ve ever reported. If someone’s using hate speech, then I will report every time. That’s what the features are there for, yes?

  • -somebody- (@somebodyhungry)

    wow, confirms a lot of what i already thought about the report system. sick, sad, and twisted to think of having to help poor children and such in situations like that, thank you for being human and being able to handle doing something of that nature and for those you are able to help. thanks for the insight from the other side of facebook and the hell you people have to deal with.

  • Matthew 'Joe' Carr

    “Cry myself to sleep”

    Do we need more proof that Facebook admins just ain’t upto the job? I’ve dealt with shit like that myself… it happens… it’s not your fault… you are not god. Now shut the fuck up and do your job most of us would kill for. Fucking nancy.

  • erkle derkle

    this post offends me. reported.

  • Captain Kickass

    Wouldn’t worry about the trolls Joy, you’re doing an awesome job. I wish there weren’t so many stupid people that were so full of themselves either. But they are there, and they only think of themselves, so unfortunately, the “problem” is not going to read this because they see their reporting as justified without even reading the article..

  • Are You Offended? Well fuck-a-doodle-doo. Why not try something truly novel and keep it to yourself. | StandingCorrected

    […] Are You Offended? Well fuck-a-doodle-doo. Why not try something truly novel and keep it to yourself. […]

  • Patricia A. Proctor

    Then why don’t you post a category for complaints? We can x for possible terrorists, bullying, drug crimes or sex abuse etc. This pisses me off royally that you are trying to blame 1.5 billion users of your system!! Get over yourself and fix the problem!!

  • amy corina

    Thank you for what you do!

  • The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports | collapsinghrung

    […] The Real Story Behind Facebook Moderation and Your Petty Reports. […]

  • Coz

    This is amazing, out of most of the comments I’ve read most of it’s people whining about religion and none about the little girl. Pretty much proves the authors point.

    I’m a moderator on a forum, obviously nowhere near the size of Facebook but I have to deal with idiots too. I can only imagine how much worse it must be on Facebook, for what it’s worth I think the mods there do a great job.

  • dale lavely

    So what I hear you saying is that we should passively sit back and watch a sea of filth float by us because it is really. Meant to be used for people who are being abused in some way? Have they not heard of 911? What a bunch of b.s.

    • J Lyn

      I don’t think you understand words very well.

    • Marsden Bigby

      Dear Dale. Some where on your computer there are any number of things you can use actively. The is an X on the tab that says “facebook”. There is a big red X or little red button on the computer program you are using. There are 5 lines showing the strength of your wireless connection that you can click on and disconnect. There is wire going into your computer resembling a large telephone cable that you can squeeze and pull out. There is a sequence you can go through to power down your computer. What I’m trying to say, since you were too fucking stupid to figure it out on your own, is that the point of the article is that they have more important things to go than protect you from the “filth” on the internet that you choose to use. Maybe you should get one of those mickey mouse disney laptops to work on and stay the hell off the world wide web if you can’t handle the idea that not all adults share your view of how the web should be used. If I came across as insulting…GOOD!

  • Deanna Joseph

    This was an amazing article. I never had any idea what the facebook moderators went through, or do to help those in sincere trouble. You are an amazing group! Simply amazing. Much love and appreciation to you all.

  • Gwensarah Rymer

    I don’t report unless I think someone is in danger. There’s this handy button called “hide this status” for stupid crap that I don’t want to see. I’ve reported once for a particularly heinous photo but only because the 13 year old friend of my son was hysterical over it (it was pretty damn gruesome) but now that I’ve read this, I plan on having a conversation with my son and his friends about reporting, blocking and not cluttering up the mod report with petty reports (to my knowledge, none have engaged in that but still, it’s a conversation that needs to be had now that I know what the mods deal with on a daily basis) thanks for writing this.

  • Michael Vera

    @The goddess who wrote this article: I cry so hard for you

    –Love Michael

  • Michael Vera

    I just want to ask what the point of this silly article is because I can’t really read.

    Is there even a point to is? Can someone provide cliff notes to me? I was never really any good at learning things. Thanks brah.

    I stopped reading around the first paragraph with the graphic imagery because words and pictures together are hard for me. Great way to hook your readers in but if they are as tree-stump dumb as I it may not work. NOT lol, unless your target audience was losers like my mom, because she is on her way here to read this right now

    • WTWASP

      Awwww, you can’t savvy an astute and logical article full of enlightening and valid points, because it exceeded your microscopic attention span. That’s unfortunate.

      No wonder the Facebooks of the internet suffer such ignorance-perpetuated bullshit. Because cranial-cripples like you “stop reading after the first paragraph”, because you cannot savvy “the point”.

      Go back to your Justin Bieber and Katy Perry albums, and leave the rational discussions to the grown-ups. Douchewagon.

    • Jimmy McTimmy

      What a lousy human being you must be to have posted this response. I bet your mom cries herself to sleep that you’re her son. Trollboy loser.

    • J Lyn

      Dear Michael. Asshat primates who have figured out how to pound out a few words do not get to market their wares here. So I don’t know what your point in asking me what my point was, but right now my point is, no links for you. Brah.

  • Phillip Marsh

    You mean to tell me that with all of Facebooks super algorithms there is not one that watches for the word “rape” or “molestation”, AND an age of the poster, perhaps a few other key words and flags it for immediate review?

    If there is not then it should be added post haste.

    Also keep in mind that everyone on this girl’s facebook page saw the posting and could have called the cops, her mother, told their parents, etc.

    As far as people reporting stupid stuff – they do.

    Good luck.

    • J Lyn

      The girls mother is not in her life. The facebook page wasn’t created for her for any good reasons and Im assuming a raping father doesn’t much mind signing the agreement for her having a page.

      So what were you saying again? Whatever it was, you spelled assumptive wrong.

  • Margie

    You wouldn’t get so many “petty reports” if it weren’t so easy to report by accident. I hover the mouse pointer over things in the ticker to see a preview, but when I move the mouse away, the preview stays open with a little “x” in the upper right corner that any normal person would think could be clicked to close the preview and get it out of the way. But, NO! It’s a report button that you don’t realize until it’s too late to stop the click finger, if you even happen to see the “report” label over the “x” at all in the split second before you’ve clicked and it’s gone.

  • Jimmy McTimmy

    Just found this blog today and it presents some of the best info I have read in awhile. THANK YOU for enlightening people with these insightful articles. The haters are just disappointing with their own lives…and you know this.

    Keep ’em coming!

  • Lara Taylor

    I don’t know if I’ve ever made a stupid report or not, but I feel like a douchebag anyway because I wouldn’t put it past me. Thanks for posting this. I’m not one to normally be offended by silly shit, so hopefully I’m not one of the offenders, but I can say for certain now that I never will be.

  • Lynn

    Wow. I understand why you’re upset, but you don’t have to be a douche about it. Seriously, as soon as you started cursing out your readers, my walls went up. You could have reached more people by being less confrontational

    • J Lyn

      Don’t care. Don’t read it. This is my blog, no one forced you here. The fact that you have to comment to say you don’t like the way I talk clearly states that you are one of the people who can’t stand their opinion not being known. Enjoy that.

  • Eduardo Suarez

    I think this would be something that should be translated to other languages. I am already getting into spanish and of course I will credit the original page and I am trying to spread the information since I saw it.

    • J Lyn

      Thank you very much. Someone translated it to Portuguese and the link is on the Post from Others section of TIOM facebook page. Any efforts on other translations is immensely appreciated.

  • David

    I think it’s clear that Facebook needs to hire more moderators, then. If it’s gotten to the point where you have to ignore legitimate issues like intellectual property because if you addressed them you wouldn’t be able to address the issues that are clearly more serious, then that’s obviously a problem.

  • Disappointed

    Wonderful article! Dissapointing that some of the attributed comments aren’t a reflection of that.

  • Jayne

    So, can you say anything about what happened with the little girl? Did the police get called or did her uncle just get banned or what?

    All the stuff at atheism at the top was hilarious, by the way. What a perfect illustration of how people get all bent out of shape about things online! I bet if this were on facebook, they’d have reported each other…

    • J Lyn

      They already have and yes. The father is in jail awaiting trial, the uncle also implicated is out on bail. That’s as far as we are on her right now. Story is on google 🙂

  • jhonny chicken sandwich

    you sound like someone who needs a long vacation. If anyone should be ashamed it should be you for wasting internet space and time by writing this article.

  • Zaka

    Was going to write a long comment about the amount if idiots on the internet, whining, morons, how most americans fail to realize there are other countries in the world, bigots and ignorance..
    The comment-section have made that redundant 🙂

    Will stick with a huge thank you and hang in there!

  • Kitten

    Does that include reporting the adverts down the side as offensive?

    I always do this for weightloss ones because, although it is not as serious an issue as child abuse:
    a) I have an eating disorder and seeing those every day can set my recovery back months, and
    b) I honestly think that, because of the amount of young people on Facebook, they are inappropriate. There is enough pressure on kids to look perfect without them needing to have it rubbed in their faces every time they log into social media.

    As I said, I know that it’s not as serious as some other issues, but I still feel that I am justified in doing so.

    • Coz

      Get adblocker or adblock+ for Firefox (just Google it) it’ll hide all the ads and you won’t have an issue anymore 🙂

    • Andrea Leong

      Kitten: interesting point. Each one on its own isn’t so bad, but as a whole, they are pretty disgusting. “Lose X lbs in Y weeks!”…

      Chris Costa above asked the same question (I don’t blame you for not reading the millions of whiny posts above, though) and got the good word: marking an ad as offensive, after hiding it, goes through a different system.

    • Nicholas Denney

      On you point “b”:

      The ads you see anywhere online these days are unique to you; nobody else sees the same gamut of advertising. Advertising is based on your short and long-term internet history, the latter of which cannot be erased. (The search history stored on your computer, that you can view, is considered short-term.)

      You should NOT be reporting any facebook ads as offensive, since they are entirely your responsibility; they are not directly or indirectly associated with any person or group on facebook.

      Just the facts, and nothing but the facts…

    • J Lyn

      Adverts spam system is not the same. Report away. I do. If I don’t want to see that shit on my wall, I get rid of it and report the dissatisfaction in the right sidebar.

  • tim1871

    Ok..I’m just going to add my opinion here (trolls and grammar freaks feel free to fuck off) (i’m on a cell phone and being quick) like the author, i get paid a fare wage. I am an asshole, i will say whats on my mind and while youre stammering and trying to cry about my offensiveness, i will offend you 12 more times then describe the ways you can fuck off… Why? Because there is a great chance that you are a whiney ass little fuck. There are billions of you out there. So read and bluntly stated, i dont give 2 shits what you respond… To those fucks commenting “if you dont like your job, then quit” its that attitude that makes crybabies and losers… Fuck you… I dont like my job at times… I work 12-16 hours a day and 7 days a week look up ‘union millwright’. We work day and night weld in water, extreme weather, hazardous, explosive, and even deadly conditions and environments. What do we do? We keep elecric power plants running (so you can power your computer up and crybaby even more) we keep steel mills and paper mills running. Build and maintain auto manufacturing plants so you can motivate your sorry asses to the next wifi area to bitch some more…. Do we complain about work? Hell yes! Why? Damn sure not the same reason as you”oh i dont wanna go to work” i wanna stay home and make everyone elses life shit” NO! We spend months away from family, beating ourselves up so your sorry ass has a convenient lifestyle….. So to everyone that can do the authors job better… Get off your fucking ass and prove it! To everyone that just says quit if you dont like it… Think about what you lose when the world looks at it like you… Power plants quit, auto plants quit, now your living like amish and have to actually bust ass and know what not quitting means

    • tim1871

      I read so much bullshit in the first page of comments that i actually feal like i may have caught some of your ‘stupid’ im now less intelligent for even reading it. The author was actually making a statement about an overtaxed system wich i see in power plants and such in the real world. She/he? Only pointed out facts about petty complaining and how much nonsence could be avoided if you just hide said offensive post or simply delete or ask the person that posted it to not do that, wich leads back to HIDE DELETE BLOCK. it isnt the mods fault that you added a person to your friends list that was going to offend you… And if you look at it that way (because that is exactly how it happened) then by you telling a mod (reporting) it literally shows the type of “im going to tell” snitch, rat, tattle tale, narc or what ever slang you care to use in place of spoiled little cry baby brat

      • tim1871

        As for the hudreds spewing out religion or ‘anti religion’ if you will… SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY! Do you seriously have to poison everything with your hatred and arguing amongst each other? For the love of sanity alone just shut the fuck up for a change… To the ones bringing facebooks finances and profit into view and demanding that be used for error corrections… News flash… For every upgrade… There are another thousand people downgrading and tearing it apart… This entire thread is prime example. Now… Moving on…. I have had 2 facebook accounts for 7 years… 1 is for a strip club that i owned (let the crybaby hatred fly) and guess what!!!???? Never 1 time was u banned…. Know why??? Because if someone was offended by anything i said ,shared, posted, or otherwise…. DELETE AND BLOCKED… so as i say again… Offensive?? Get the fuck over it ya fucking baby! However, like the mod did… If you see a real time serious crime happening… Call the police! It dont have to be a mod.. several cavillians have stopped real life crime from social networks…

      • J Lyn

        I know right? It’s so amazing to me that the trolls here completely lack understanding. Willful ignorance is a pestilence on society. These people can’t be this stupid. It’s impossible.

    • Marilyn Roman

      well stated

    • J Lyn

      I don’t cap off much but FUCKING A Millwright. These are likely the same people who think they can treat food service workers like shit even though they will cry like bitches if those burgers don’t come fast enough.

      Thank you for your hard work, the job I do is nothing in comparison to keeping the infrastructure of our fucking lives in tact. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  • Nu da ”Report” la orice tâmpenie irelevantă pe Facebook. | Titus Capilnean

    […] tot văzut articolul ăsta sharuit pe Facebook și doar câteva comentarii au cuprins esența lui. Nu e vorba despre cât […]

  • Pat Engesser

    Thank you for this!

  • Simon Ashworth Wood

    This does NOT explain why Facebook chooses to rule on complaints about explicitly racist groups, such as the English Defence League and Australian Defence League, by allowing them to continue in Facebook, when even the European Union has condemned them as hate groups!!!

  • Ryan Crago

    Jeez. Joy, I’m so sorry you get cluttered with all of this idiocy in comments and whatnot, and also about the whiney reports.

  • cyemwhykay

    Reblogged this on cyemwhykay and commented:
    Extremely insightful post on the consequences of actively taking offense. I’m sure this issue would extend to other examples of social media. A must read for anyone interested in such issues.

  • stockmag

    This comment board offends me.

  • don fisher

    waaa waaa waaaa, dude if you complain so much then get another job ya lazy cunt.

    • tim1871

      @don fisher… Again…to you and people like you… Read my post…. Lazy fucks are people like you that set on your nosey asses and making dumb fuck comments like find anonther job… Some people want to bring it to your attention, how much we do for worthless trash like you. I absolutely disagree with your retard view on quitting because if we all just go with your approach and just quit… Your life has even less meaning… In my case.. if we just quit, you dont have electric or a car or silverware… Sure we all dislike our jobs… Sure we bitch but if worthless pukes like you think you can one up us…. Look up my job and prove it.. ya want someone to take the tools from your lazy ass hands and show you how hard true workers work… Union millwright… Join up and find out how hard a real job is… Find out how cry babies like you critisize us and make our lives harder…. All the while making their lives easier… Sorry for the rant but hearing you critsize someone for their effort to bring crying ass pussies to everyones to peoples full frontal vision…. It simply shows your lack of respet, your own true laziness, and just how pathetic you are

    • J Lyn

      waaa waaa waaaa, get the fuck off of my page sociopath with a penchant for attention whoring.

  • Diana

    Most human beings are insane to one degree or another. I have never seen any of the things you all are talking about. I had no clue at all of the facts in this Blog, and was truly shocked to read it. Thank goodness I’ve rarely had the need to report anything, mostly just harassment by nasty people in the few outside communities I frequent. I’m lucky to be insulated by my loving community of wonderful Baha’i Faith followers on Facebook and elsewhere.

  • Nathan Hevenstone

    Um… what happened to the girl? Is there a follow-up to that?

    • J Lyn

      Sure. I have replied here in comments as well as on the facebook page about where that is at the moment. It has not gone to trial yet. It can be found on the web.

  • Roxanne Ellis

    Great to hear this perspective, but makes me wonder then why facebook would spend so much time eliminating the horror that is breastfeeding pictures. Seems like there’s better things they could be focusing on.


    I don’t report anything – why? – I expect it.

    The internet is for the most part a cesspoll of putrid posts, videos, images and what not. It’s a huge porn-engine mixed with a few viral videos of cats.

    If I don’t like something, I say to myself “holy shit.” and keep on scrolling.

    As this blog titles – if you don’t like it, get the fuck off.

  • Katherine

    Until recently the only way I had to hide something from my feed was to report it, until facebook got around to adding a ‘hide this from my feed’ button. I tried to mostly report it as spam rather than anything else 😦

  • jaqtkd

    Well done and keep up the awesome work.

    I’m a Mod on a tiny fansite where 90% of members are sensible and that keeps me pretty busy so I can only imagine the work load and stress you have to deal with. Reading your comments here has been very helpful and inspiring, tbh. Thanks.

  • Pants, pasts, PETA, PointCast | Common Folk Collective

    […] “Spring Breakers” character A Three Year Prison Term for Saggy Pants? Hi-Vis Fashion Reporting things on Facebook: is it worth it? This image should not be seen by the whole […]

  • Ben Hankinson

    Whoa. I totally didn’t know, man. Or are you a woman? Honestly, it doesn’t matter, because this is some serious shit! I am definitely going to reconsider the manner in which I report things from now on. Thank you, whoever wrote this. You have restored my respect for my favorite social website. MY hat’s off to you, my good sir.

  • Jonathan Besler

    A 7 year old girl reported a picture on facebook? Shouldn’t her account be deleted for violating SSR?

  • rasb75

    I’m very grateful for the work you’re doing, I admit I’ve reported stupid shit and I regret it, I’ll prevent myself of doing retarded stuff.

    Keep up the good work and I hope you help more innocent people.

  • Zidopidokido Arichikito

    I just realized that my second comment didn’t get through, so I’ll say it again.

    This really taught me a lot. It never occurred to me that people would report serious situations via Facebook. Granted, I still don’t see why they wouldn’t call 911 – but I’m not surprised they do. In any case, this has really taught me a lot about the matter. I’m definitely going to be holding back on the reporting now. I’ve never reported things because I thought they were offensive. In fact, I’m not one to be offended easily. But, I have reported things like people just being assholes. (And I mean REALLY being assholes, like, much-worse-than-carolyn assholes) And one time, I also reported posts on a friend’s page that was hijacked in an attempt to remove the hijacked page. I shared this post when I first saw it a while ago, and a couple more people saw it. It spread through a part of the community, though not because of me. I’m going to share it again now.

    • J Lyn

      Thanks for your comment and understanding.

      I still don’t see why they wouldn’t call 911

      Me either. but I have a feeling that a lot of the people who sit around reporting stuff that bothers their eyes would never ‘get involved’ if something was happening to a neighbor. These are what I call “Slacktivists”

  • Dev

    I read this article, and, from the title alone, I was all ready to get my troll pants on. Unfortunately, the article was just so well written that a person with an ACTUAL education could understand it. Love your comments, by the way.

    As far as reporting is concerned, I usually don’t report unless it’s violence or sexual attacks, especially at children. I will admit, there have been times where I’ve reported “petty” things, like trolls spamming an LGBTQ page with “f*g” and “d*ke” comments. I’ve tried talking to page moderators, but that doesn’t seem to help because of the “freedom of speech” bullcrap that people try to use. Nice shot at the gay-rights “activist” (troll, I’d say), who OBVIOUSLY didn’t read your article (or the education system failed…either way).

    (FYI, to all you internet trolls, the First Amendment prevents the GOVERNMENT from censoring you – not individuals or organizations. Stoof it.)

    I will admit that there was an issue that arose from a picture of a young girl (7-9) with a birth malady and the caption in the picture had something to do with sexual relations with her. I found the page it had originated from – a page about cyber-bullying her and suggesting different sex-acts with her. I reported both, and FB found it didn’t violate terms of use. I must say I was quite irate at that. Perhaps it was one of those pages that didn’t reach a moderator? I most likely sent a very nasty message in return, and I do apologize to whomever had to read it.

    That being said, I might suggest something: providing a “block” button for group pages, such as the LGBTQ ones that people find on their news feeds and dislike so much, they HAVE to go onto the page and tell everyone how much they hate it, then continue to RETURN to that page to carry on arguments about how they don’t want to see that stuff. Might make things a LOT easier.

    • J Lyn

      I understand being irate. Just know that even from where I sit, a lot of things aren’t even given real consideration. There is no system of protection on a base level. Keep reporting those things, if it gets rejected, find a cyber protection group and get them the information. They can and do help. In many cases where Facebook mods know Facebook will not do anything, they will forward information *privately* to those groups. They are everywhere.

  • Archie Dunn

    Nicely put. Sounds like you need more like you. How can I get a position like yours and help out?

  • Jason Welzin

    The only time i’ve ever gotten into any kind of trouble on Facebook was when I said something less than complimentary about Israel and the jews.

    Of all the things i’ve posted, that was it.

  • Kris

    I have never really thought about what you folks might have to moderate and your post has certainly opened my eyes even though I am familiar with the dark side of humanity. Kudos to you!

  • elaine4queen

    Eye opening.

    But just stopped in to give you a heads up – your fb page linkage just takes me to my fb stream not to your page.

  • Mel

    I wonder if Facebook has considered that many of these “reports” could be accidental because of a design flaw. I have clicked the “X” on a story on my newsfeed before, thinking I was closing it — because that’s what the little X does on most other programs — when in fact I was inadvertently reporting it.

  • Randy Paré

    Obviously appealing to facebook is a waste of time… many people probably just never realized it. When I find people are too insulting, offensive or hostile to deal with – the BLOCK feature is the best way to go.

  • Cecil wilks

    Thank you.

  • Does The Internet Offend You? Then, You’re Not Alone | Techcitement*

    […] and decided to speak up against what he sees as narcissistic cries for attention and faux offense. In a post on The Internet Offends Me blog, the author, who will be referred to as TIOM from now on, paints a […]

  • RarelySurprised.

    Excellent post – Very enlightening, thank you.

    Facebook’s biggest strength has always been its biggest weakness – A platform for people to interact globally across in real time, ruined by the fact that most people are fucking idiots that shouldn’t be allowed to communicate with anyone.

    A point proven in microcosm by the following comments.

    Keep up the good work.

  • Kristen Cooper

    I understand and truly appreciate your post. There are some people who are annoying with their petty reports. BUT what about those reports that are relevant and truly are meant to make a difference? I have been reporting a video that clearly shows a person setting fire to an animal. This video shows that person harming another living creature, but I have had this report denied for 3 days now based on what? It doesn’t violate your standards?? How is killing an animal on video NOT harming someone or something?? YOU need to get people to take more of these reports seriously!!! YOU are in the positions to make a difference!! And YOU need to get off your high-horse and DO something about it when there are real problems with the posts and timelines that are brought to your attention. I doubt you will even get this message or care enough to read it, but IF you do; There are real people who care about what is seen on Facebook, and we work hard to bring this crap to your attention. We are not worried about petty posts and stupid pictures. We are concerned with real pornography, child abuse and animal abuse. Help us to help you like you CLAIM in the feedback we get. DO YOUR JOBS OR GET SOMEONE WHO WILL DO THEM!!!

    • Dev

      In case you didn’t read, MOST of those reports get plugged into an algorithm and spit back out. Even if it gets through THAT, it goes through a person in a third-world country that may or may not care about such things, and THEY may spit it back out. The author of this blog has no control over those elements, only over his/her own group in Somewhere, USA, and even then, not everything goes directly to him/her. S/he is the person the WORST shit goes to. While I agree, somebody setting an animal on fire is abominable, just because the author didn’t get your report doesn’t give you the right to tell him/her that s/he’s not doing his/her job. Obviously s/he is. S/he just has to wade through the massive amounts of MERDE to get there.

    • J Lyn

      You need to get together with other people who know how to work the algo system to get these things taken down. I’d teach you, but you already seem to have missed the entire point of the entire blog. I don’t have that kind of free time.

  • Kay Bushnell

    Would it be too much, or too naive to expect FB to spend more of its income employing more moderators?

    • J Lyn

      No. Nor would it be too much to expect any of these major companies in America to actually employee Americans but they won’t do so because Americans like benefits and health insurance to keep their kids alive. That cost money. Facebook wants to earn money, not spend it.

  • nikki

    I would whole-heartedly agree about the pettiness and stupidity of people,especially in facebook, but I actually only read this because your post is used on a (rather insignificant) hate speech troll page on Fb to deter outraged people from even reporting it. Troll mustn’t have fully read it I guess?
    Since you are in the system, apparently, I wonder if you could give us an insight about those automated reports and how they even function? How many people could possibly moderate this tremendous amount of stuff people put on Fb?!

    • J Lyn

      I will answer any questions I can. Can you make them more specific? And I would not support any troll pages for edgy or offensive humor. I have had several people join the group since this started asking me to defend their pages. Once I see that they get their likes from spewing racists, hateful, edgy jokes and content just to whore for likes, they soon find my door hitting them on the ass. I will help people who don’t flagrantly violate the TOS, not the other way around.

  • Christina w

    So then WHY is there a video of some Hispanic guys decapitating a woman NOT getting removed???

    • J Lyn

      That was an issue for quite a few weeks. It has since been removed. And yes, I am aware of their original response to it. But asking me so WHY anything is only showing that you lack comprehension on which side of this issue I stand. It isn’t fair. That’s why I am here.

  • Derrick bell

    That’s awesome! Everyone is too damn petty n can’t handle things

  • nudeyman

    Very interesting article, it is the first time (that I know of) that someone has honeslty explained what goes on behind the scenes, as a Naturist I get really pissed off when I hear of one of my collegues who run Nudey pages getting suspended by FB for posting a non sexual Naturist picture which there might happen to be a hint of a nipple or side boob… or in my case where on my page I posted a picture from when I was body painted at a recent nude beach event & shock horror my butt crack was visible!

    Yet there is a lot of very sexually provocative pictures or worse still images of death etc being left alone even though they keep getting reported to FB, like in my case when I found a picture on my timeline in December 2012 & I reported it about 10 times with FB saying it did not breach the standards… eventually it got removed a few weeks ago.

    I kept screenshots of the amount of times I reported it & each time I reported it I complained in the after comments to no avail, I wrote an article about it on my blog:


  • nicole

    enough said! i enjoy face book because i get to talk and keep in touch with long distant friends and their kids! i really don’t give 2 shits about telling on people ect. if you don’t like what people are posting you shouldn’t be on here!!

  • Graham Phillips Sultan

    Very edifying insider’s view, Joy. Thanks for the education, which largely supports the views of grown up admins and users in advocating the scroll button over self-important whining.

  • Graham Tribble

    I’ve often considered sending in reports of people whose frivolous reporting offended me, just to see how they liked getting suspended over a bullshit report, but after reading this I know I’d be adding to a dangerous problem.

  • Aaron

    I’m so sorry you have to deal with this bs, I hope you can get a better job that isn’t so disturbing and stressful, good luck!

  • Danielle Allard

    You are wonderful. Thank you for writing this.

  • Matt

    Wow, great article. I don’t share many things on Fb but this will be one of them. Shame that you now have to deal with all the whiney cry-babies, asshats and owners of fainting couches on your own time. The narcissism and lack of introspection on display is truly astounding! Thanks.

  • Vicki

    Thank you Joy for your explanation. I never knew. I am never going to report anything ever again unless it is as important as that poor little grl. I am sorry if you ever had to hear from me! Have a great day!! 😀

  • Derek Whitaker

    HOLY SHIT!!! FINALLY, it has been said, and said better than i probably could have. i swear most people need to be bitch slapped REPEATEDLY with their computers and then have them destroyed and never be allowed to touch another one again…LMAO

  • Hoboy

    I wonder what the mods at 4chan would have to say about this squabbling and emotive rhetoric lol.

  • Kattie

    So, I’m assuming this is a big fat no, but is there any way for adults to volunteer to help solve the problem? I’d happily disposition minor stuff and move big stuff to critical buckets while I am just hanging ou watching tv to try to prevent stuff like this from happening again.

  • Laurel

    I work in Public Safety. There are similar issues in the 911 system. While you are calling to find out where the closest pizza place is someone is dying of a heart attack. Think beyond your world people!!!

  • John Paul Soric

    Are you hiring? I would love to do this job!

  • Stephen

    While it is admirable that you help young people in distress, it is your job to deal with other complaints. How can you take a job that deals with petty complaints and then complain about doing it. You get paid to do a job, so do it. Maybe you should get into counseling or law enforcement since you are clearly happier helping people in distress rather than dealing with what your normal job entails.

  • seadog14

    I suggest you get another job, I skimmed through your article and found it self serving. Quite frankly it is boring. I have reported offensive material and nothing was done. So why do you have it(the report button)–you make $29.00 an hour–boo-hoo–my daughter does too, and she actually moves her ass. Don’t blog, remove the offensive crap, report the girl’s uncle,(and why is a seven year old on Facebook??)–and move on with your life. You have a choice, get another job, or quit whining.

  • Yo Hinck

    Very refreshing and honest look at the reality you have to see on an every day basis, I am sorry to hear about that little girl and hope like hell her Uncle was dealt with in the harshest way that only you could imagine.
    I hope I am never one of these idiots that you have to deal with about all this petty bull shit, if I am please feel free to tell me so if you feel so inclined.
    I wish you and everyone else who does your job a lot of luck and that you manage to find away to find that inner peace you need and so well deserve.

  • Mandy Meszaros

    Love it..I guess I know why I keep getting banned from friend requests ok : )
    I come from am era where if you see something you don’t like look away, change the channel, walk in opposite direction or simply ignore it. So yes I agree. These options you have up there like “I don’t like this” & “this offends me” etc why even bother having them up there? They are lame and give manic depressives and bipolar personalities something to ‘bitch’ about. Then you can call it BitchBook lol. In any case this worth forwarding and considering Facebook is FREE this is acceptable. Until its not free, this is an understandable attitude. This is definitely worth sharing. Have a great day and have a cup of coffee on me. : )

  • Wind

    This article is disingenuous to say the least.

    I couldn’t agree more, that people should stop reporting anything and everything they feel they might perceive as offensive, but that’s not what this purports to be about. However the horrifying stories of what the author has seen and experienced lose a lot of their impact when you realize that Joy Lynskey does not – and probably never did – work in Facebook’s moderation team.

    But let’s see what would happen, if people stopped posting petty reports. Less pages and users would be suspended or banned without good reason, which would be good. Of course with less reports, Facebook could cut their staff. The poor abused girl in this fictional account would probably still end up queued until five her time. The point is, Facebook’s moderation team is not primarily in the crime prevention business, even if it may happen once in a while by accident. They’re not even in the business of reporting crimes after the fact, though I’m sure they do when they come across something that gives them reason.

    Making petty reports to FB is not at all like making prank calls to 112 – it doesn’t take resources away from the real business, because it *is* the real business of the team.

    And that business is enforcing Facebook’s own “community” guidelines, such as for instance their prudish Victorian age rules against otherwise perfectly legal nudity, and other behaviours that may or may not otherwise be illegal, but happen to be against Facebook’s policies.

    If Facebook’s crime fighting efforts were encumbered by petty reports, all Facebook would need to do, would be to change their guidelines, so that only suspicions of real criminal acts warranted a report to the moderators.

    Even better, if anyone in charge at Facebook want to help abused children, it should be an easy matter for them to regularly sponsor links to childrens’ hotlines on accounts for people under 15 or something like that. I’m sure that would be a lot more efficient than waiting for them to report a photo after their uncle uploaded it.

    What this article does try (though I expect it’s mostly preaching to the choir) is making people stop reporting posts and people as abusive without good cause by appealing to an invented reality where this would leave more resources to people in urgent need. This becomes so much more obvious when going to the linked Facebook group, which is all about pages being censored and apparently not a single word about the abused children that go without timely help.

    Is this a good cause? Well, yes, I think so. But I don’t think it’s well served by inventing “real” stories about how much evil is allowed to happen because our time is wasted on trivialities.

    In short: Please don’t use the report button, unless there is something that really should be reported – you’ll make the internet a better place that way – but don’t think your restraint will save anyone from anything other than the possible consequences of your report.

  • Alizé Paris V.Muckensturm

    People report for everything. But everytimez I reported something it was animals being abused, slaughtered alive on photos and nobody gave a damn about that either. I reported it as graphic violence. What is more violent to see a knife dig into someone neck and blood flooding? Theses pictures i reported where all personal profile of people selling fetish videos of animal abuse.
    Seriously cases like this need investigation not to be scan by a computer program telling me it’s not graphic violence when it is.

  • April Trotter

    So why not just ignore the stupid and spend time on the reports that matter? Did I miss that part?

    • Andrea Leong

      Yes, you did. Algorithms are imperfect, and it takes a moment to manually look over and reject a stupid report. The sheer volume of stupid reports adds up to a lot of moments. That was the point.

  • paleo diet plan food list

    You actually make it seem so easy along with your presentation but I in finding this matter to be really something which I think I would never understand.
    It seems too complex and very broad for me. I’m having a look forward on your next post, I will attempt to get the hold of it!

  • Mary Stevens

    This article makes some very valid points.I have to ask,how much man power is FB wasting by asking everyone about friend requests?(do you know this person…blah blah..)and then putting people in FB jail for the most heinous offense of trying to friend someone you haven’t physically met,even if it’s a long lost cousin?Shouldn’t this major waste of time be spent helping someone who needs it,as well?

  • Mickey M Moats

    I truly can not understand, when FB offers a Block Button, and you get offended, why you don’t just block the offender. Come on folks, get a grip!!!!! It is like crank calling 911. Report only what needs to be reported!!!!

  • jack robinson

    Very important article. Pity the moapers clogging the system will not read it.

  • Nate Franklin

    What I did not see is anything resembling documentation, just assertions about how Fazebook operates. In the real world, we rely on evidence.

    • Andrea Leong

      Perhaps this post was 100% fabricated. But hey, the point “don’t report pointless things that offend only your sensibilities, because that would be stupid and thoughtless” stands quite well, I think.

    • J Lyn

      Do you really think I would post any evidence that would break my NDA here? You must be batshit. On another note, I have a group of nearly 200 admins on facebook who ritually complain to me with issues, ritually watch them be addressed and fixed and ritually benefit from my abilities. I’m sure they could provide you with all the documentation you would require, but because they are more important than you, you will never even know them. Sorry about your terrible luck and attempt at edginess.

  • Mrs Mommie

    This post is a real eye opener. i want to apologize for any time in the past that i have “reported” something that was offensive to me. i had no idea that this is what goes on behind the scenes. i thought there was an automated system that we were supposed to tell when someone posted something vulgar for all if our fb friends to see.
    It may not be hat some people are easily offended and make too big a deal out of little things, but like in my case, they may be doing what theu think they are supposed to.
    Im glad i now know better.

  • sammyahren

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  • mandy lynn

    Good read. it kills me to know people post some things… ive seen animal cruelty and other things that have turned my stomach on pages, in my news feed…. but alot are ‘share this so we can get justice for this child, dog, whatever’….. its a sick world we live in. the poor girl you mentioned? breaks my heart 😦 god help that poor child. i chose to just scroll. if i dont like something on a page i like i just pass it by. i dont look for things to offend myself, id rather not see. shame on me for sheltering myself knowing all this crap is going on in the world. my hats off to you. i could not do your job

  • alexandra

    an ex boyfriend just posted a status about me. it’s considered bullying by everyone I’ve showed it too. but he doesn’t say my name in the post even though I know for a fact it was about me. what can you do about it?

  • Hagalla

    I don’t think this post is entirely truthful. The real motivation behind moderation is to maintain Facebook’s image.

  • Shawna

    ty for enlightening us and doing what you do; even though I can sense the frustrations.

  • Ermahgerd Jigglypuff Jones

    It’s sad that most of the internet is garbage produced by garbage people which thus offends other garbage people. Reading this has at least given me hope that there are still some good folks out there, trying hard to ignore the retardation that has befallen so many people, and watch out for the truly innocent.

  • Marsden Bigby

    1. My head hurts from reading comments that were exactly among the lines of what the article was about.
    2. Atheists shouldn’t insult religion, because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
    3. Religious people shouldn’t insult Atheists, because you have no idea what you’re talking about.
    4. What the fuck does religion have to do with the article?
    5. If I want to cuss, I can, you’re on the internet with a crap load of people and not all of us have your delicate sensibilities. who are you to tell me how to speak?
    6. And this is most important to…who the hell came up with the idea that you had to respect the other side of a discussion? The fact of the matter is sometimes the person you are discussing things with is a fucking moron arguing a moronic point and in times like that you SHOULD insult them.
    7. having said that…you shouldn’t argue you with a fool because people watching can’t tell the difference between you.
    8. I just didn’t want to end on an odd number.

  • Kremisi

    Maybe would be a good idea banning people who use too much often and stupidly to report about stupid things…

  • peter breslin

    This blog post seems to me to be entirely fabricated. I have no idea why the author would want to make all of this stuff up, but an extensive internet news search finds absolutely no corroboration for any of the very serious claims made here, especially no corroboration of the “crimes in progress” claim. I am quite sure, if Facebook moderators witnessed crimes in progress, the general media would widely report it. In particular, the 7 year old girl with the rapist father tale is nowhere to be found in any news outlet anywhere on the web. I suppose the idea that Facebook is crawling with all sorts of demented psychos and crime victims seems reasonable somehow, but there’s absolutely no evidence to support any of the claims in the above post. I would ask the author to provide a complete set of corroborating links. I am quite sure no links will be provided.

  • Deb

    When you are sitting alone at your computer with nothing substantial consuming your thoughts except anger, hatred and feeling offended just remember that you are letting somebody else, perhaps a stranger, control your thoughts. It offends me that this medium of interaction is used by some to have a sounding board for their ill conceived notions of self righteousness.

  • Sara

    As a mother, I am so grateful to anyone who in any way assists children who are being harmed. I was ignorant to the problems you mentioned and I’m overwhelmed at the amount of horrific issues you face everyday.

  • Sinthea

    I will say I have pulled the block hammer on quite a few people but it was due to an issue I had with an ex. I never reported them I dealt with it on my own. I have reported animal cruelty and also reported it to the ASPCA and Humane Society. I understand the moderators on FB are overwhelmed I have to moderate websites for my job and it’s an awful feeling when you miss something major over a minor infraction. Thank you J for a great article

  • Jupiter

    You don’t know what a snuff film actually is, do you? -_-

    • Andre

      Are you basing that assumption on nothing more than the use of a tautology?

      • Ras

        Well, since we are going to play the ‘amateur professor of logic cock of the walk” game here, that wasn’t an assumption; it was a question.

        You are the one making assumptions here.

  • Seresviel (@Seresviel)

    You’re getting paid an egregious sum in a downward economy to do something that isn’t even a real job and you have the audacity to whine about it? You’re not only rubbing your exceedingly good fortune in our faces, but you’re rubbing salt into that wound. I would happily do your BS job for half of what you’re making and I wouldn’t whine to strangers over the internet about it.

    • Nathaniel Watson

      You would happily look at “beheadings, children in the process of being raped, human bodies in various stages of decomposition, the living and dead results of domestic violence, hanging bodies of 10 year old boys accused of being gay, real-life snuff films and bloody dog fighting rings and their subsequent results.”?
      1. That says a lot about your state of mind.
      2. Her job would break most lesser people mentally and have them quitting in a week, if not less
      3. Her “not even a real job” is a job that every social network (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc…), blog, and forum have.
      Anywhere that the unwashed masses of this world can spew their opinion like its gospel will have moderators to keep the majority of us from having to look at the things that haunt them everyday

  • Nathaniel Watson

    Nice article. Sorry you have to put up with the stupidity of countless people in these comments. Leave it to the unwashed masses to think they know more about your job then you do

  • Claire

    This a really good piece, thank-you. But I have to ask, what about those that report photos of naked women? I hope you don’t think these reports petty because these photos feed into rape culture. Not only that but it makes Facebook feel like an unsafe place to be for a woman
    I once reported a photo that had been uploaded of a girl on the cusp of legal age that would have been taken for an acquaintance of hers, not to be shared with the online world. The uploader had placed the smallest conceivable dots of MS Paint over her nipples. Because of this, Facebook deemed it non offensive. No consideration for the girls privacy, whether this was being used as a bullying technique, let alone the girl’s legal status.

  • Facebook Victim

    It’s a strange kind of social site when you post about an abused rescue dog on a dog rescue page and you get banned from posting for “spam”. Fascistbook is a joke, and the morons who make themselves inaccessible whilst making executive decisions based on no evidence whatsoever, really need to get over their paranoia. Get a life Fascistbook “staff”, and try allowing your members to enjoy what could be a fun experience. Bullying is not cool, even when done behind the proverbial curtain.

  • Bethany Word

    Thanks for this article! I had NO idea about this sort of thing, I probably should have guessed, seeing how clean FB is, and how not-clean the rest of the internet is, but still, it’s ghastly!
    I truly apologize for my fellow Christians who can’t get over themselves and report things in bulk just because they don’t agree. that is Definitely not what Jesus would do!
    Since I can’t do much else, i pray for the little girl, and I read that she will be better.
    Anything ACTION-wise I can do to help this Job be easier on you moderators so you can save more lives?
    Btw-thank you for doing this job, I support you 100% !

  • Avantle

    I just love how this very informative post about abusing the moderation system of Facebook turned into a religious debate…. Like a few others have said…. those are the very people that clog up the system with those useless complaints. If you get upset over things like that…. I have bad news for you if you plan on using the internet often.

  • GSI

    I would like to inform you that there’s a reference to your successful article here. This post is written in italian, but you should definitely take a look:

  • PosterGirl

    Here’s my question: What, then, do you do if you’re a professional photographer and someone has posted your work without permission? Granted, it ranks way lower than the seven year old mentioned in the story, but does it ever get addressed?

    • Devian

      The best thing you can do is to talk to the page owner about removing the page. If that doesn’t work, threaten legal action. Because of intellectual property laws, the use of your works without express permission and/or without proper credit to the owner is illegal. If they are a page that gains revenue from traffic, it is similar to, say, Weird Al Yankovich taking Coolio’s track “Gangsta’s Paradise” (look it up, big lawsuit) to make his own high-grossing track. However, you should DEFINITELY take screen shots of the page that is using your works without your permission AND screenshots of your communication with the owner.

    • Ken Wilson

      Not as long as I am a whiny little bitch

    • J Lyn

      Yes it does actually. Thousands of them have been addressed this week actually. Enforced by the new public policy manager.

  • Heather Anne

    Thank you for your article. I am actually way more happy that the FB mods are taking action on real issues such as the girl being abused. That is excellent. I used to run internet security for web and email, and I had to see a lot of horrible horrible things. It was during the days of dial-up, and there was no internet task force, so I spent a lot of time on the phone with FBI or local police.

    I lasted in that job about 6 months. It has been nearly 14 years and I still have dreams come up about some of those people’s page and email list content. Thank you to you and yours who do all the work to address real issues.

  • Albin Henneberger

    Reblogged this on Whose Sports Blog Is It Anyway? and commented:
    I always wondered about what happened when something gets reported on Facebook. Truly educational stuff and a fantastic read.

  • Casey

    I get what you’re saying here, but, “This page shared my picture without credit or permission,” is a pretty legitimate copyright issue that is a rampant problem on Facebook, especially with the innumerable “like-farming” pages that Facebook can’t seem to figure out how to police. You posting that it is somehow just petty whining compared to child endangerment doesn’t make it any less of an actual issue. Of course it’s not as important; but this sounds like Facebook moderators may need to split their duties so that less serious issues can still get the attention they deserve.

    • Devian

      The best thing one can do as the owner of intellectual property is to take screen shots of the violating page and all correspondence. Contact the owner of the page and request that they take it down. Make sure you specifically state that you do not give permission to them to use your works. Give them a reasonable time limit to remove the violation. Make sure you time stamp all screen shots, and if the violation is not rectified within the reasonable time limit, threaten legal action. The “like” farming pages actually get paid for you to visit their sites (at least on other websites, I’m not sure about facebook), so they are making revenue off the works they post, which is theft.

    • M

      I once had a page sharing a picture of myself without my permission, I reported it and Facebook said it didn’t violate their community standards. I had to report it a second time so that the picture was removed. Maybe if you had removed it the first time, you would have had half the amount of work necessary.

  • Erica

    Joy what a hypocrite you are. Why don’t you just do the job you are paid for and stop bitching about it? At least you are fortunate to even HAVE a job in this economy.

  • lisa

    I teared up when I read about that little girl, working in customer service I know what it’s like to have time wasters, but never to this extent.

    I really wish that people would just grow a pair, being offended doesn’t actually do anytging, to quote a comedian whom I forget the name of “I’m offended by boybands!”

    This post was definitely a real eye opener to me!

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  • Anand

    So what do you do if you are being abused by facebook itself? I saw a short video in my Sociology class yesterday. It was based on a survey done by a Harvard business professor and economist. The survey asked what Americans thought the distribution of wealth was in America and what the ideal distribution would be according to 92% of us. The video graphed those two answers and also included what the wealth distribution really is. I was so impressed I have been sharing it with every person and organization I am connected to and asking this question; what tax or other policy would create the ideal wealth/income distribution desired by 92% of us. Facebook claims that sharing this is spam. Here is the link. What do you think about the film and what can I do about Facebook?

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  • Prince de la Pau

    I’m totally confused by the Nanny-State mentality of Facebook. It panders to people who are “offended” by inanities, it does nothing to combat pages inciting hatred, for instance, of Muslims, but is quite prepared to ban somebody for showing the crack of a male backside.

    The FB Report Button actually panders to the lunatic fringe. If the moderators quite rightly don’t want to deal with “I am offended by such-and-such” reports, then that reason should be removed from the list. Instead, it’s sitting there in plain sigh for any doolally moron with a vocabulary slightly less this deflated IQ to use, this wasting everybody’s time, effort and in some cases, money.

    In order to make a little petty cash, FB invites you to boost your page and advertise, and then disables your account just as the advertising campaign is about to begin – no reason given except “eligibility”, which is not defined – and starts demanding copies of personal documents.

    But as I read in your wonderful article here, moderators don’t actually look at appeals, so that’s a waste of time.

    My own account was disabled for no apparent reason and I’m obviously sitting in an algorithm that’s going nowhere. If FB doesn’t want people to appeal bans and disablement of accounts, fine. But it shouldn’t offer an appeals system that is designed not to work.

    • J Lyn

      Every single thing you said here is truth. Tried to add you but it won’t let me because I am logged into the TIOM page. Email me at

      I’ll investigate and manual it. If nothing is wrong, I’ll set it for reinstatement.

    • David Buchner

      Not only the lunatic fringe. Also, a lot of just plain, really naive, sheltered people, who get on the internet and find out that —gasp— there are people and things that they don’t agree with here! Give them a button to report those; they’re gonna use it. It practically begs them to — it’s so conveniently located next to each offensive item. “Woohoo! Somebody’s listening to my complaining! I feel so empowered!”
      I’ve never reported anything, as far as I can remember.

      Great post, Joy. I wish I’d discovered it sooner.

      • n1spirit

        I agree with all that you said, David. I may not agree with some of the things I see there but I don’t “report” others just for having a difference of opinion. I’m gay and registered as a Democrat but these damn liberals make me want to puke. Wusses, all of them. They want a free ride and that’s the mentality of the majority on Facecrook. Myself, I’ve worked for every damn thing I own and I’m proud of that fact. Also, my sensibilities are not NEARLY as genteel as the rejects who want everything given to them on a silver platter.

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  • Brie

    I am not one of the people you will be thanking your their loving and supportive comments. I think your diatribe shows arrogance and frankly reads as quite full of It. Facebook frequently saves young children from rape and molestation, yet these harrowing accounts are never on the news? And then you exploit that alleged seven year old’s story to… What? Shame people for making you do your job? Huh. Seems legit.

    But for all your talks of the horrors you’ve seen, maybe you should open your mind quarter inch. Maybe Susie Q reported that page that encouraged men to date rape women- you know, the one Facebook leaves up- because she was date raped and it serves as a horrible graphic trigger. Ditto with all the glamorous depictions of domestic violence you guys love. Truth is, Facebook doesn’t care about anyone’s tragic life events, you want something to whine about to get your 15 minutes.

    Who knows how many children I could’ve saved while I read your hypocritical rant about what offends you…. So sad.

    • J Lyn

      Excuse you? Did someone invite you here? Have I done anything to help you with your personal account or page? Then why in the fuck would I want or expect thanks from you. And HAD I done something to help you and you are here refusing to thank me, when I haven’t asked, that makes you the cunt my lady, not I. These accounts are never on the news? Why don’t you try checking outside of google, the exact incident I mentioned has been on the news several times. I actually keep up with the story on CNN myself, every time something new is posted.

      “Truth is, Facebook doesn’t care about anyone’s tragic life events, you want something to whine about to get your 15 minutes. ”

      And there is the proof you are doing just what you are accusing me of. You sure didn’t mind slapping up your email link and your name, Brie, no one here even knows my real name. They won’t. So whose getting that 15 minutes of fame again? A fake name? Bitch you are off your rocker. Take your meds before you post next time.

  • Thomas Boussum

    Good article.
    I’m, personally, of the mind that most people who have a social site have it to stroke their own egos. They collect friends like women would collect shoes if they had the resources to do so. Their mentality is it’s all about them and heaven help you if you aren’t instep with their views or morals.
    Now, to all the people that came down on Kristin. I was directed to this article by an atheistic page that was pulled by FaceBook because of a well orchestrated attack by a Catholic group. They filed reports citing that the page was involved in hate speech and inciting hatred of Christians which is a bunch of bull.
    I agree with Joy…some people just need to stay off of internet.

  • Virgin Mary should've aborted Facebook page taken down. - Meez Forums

    […] a link explaining that the only thing they're doing is possibly endangering others. You can read it here. Excuse the language, please. I will edit. A quote from the article: "Now, forgive me or not, […]

  • desanctified

    I will think of this, next time I report spam. Thank you. 

    • J Lyn

      Spam is different. If you mean that crap they plaster all over your wall about products and pages and shit, report away. That does not affect the user-based report system. Thanks for reading

  • 123 Key Concepts Consulting

    Thank you for your work, Joy. I don’t mean to sound dense, but I seem to recall a time where facebook allowed a user to simply delete or hide an annoying or un-interesting item/photo from their news feed and from their sidebar ads without actually “Reporting” it and choosing a reason why. Then suddenly, that option was gone, and a selection of reasons had to be made or the item stayed in place. Then… FB put/moved the top-right-corner-click-to-close “x” to report a post in the same place where the “x” has always been located to close a photo (I accidentally deleted a couple friends by clicking on the x at the wrong time! – Yikes! luckily there was an undo option – at least at one point!) At one time, viewers had “ad choice” and “suggested ad topic targeting preferences” tools that they could utilize to customize what they saw, that if I recall, were in the same location as reporting options are today… and I am sure many FB newbies (the older generation) are struggling between the two concepts as they try make FB “Intuitive”. As a restaurant page manager, I have had a couple of occasions where I tutored the elderly on how to “hide” a picture of a nice dinner, when it appeared to close to their breakfast time, and they “reported” it as offending their breakfast! FB could use a few more “elderly” consultants to watch how they struggle through the settings that are not so “intuitive” to them… and maybe such stupid answers would be reduced – when FORCED to give a reason why they merely want to hide or delete something that is “cluttering” their otherwise visually-contented news feed. I guess I am telling you this, because I am not really sure where or how to say to FB – “hey – this x is in a stupid place” or “hey I can bet that a million old people are reporting stupid shit because you took off the choice that said ‘for no reason’ I don’t want to see this same item every time I click home and refresh my dang news feed the way they taught me to do in computer savvy seniors class yesterday!” Not complaining, but you do understand that FB changes stuff, then changes it again… what was with the ticker in a black side bar and on the opposite side for a week… and now it’s back to normal? As they try to get the age to be more dynamic for various size screens… stuff moves, lists change, and “intuitive” is highly dependent on what was around as you were a toddler. Be blessed! Keep up the great work! Mention the “design glitches” if you can… and maybe it will save you some time and stress over the “stupid” answers people have/had to create; simply to “turn the page” on their news feed… to see what else is going on in the world after they shortened the algorithm that offered greater variety when folks “refreshed” their feed page.

  • Tammy Gonzalez-Robinson

    if you hate your job so much…frikkin quit your job! it’s that simple…

    • J Lyn

      I would, if I couldn’t help the people I can help as long as I keep it. And “if you hate your job so much…frikkin quit your job! it’s that simple…” Really, whose basement do you live in because I have to pay my own mortgage and quitting a job you don’t like don’t exactly sound like an adult speaking. Move along. With comments like that, everything else here is above your head.

  • Libby Blackwell

    There is no report option that allows someone to leave a comment. How are you getting so many comments?

    • J Lyn

      You might want to try googling something like “Facebooks new report feedback system” or “facebook feedback system still in beta after a year” before you wonder ignorant things outloud.

      Just because you haven’t gotten the option, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. It means, you haven’t gotten it because your string of facebook ID’s hasn’t been set with those ‘privileges’ yet. But I can assure you, I’ve been reading feedback left by people’s failed reports for well over a year now. Or, I’m just making it up to …. scare people… er.. uh, just fucking google some shit already goddamn, you made it here, I know you can do that.

  • Marshal

    God Complex anyone? This whole article is nothing but a giant delusion of grandeur.

    *Texas again? Dude, can’t you find somewhere better to stalk before I report you to Nts Communications.

    • J Lyn

      Really? That’s weird that you took the time to share such a thing. Which parts do you think are delusional? The parts where I am upset that facebook pays people in third world countries disgusting salaries, or the parts where idiots need to quit reporting dumb shit so that the few instances that are real cries for help can be heard. Which part d-bag, you spoke up, now back it up.

      • Leane

        Actually,that part of your article is pretty racist.You don’t get a better salarie because you “want” rights but because people acquired this rights for you.And people in third world countries get shitty salaries,not because they lack the will but because there isn’t a social juridiction about it in their countries.And people getting 1 dollar per hour to do this?That’s far above the average of what children in sweatshops earn

      • Devian

        Please tell me you’re not REALLY that stupid! You are accusing the writer of racism because of something YOU saw in her outrage that people that do the same job that she does are making FAR less than her? Where, in this entire article, did she say it’s because they don’t have the drive to seek better pay? Where, in this article, did she mention sweatshops? Was she flippant about it? Yes, which only proves her point even more. Get the stick out of your ass. You are exactly what this blog is about. Too bad you’ll never learn the lesson because you’re too consumed with what offends YOU.

        Oh, I should also add that your question about why rape, violence, and gore doesn’t get removed as quickly has already been answered in other blogs, if you ever feel like looking. I won’t hold my breath, so here’s the rundown: the more people that report the picture, the quicker it gets taken down. MOST people don’t share pictures of a 10-year-old boy getting murdered. MANY people share breastfeeding or mastectomy photos because MANY people are either mothers, supportive of mothers’ rights, have had breast cancer, or admire women who have the strength to survive and be proud of surviving breast cancer.

        Also, as she stated in THIS article, MOST reports go through an algorithm, and if the content contains certain key words or items, it’s automatically taken down (in case you don’t know what algorithms are, they are mathematical sequences used in computing). This woman is COMPLAINING about facebook’s policies, so obviously she doesn’t agree with all of them. This woman is NOT facebook. Again, get the stick out of your ass lady, and you should probably get off the internet, too. There’s a LOT of offensive content on here, not all of which can you report, and MOST mods you CAN report to don’t give a shit about your Penny-Annie butthurt feelings.

    • Marshal

      Please report me to to NTS communications. It couldn’t be anything worse than what the NSA has on me.

      So I take it I hit a nerve? Ah yes, hitting one’s vulnerabilities always incurs the greatest wrath.

      But let’s get to substance shall we? And forgo epithets such as d-bag- if you can contain your inner child long enough to respond.

      Are the people in third world countries forced to work at Facebook? Are you paid to only look through the important flaggings? The answers to both are obviously no. It is delusional to think otherwise.

      You are delusional in the sense that you are trying to find purpose in a purposeless job. So you create a sense of worth out of imagining yourself saving children from predators and whistle-blowing Facebook’s sweatshop practices. So what are you doing to save children? You are not rescuing them. You are reporting activity. You are not testifying to Congress about Facebook’s labor practices. You are ranting on an insignificant blog. Pardon me but the person that calls the fire department to report a fire is still not a fireman. Nor is a person that complains about his boss worthy of any great honor, much as you may disagree. You don’t have power to save lives. You can’t. Yet here you rant, on this little blog, high on Prozac, thinking that you can change the world- one keystroke at a time.

      Ergo, ‘god complex.’ So go back to your cyber-frenetic world of delusion, pop another anti-depressant, and stack all that dough that Facebook pays you.

  • Nate Chambers

    I just wish their was a “report a pedophile” option. I’m part of a few pedo-hunter groups and its the comments and all that are more of the problem on pages made for sickos to make sexual comments about children, about 75% of the time the pages stay up(I keep a database with all ~650 reports i’v made). Its sick but I guess making them comments aren’t illegal in FBs opinion?
    I’m guessing my email is on the ignore whatever I report list because even dead bloody body pictures i’v reported in the past don’t get removed?

    • J Lyn

      Hi Nate. I’d be glad to have you in my admin group. We have several who do the same as you do there. You would be able to join forces with some folks who really know wtf they are doing when it comes to taken down pedo pages and such. Let me know

      Mail me there and I’ll give you my real address you can add me to facebook on

  • Bill Fusionjazz

    One thing in the auto algorithm that does not work, BLOCKING of pages, it never works. So i see the admin cries about the little girl he couldn’t help, there are tons and would be nice to end all. But until Facebook reworks the blocking option will it work. ! simple click can block a person real fast with no appeal, and even pages can do it, BUT no person can block a page, especially commercial ones. I don’t want the pages to be removed just not to EVER come up in my feed or inbox, YET they still do show up. The sad part this WAS NOT a problem a year ago.
    By the ways I like several pages which get taken down by trolls who think they are the moral majority (more like minority) and I constantly see post saying just unlike. And the picture which got them banned often something that could wind up on TV, basic cable.
    i think when someone reports a page it auto disappears from their sight , period. Them MR admin you will be able to work on those heartache cases and real problems.
    By the ways you think your job sucks quit, I hate hearing that, especially when I do have a sort shit job , literally, sewage process systems

  • Nate Chambers

    How can a page like which is full of porn and being reported by hundred of people get AUTO REJECTED, I mean, everyone reporting it is instantly getting a report back saying it wasnt removed? It is pure porn? And hmmm, it seem the post I made here 2-3 days ago regarding no report a pedophile button and pedo run pages was removed? 😦

  • Nate Chambers

    ok ignore the 2nd part of my last post, im blind LOL

  • Joey

    I too am American1st Generation of my Paternal Russian immigrants. I wake to this horror daily as my daughter was murdered at 17. To a hate crime Seems to be America has too much racial tension. Joe Britt’s dad

  • Lady Blue

    Reblogged this on My Blue Life and commented:
    Great read. Some people find it “their job” to go around Facebook reporting stupid things when there are obvious actual issues that need to be addressed instead. Contains cussing.


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  • Betsy Simek

    Not so long ago, you could simply “hide” something you didn’t want to see. That’s no longer an option – now you have to “report” it, and give a reason why (which I don’t ever do). I never asked FB to do my thinking for me, if it’s such a pain in the a** to have stuff reported, don’t have 3 or 4 “you might like” pop ups underneath something when I click the “like” button. Most of us are perfectly capable of finding what we “might like” on our own. And, go back to the hide button, it won’t stop every nut case out there, but it’s better than the options available now. Change isn’t always good or efficient.

  • Lisa

    sounds like you need a new job. if people like me are looking for answers to solve their facebook problems (at the moment people seeking to be my friend- with four letter words and more showing up on my supposed may know list), this is not the forum. you are part of the problem of facebook, you are just as rude and nasty as the perbs.

  • Tara Donavan

    Facebook should permanently ban anyone who reports content that doesnt warrant a report.Why should facebook, me or anyone else be responsible for someone else’ butt hurt? Facebook has become nonsense.

  • Emotive Dancer

    Reblogged this on Emotive expression and commented:
    The Real Story Behind Facebook

  • Alex Gain

    Are there certain countries that have larger ratio of moronic reports than other countries?

    Which country has the smallest ratio of moronic reports to serious reports?

  • Rebecca Alarcon

    I guess I never really thought about what happened to the horrific things that would,of course,get posted on Facebook. My daughter found a video of a man cutting off his wife’s head and it disappeared. I never thought about the human being that may have to find and delete such videos. I just never imagined there would be so many. I have been living in a fool’s paradise along with so many many other Facebook users. Thank you!!

  • Leane

    I know a bunch of people who’d like you to answer to them why gore,porn and child abuse only gets taking down sometimes,after weeks of mass reports (or not at all because some mod think it’s not a violation of Facebook’s terms and conditions),but pictures of women breastfeeding don’t last 24 hours?It’s not like there haven’t already been serious allegations of sexsim,racism and homophobia against Facebook mods,pushing some major companies to leave.

    • Really Ironic

      I made a similar but not so nice comment. I would like the answer to this as well. I reported a video of a young boy being forced to do sexual things to a dead dog while a man in the background masturbated. It took a week before it was removed. However a photo of my bare pregnant belly was removed the day I added it and my page blocked. I really dont see the logic here and I really question the motive of the person who wrote the article. There is a sick sad world on the web and it hides everywhere. There are entire groups of child porn on fb but their activity (half naked children, incest, and beastiality) dont violate the tos but breastfeeding and tatts over mastectomy scars do? Yet a porn videos are never removed.

      • J Lyn

        It’s like you either didn’t read the article. Missed the mention of how overtaxed the system is, or are saying I should leave kids in danger to worry about your belly pictures. Fuck off with that shit

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  • Sky

    It sounds like the reporting categories need refining/expanding. Why couldn’t they, at the very least, add a category called “Emergency or Criminal – In progress” with a further message that using it to report stupid crap will result in the person who reported being banned. Categories for “Criminal Not in progress” & Child Abuse with similar disclaimers might help streamline things, reduce idiotic reports & allow for quicker response to those who need it.

  • Leah McElrath

    Thank you for all you do, Joy. Shared.

  • Neysakerr

    Truly offensive material will be reviewed by a real person if an initial report is rejected by the automated system and you select the “I disagree with Facebook’s decision” option. It may take weeks or even months to remove, but by then, a hundred more images will be posted to replace the one removed. Hollow victory.

    Just as in “real life” society, there are sickos out there, but unlike the “real” world, on Facebook they can revel in the anonymity of the internet, and freedom to post whatever their diseased minds can conjure. Facebook has become what the human race is, just as sinister and dangerous to the mind as a war zone is to the body, and the internet has brought that war zone into our living rooms.

    One thought, though, it just *might* help if the Facebook algorithms made themselves known as such, rather than allowing the assumption by the masses that every petty complaint will actually be seen by human eyes. Perhaps the realization that one is crying to a machine just might stay the hand of a small percentage of the whiners, and lighten the load a smidge. Maybe just being made aware that your complaint will be brought back to you and presented for justification (which is what happens when it is rejected by the bots) could possibly be a deterrent to the aggressive clicking of the “report this content” link. Maybe just a handful of people every day could be convinced not to waste their time if they know that it will only take a nanosecond for the computer to reject their whine. We all know that a “small percentage” of people among the 1.5 billion Facebook users could add up to a significant number. What would that be worth to the author of this article?

  • Vivienne

    In my real life I have, on the whole, a normal life. This is the same on Facebook. With the exception of once (during a ‘mental lapse’ on my part) I experience the fun and joy of sharing with ‘like’ minded people of all ages, from all cultures and from all over the world. A broad spectrum some might say or not. When you consider how many people use FB…then it stands to reason that your gonna get a percentage of crazy too. Also, and unfortunately, a percentage of abuse (young and old). So – this is not news to me. What I can’t get over is how a medium as important as FB has turned out to be is not utilised more efficiently to ‘help’ those in need. Saying that, I can’t get over how the little Turkish boy was badly beaten and abused in China (as seen on Youtube) was overlooked (his pitiful cries still haunt me to this day). When I watch the news I can’t get over how Governments and ‘so called appointed men and women’ can abuse the masses. All and all … it’s shit. If I choose to stay there I will become nothing more than that myself. Your picture summed it up perfectly…NO IT’S NO ALL ABOUT ME.!!! Since FB does have a button that I can press to abstain from certain posts or people who post stuff I don’t wish to see,,,,I am thankful for that. People are imperfect and flawed – there will always be highs and lows. I feel for those folk who can’t shut down the insane chatter since they are the ones having to ‘moderate’ most of the bull crap – I’d give each and everyone one of you a hug.. for what that’s worth. Well, this is my diatribe. I have kept it real and swore (by my avg.) quite minimally. You take from it what you want and leave the rest. It is…after all…just an opinion.

  • Andrew

    Joy, what an amazing blog you have. What amazing work moderators do in the face of such enormity. I reshared and liked your page too – just know that there are some people who do appreciate the people who try to keep things sane and safe, in the face of overwhelming odds. Until I read this post I’d never considered how the important tiny percent gets buried in a flood of self righteous indignation, irrelevant offence and slights.

  • Mike

    I just think that you should check your “look for friends” algorithm, since I am Protestant and your program keep suggesting me to befriend atheists *rolleyes*. Also did I befriend a furry guy -that happens to be gay- the algorithm flooded me with gay furry people out of blue (and atheist gay people too). Nuff said that one friend of my furry friend is Heavy metal fan and chopper. And my “you may know this people” suggestion box become surreal for sure due the permutations.

    At least since FB implement the “hide posts”, I don’t need to report photos anymore. But for the weird parade of people that you send me daily and force me to look at (always pops up in the top of every page in mobile version) forced me to ban the all people in that list. Only that way the suggestion list changed from 40 weirdos to just 5 *per day*. My ban list is around 1800+ people plus the today’s weirdos that the program will post soon.

    If I need add to a friend I can do it alone, I don’t need your suggestion box that of course fails in all ways. It shows people that are really far away of my interests and tastes and is one nuisance that it seems it will never go away. At least with your post, I know that report things like this one is a waste of time.

  • Robin Beach-Edgett

    I never really thought about the horrors you must face every day while policing Facebook. I have never been one that felt the need to report things when all I have to do is unlike a page. I have obviously never came across real atrocities posted for public view.
    I would like to thank you…mostly for putting your mental health on the back burner while you deal with things that you can actually have a positive impact on.
    I will share this story and ask everyone to take a few minutes to learn how their over sensitivities could actually be hindering someone else getting help on time.

  • Megan M.

    I have a question: If there is a picture or whatever that a friend has shared that I don’t want to see, and I click “Hide” but then DON’T choose one of the reasons offered (it shouldn’t be on Facebook, etc.) because it doesn’t violate any rules, I just don’t want to look at it – does THAT get reported to Facebook mods? Am I clogging up the system by doing this? Because if it part of the problem then I will never do it again.

  • crysol79

    THANK YOU for helping those that truly need it! And as for the rest of people just being crybabies….thank you for putting them in their place.

  • Phil Collins

    Well written and informative. I have always wondered why gamers seem to be hated so much. It appears to me that is seems easier to report one of those than a molester.

    Now I have reported a picture, however it was a bestiallity one someone had posted on a page, and yes I would do that again.

  • Ferrell #MASK (@Ferrell_Cat)

    I’m just reading this now and what girl are we talking about I’ve never heard a story about any girl posting on facebook about her uncle.

  • mamedubois

    What a load of drivel. Facebook LOATHES censorship. Every dollar it spends on dealing with reports – valid or frivolous – is a waste of time and Facebook knows it. Facebook works on the same principal as a virus – it needs to spread indiscriminately for maximum payoff. Censoring posts is not in it’s best interests and is essentially difficult to do effectively without spending considerable money or changing the very heart of what Facebook is – social networking. Either way, it’s a dent in the shareholder’s coffers. Facebook is doing what it was designed to do – spread widely and mostly indiscriminately. This is why we see things that we would normally be oblivious too.

  • Cassie Palmeter

    Thank you for the insight, It is horrible that people report so many petty things and there are pages like this out there that facebook deems ok because there is no actual nudity. Is there any way I could become a facebook Mod to help out and get some of the actually offensive things off facebook. I would work for free if it meant that I would actually be helping someone.

  • Nick

    You are a God amongst mortals. I do not envy your job, although I do envy your constitution. Thank you.

  • Little Miss Ranty Pants

    Reblogged this on Little Miss Ranty Pants and commented:
    I have reblogged as this took the words out of my mouth. Love it.

  • Kim Martin

    Question, actually. Does anyone have to manually mod for me when I block things? Spam, for example?

  • Zaron

    This problem wouldn’t exist if there were a dislike button.

  • Diane Kimes

    So, does reporting spam on a comment also add to this problem? I sometimes have done that because I thought it was just an automated system like on email that could block that stuff. But I won’t do it if it actually clogs up the system, because it’s not really very important.

  • The Mesh Warrior

    That is a very interesting article, and I’m sure Facebook uses an algorithm for that, for wouldn’t it actually be mathematically impossible for a real human to moderate the many comments of more than 1Billion users? Still, I would offer this:

    Whatever social mores you choose to conduct your life according to, you will find agreement about the definitions of harassment and bullying within the following widely-accepted, long-studied and widely-used references:

    -The Bible, its Golden Rule or Ten Commandments
    -The implicit agreement to live under the social contract we abide by when engaging others;
    -Or the medical community’s DSM-V, the standard reference book for psychologists and psychiatrists
    -Or Facebook’s code of conduct that you agree to when you open a FREE account
    -Or Facebook’s algorithm
    -Or George Washington’s 110 Rules for Civility that he wrote when he was EIGHT

    If the above entities can all come to the same conclusion about something, obviously still in the realm of the subjective for some, can’t we all come to the same conclusions about the definitions of kindness, understanding the difference between opinion and hate speech or the wake left by the footprints of self interest as opposed to the paths led and forged by the feet of named soldiers and warriors for the cause of good in the world?

    Algorithm or not, Facebook or not, that is not the only reference point we have on these matters. And even if it is an algorithm we’re dealing with, Facebook then most definitely has the most experience in the between two persons’ opinions vs. the bullying or harassment of one another, and if that’s true, than Facebook is arguably a rather practiced authority in what is our generation’s version of acceptable behavior in the public square.

    Just sayin’ . . . .

    Thanks for letting me share my perspective! I enjoyed reading yours also.

    • J Lyn

      Good comment. Apparently you have the ability to think. As you can see surrounding you, not everyone can.

      • The Mesh Warrior

        I do think the more important point regarding Facebook moderation is that ANYONE would HAVE REASON to need to report someone for a violation. The conversation is not really about how Facebook handles complaints. The real conversation and focus is that so many people feel the need to ask for added protection, based on someone’s lack of ability to follow simply social civility.

  • Grey Octave

    Reblogged this on Grey Octave and commented:
    Very interesting. I’ll admit, I have reported things in the past. Mostly pages that were focused on pedophilia, or making fun of little children with cancer. I do not know if that would be petty, to be honest. If so, I am sorry. I rarely send a report.
    Anyways, this gives a small insight in what happens when sending a report to Facebook’s moderation team. A lot of respect for them.

  • Doc Brown

    Your moronic post highlights one of the biggest problems that piece of garbage site has. They make billions of dollars off of their users and then have a few assholes like you monitoring problems. I am a 60 year old homebound disabled veteran who keeps getting banned from Facebook for absolutely no reason and yet I have zero recourse. I have sent dozens of emails and help requests only to be completely ignored. Are there horrible things happening in the world? Of course there are but do I feel sorry for you making $29.00 an hour and bitching and whining about your job like a little girl? Hell no I don’t since I fought for my country and ended up being disabled and now live on a fraction of what you make while simultaneously being ignored by that same company when all I want is to be able to pass a few hours of my fucked up days discussing politics or current events to take my mind off of the hell that is my existence. You said it in the heading. If you don’t like your job then FUCKING QUIT but don’t be a little bitch. Fuck you and everybody else at Facebook.

    • J Lyn

      Way to miss the point and fuck you too prick. Probably some teabilly fuck ranting about killing the president. Being a vet gives you no absolute right to be a cunt

  • Donna Sinclair

    Thanks so much for writing this!!!! I rarely report, but after this I actually don’t think I ever will again, unless it really is an issue. I’m so glad you have shared how it is from the perspective of a moderator and I will share and hope that others ‘hear’…

  • Zane Zirkle

    OK, while I agree with you helping a girl being raped, what about those nude pages and groups on facebook? Facebook says it doesn’t allow it yet when its reported, they don’t remove photos or pages containing nutity or porn. WHY? Is someone at facebook getting off looking at them?

  • *sigh*

    I appreciate what you were trying to achieve but as someone who just got reported for bullying when THEY were harassing ME I don’t even know them, I can’t completely agree. I have received death threats on Facebook but apparently those don’t violate Facebook, but me doing nothing, so stupid people can maliciously report me for NOTHING is okay? I agree about the whole first part and on serious cases but I’ve reported child porn that came back as NON VIOLATION. Flawed system.

  • whitebyrd™

    After reading this blog; If facebook™ would really screen out the children it currently allows to join the site 50% of these problems would be eliminated. A few years back Linden Labs was faced with the problem of screening children from their popular free site “Second Life” with the use of payment information or Bank & CC information. If a user objected to screening then they were free to go elsewhere on the net. That little girl who was being raped repeatedly should have notified Law Enforcement web sites not Social Media which she should never have been allowed to join in the first place! Social Media like facebook™ should be for Adults only. Disney has Children Social Media sites for children.

  • Really Ironic

    I find this article really self important. My issue with it is this… a picture of a woman breastfeeding her child is auto removed every time. Yet a video of a child naked from the waist down grinding his privates on a grown womans behind is not. Or how about the photo of the slaughtered man with a knife sticking out of his chest with blood every where, or the video of a man being shot in the head. Or the man committing suicide.
    Its really ironic to get a message back that this does not violate the terms of service. I guess those things aren’t important. Or as you stated you just don’t give a fuck. This article is bullshit.

    • J Lyn

      Hilarious you saying it’s self important and yammer on about violence and bf simultaneously. It’s like you had no idea how much of my own time to protect and moderate some of the biggest bf pages and groups groups on Facebook. Seems like your page or one of those you enjoy isn’t afforded the same. And even after your self important comment, I’d still do it. If you need assistance just say so, instead of being a twat.

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  • Daisy Inkflower

    I got banned from facebook as well, they didn’t say why I was. I sent them an e-mail with a question it never got answered, they just said to give them a student ID, passport, birth certificate or marriage license. I have bought things on Farmville 2 the game I played on there. I just wanted to know why I was banned for, never said anything hateful to anyone, never shown nude pictures… unless it was because I bought animals on my farm?

    • Diane Kimes

      I’m not sure, but I don’t think FB asks for id. It sounds like you got targeted by some kind of phishing scam. I hope you didn’t supply the asked-for documents. Try logging in to your account and see if it’s really blocked. With any luck, it will just turn out to be no problem. 🙂

  • Meepit

    Meanwhile… My Facebook account got disabled for “not being real” because I have some stalkers spam reporting me for their own twisted form of fun, and I’ve been disabled, for the second time. Before I got disabled I was asked to give my Government ID and they restored it, so now I’m doing it again but I’m not getting a single response, it’s really frustrating and upsetting.

    These stupid reports get out of hand.

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  • Derek Mullard

    Whats going on for Crrists sake,,I dont whant to see other peoples problems….I want to get un-blocked..and find out why this happened ??

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  • Melissa

    Ive never reported anyone before, but today I had 2 photos appear in my news feed which were tagged by local radio station Aztig FM. We have a mutual friend they tagged in a photo of a naked 7yr old girl stabbed multiple times and thrown in a gutter. The other photo was a young woman bound and had been raped and killed by ice pick to her face, laying in a pool of her own blood. Straight photos, no links- no warnings. I think everyone has the freedom of speech, however they should also respect others wishes for those who do not want to view that. I reported these to facebook and they came back and said they do not find these offensive to the Facebook Community. (On seeing this site they also have posted a video of a man jumping off a bridge committing suicide, but I didnt watch it so I cant report that). I am in complete shock, and those images are insane to be approved knowingly by Facebook.

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  • Milos

    Hi Joy, could you please elaborate on that automatic algo a bit more? How do some reports go through to the actual moderator and others don’t? Regards.

  • Vin

    The moderation system on FB is terrible. I’ve had about 4 accounts in a row now closed by FB, stating “I might be using a fake identity” and requesting to submit scanned forms of ID…? Ridiculous. I know people aren’t reporting me for stuff so I don’t know what the deal is. Seems too much of a coincidence to be an “algorithm” for every one of my accounts. Some mod keeps deleting my accounts harassing me by keeping track of my IP address or something.

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  • Zack

    Wow, I used to report things, but only if they violated te Facebook rules and I actually cared. If I simply didn’t like it, I always ignored it and moved on. I very seldom reported things but when I did, they would usually be really gory, fucked up shit or just spammy “Share this to 10 places or you’ll die” kinda comments. But after reading this, from now on, I’ll only report things, strictly, if they are illegal and the authorites would be able to be called and can put a stop to it and I’m gonna share this and encourage all my friends to do the same about reporting. Hey, I even have my own page with a little under 1,900 likes (but because of Facebook’s unnecessary page reach limitations, only about 200 people actually see the stuff I post) and I’m gonna share the link there, too. I’m gonna get the word out about this in every way I possibly can.

  • Jacquie

    Wow what a great post! As one that has been repeatedly
    reported by lame people over petty rubbish I totally back this report wholeheartly


    Great psychic article! That is the type of information that are supposed to be shared across the web.

    Thanks =)

  • tempat wisata

    Remarkable! Its actually amazing article, I have got much clear idea regarding from this piece of writing.

  • cannabisforautism

    Reblogged this on Cannabis For Autism and commented:
    We know only too well. The reporting is used by some as a debating tool. Usually those who have little credible evidence to back up their views.

  • Tay Keith

    I agree some people are truly abusing the reporting option. I feel that maybe yall should make that a rule that if its a petty person just sitting there reporting all the time.. after certain number there account is removed!

  • Derek Williams

    At least I now know for certain what I already suspected, that it’s a complete waste of time reporting bugs and technical issues. I did wonder why nothing ever happened and the issues just remained year after year. Since this is the attitude of moderators, it would be easier just to remove the reporting system altogether, and to remove the ability to add photos, videos and make comments. Otherwise, make it caveat emptor, and over 18’s only, so you know when you enter there are no rules and there is no maintenance.

  • Kristen

    This is starting to look just like a FB thread. Where’s the report button?

  • Ashley Paine

    I share this entry with people frequently. Usually followed by the suggestion that they call a Wahhmbulance instead.

  • Ashley Rodriguez

    Yikes! If I had known “Report to Facebook” was actually meant solely for criminal acts, I would’ve never clicked it and added to the chaos! I apologize for being part of the problem! Thank you for all the work you do. 🙂

    God bless you, sir! And Godspeed in the war against butthurt.

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  • SB

    You lay all that on users as if we should know. How should we know? If you personally object to our reports then get Facebook to shut off more of the reporting options, it’s not as if they get processed in the way we would expect, is it? I’ve had pictures of flowers deleted for NUDITY! yes, NUDITY, yet when I reported a photos of a naked man on a motorbike it passed with flying colours. How do YOU expect users to understand that? We didn’t create Facebook or design it to be anything other than a way to keep contact with family and friends. We didn’t give Facebook the options to add groups on disgusting subjects or have such groups secret, did we? Facebook’s done that to itself as a means of selling all kind of data on, without our permission. If you don’t like what ends up on Facebook then you should have set Facebook up with far more strictures instead of attacking users who report what the worst freaks in life load into Facebook with Facebook’s permission.

  • Rebecca Scollon-Butts

    I just want to say how sad it is that so many things do get reported, especially from personal walls/feeds over minor offenses. I have been reported for breastfeeding photos in a private group about breastfeeding. LOL No kidding. I also posted a topless pic of myself in that group to show what it looks like when only one breast produces, in order to boost the confidence of other moms that were concerned that one breast produces more than the other (which is totally typical by the way)….and I was fairly certain someone *would* report that (since the actual nursing photos got reported) but amazingly it did not. I can’t fathom who would report breastfeeding pics in a breastfeeding support/instruction group or why….and I am SURE it is a waste of time, as so far in our group, despite the numerous reports that have happened, none have been removed to my knowledge. The most frustrating thing in that case, is that the majority of pictures are for instructional assistance…like how to size your nipple to a flange for pumping milk or how to know if your baby has a good latch & what that looks like, what a bad latch looks like, various positions to hold baby to help ease back pain or other issues. So sad that people have nothing better to do than troll or hit report. Don’t like boob pictures? Exit the group. VERY simple. Don’t like nursing pics I post? Unfriend me, block me for all I care. It amazes me that people I know IRL will actually tell me they don’t like my nursing pics, but then feel free to say the most derogatory things on their FB pages about conservative or liberals, LGBTQ, spout off religious things, etc & never think twice. So I just block their feed. I also recommend to anyone who complains to me (which they always think “I should know that *some people* *might* be offended”…SMDH – “some people”? Man up & tell me it’s you. Say it And then go ahead & delete me, block my feed, block *me* if you like. I am far less offended by you blocking me than I am by your attempt to tell me how to live my life. 😀

  • Kate McGeary

    A copywriter shouldn’t misuse “incredulous”.

  • Fiona H

    I’ve only ever reported anything once & it was a page with pics of little girls in sexual poses & skimpy clothes. That’s bad enough but the comments from much older men were sickening. I reported it thinking the police could easily make arrests & clear a few more child abusers off the streets. I often see pics & posts I’d rather not see but they’ve got thousands of comments so I’m guessing they’re acceptable in FB. I saw one of those “don’t scroll without saying amen” posts the other day, it was a pic of a dead baby in a bin who’d obviously been there a little while. I just scrolled really quickly. Again it had thousands of comments. My children are under 11, I would never scroll down FB in front of them because I could traumatise them for life if they accidentally saw something. I sometimes show them cute videos, friends pics etc but it’s very controlled by me. I’m glad I read this & whole heartedly agree, I hope some of the petty reporters stop & think before they report something that’s just offensive to them because of their own pompous views!

  • Denise

    Here’s an autobot program for Facebook and you overworked moderators. What about a program that automatically blocks a person from the page that is posting the things they are reporting. That way, petty reporters don’t see the things that might offend them again. Then if something gets reported a second time, you know to keep a watch on it cuz somebody really took the time to get past the first block and post again. It might help cut down on the stupid reporting, and highlight the more serious ones all at the same time. I know if someone reported something on my page, and I have know way of finding out who it is, I would really appreciate Facebook blocking them for me. On the other hand, if something on a page offends me, I block it myself, but I guess not everybody has figured that out yet.

  • Karen

    I reported a photo someone had posted asking for likes and for people to post ‘amen’ in the comments; it came up in my news feed and was of two dead, hanging children. You and your colleagues decided this didn’t violate your standards. You have no standards, you do not care- that is my understanding. So take your self righteous blog post and shove it right up your arse.

  • Karen

    I’m sorry about my last comment. I was just so upset to see that photo of dead children. I can’t help them and I can’t unsee it, and facebook didn’t care about them. I know it isn’t personally your fault and I am sorry I was so angry.

  • Robert

    Your company has been mentioned in Forbes. Please do the right thing. Please ensure Mark Z sees this. Thank You. I will do my best to only report serious things, such as this.

  • Luke T

    Pretty interesting stuff. If this is an issue you’d think Facebook would try and crowd source some of this stuff to make it easier to manage

  • Jim

    Facebook encourages petty reporting for things as innocuous as calling someone “stupid” by banning accounts. If those type of reports were ignored, there would be more time to spend on more important issues. It’s a matter of priorities. If you reward the trivial reporting by banning people they report, they will just do it more.

  • Jim

    If you reward people for petty reporting of things that are as innocuous as calling someone “stupid”, you only encourage them to do it more. People are getting accounts banned for simply calling someone stupid. It’s a matter of priorities. Things like this should be ignored not rewarded. If someone knows that reporting someone for something like name-calling can get another account banned, they will only do it more.

  • mongrelsnmen

    Reblogged this on mongrelsandmen and commented:
    People need to stop tying up resources with their petty complaints!

  • Will Britt

    Awesome. Thank you. I must be a complete idiot because most of this never occurred to me.

  • Kristina

    Some one has reported me on Facebook and now I can no longer get on it how do I correct a or could someone else get ahold of me and let me know how thank you my number is +6185676390

    • Idon'tGive2xfucks

      You should stop whining now or at least you should whine at the right target, and not at the Facebook users! The real evil person in all your matters is your boss Mark Zuckerberg and not the users.
      The users on Facebook are just products to make money. And surely no one cares to “connect people”. That’s just a bull-shit propaganda.
      How many couples had already divorced because of the poor privacy system FB provides huh? Does Mark ever care about that and improved that? No. All the changes I saw in FB was all about advertisement!
      FB even allow porn company to make a page and advertise there. And my kids can easily go there to watch a bikini Japan girl trying to seduce you with all those sexually implying motions, to convince you to buy their magazine. Those pages can be accessed even if they are not 18.
      And oh yeah it took you 5 hours to see that poor girl’s report huh? Did you even think about it? How many reports you need to read per day? If Mark ever hired 5 times workers to read those reports and with a better report system, you may be able to reach her report in less than 1 hour. Do the maths! With all the money he’s got, surely he could afford it, won’t he? But he won’t do that, because that’s all about money, again! Why does this surprise you?
      And don’t mention about that poor report system. Most of the time there weren’t a right category to report something which is important. Such as selling “LIKES” and “Followers”. I can’t report those just because there is no such an option to report those. And many fake pages are using fake likes and fake followers to convince poor consumers to buy their fake products thanks to Facebook. And once again, did Mark ever care about any of that?
      Just start whining at your boss, not the users. Or you can quit your poor job. and I wish you all the luck you need! Bye.

  • Idon'tGive2xfucks

    You should stop whining now or at least you should whine at the right target, and not at the Facebook users! The real evil person in all your matters is your boss Mark Zuckerberg and not the users.
    The users on Facebook are just products to make money. And surely no one cares to “connect people”. That’s just a bull-shit propaganda.
    How many couples had already divorced because of the poor privacy system FB provides huh? Does Mark ever care about that and improved that? No. All the changes I saw in FB was all about advertisement!
    FB even allow porn company to make a page and advertise there. And my kids can easily go there to watch a bikini Japan girl trying to seduce you with all those sexually implying motions, to convince you to buy their magazine. Those pages can be accessed even if they are not 18.
    And oh yeah it took you 5 hours to see that poor girl’s report huh? Did you even think about it? How many reports you need to read per day? If Mark ever hired 5 times workers to read those reports and with a better report system, you may be able to reach her report in less than 1 hour. Do the maths! With all the money he’s got, surely he could afford it, won’t he? But he won’t do that, because that’s all about money, again! Why does this surprise you?
    And don’t mention about that poor report system. Most of the time there weren’t a right category to report something which is important. Such as selling “LIKES” and “Followers”. I can’t report those just because there is no such an option to report those. And many fake pages are using fake likes and fake followers to convince poor consumers to buy their fake products thanks to Facebook. And once again, did Mark ever care about any of that?
    Just start whining at your boss, not the users. Or you can quit your poor job. and I wish you all the luck you need! Bye.

  • Concerned FB User

    Okay, but what about the porn I see all day?
    Ive reported people for posting pornography on me friends wall because I know that his 13 year old sister has a Facebook account, and nothing EVER gets done. I understand that you don’t care about your job (you have made that pretty clear, whether you realize it or not) but the job should get done. Especially when I know that I’m not the only one reporting a picture of the Joker fucking Harley Quinn from behind. Or a pair of tits with a duck jammed between them.

  • John Doe

    wow your job is so stress full you read all the nasty comments…big woof try to be a first responder and you will know what stress is. And you moderators are politically biased end of story. You can write that hurt feelings report elsewhere

  • James

    Interesting article. What I don’t get is why Facebook temporarily disabled my account for calling someone “a stupid person” and a “moron.” I’ve been called a homo, stupid, fucktard, asshole, idiot, the list goes on, reported sometimes and told the persons comment doesn’t violate facebook’s community standards. What gives? It seems like there is something majorly inconsistent happening. If most temporarily account disables are done automatically there’s a system glitch. If they’re physically done by a human then Facebook needs to be more clear about what words or ok and aren’t and enforce that ban fairly for everyone.

    • Ras

      Well, like the article says, they have to have an algorithm make all their decisions for them, because the people they pay to moderate are too busy eating popcorn and paging through gigabytes worth of snuff under the guise of being self-appointed public defenders solving acts of arch villainy. I mean, who has the time to actually *do their fucking job* when they are busy pretending to be superheroes all day?

  • سعود سدير جاسم

    Hello I hope that Facebook administration shut down that page because
    they are sex. ually flagrant please shut down the account as soon as the account link below

  • David

    I will admit, not that it truly matters because the author of this article probably already knows, that I have abused the reporting system on Facebook. I will never do so again though. It’s petty and I apologize.

  • shaun

    I got banned for 3 days for calling someone an idiot…… facebook is a joke, it already was but now its just getting worse, feels like some sort of terrible social experiment to see how many people will give up their freedoms and identity just to talk to people they know, how many people no talk or txt or call less because of using facebook? how many people did you used to talk to but dont now due to something they posted on facebook? its the biggest joke on the internet.

  • IKnowItAll

    Piss off, whiner, you’re getting paid to deal with these things, i.e. DO YOUR JOB.
    While you’re busy blocking people for non-offenses reported by Butthurt Nationalists who just don’t like a post you can’t be bothered to actually review, hate speech, legitimate threats and full-on duck pics are being ousted and reported with the “update” that they don’t actually violate community standards.
    Go bellyache to Zuckerberg, you sound like a complete pussy.

  • flwrchyk

    Thank you for your insight.

  • Uo yourself

    Ha,ha,ha,jew kike asshole,trying your best to seem sincere. Up you’re jew.

  • Dr Debra Bubar

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  • Wolfie Rankin

    The thing where an Aboriginal woman is shown in traditional dress, which is to say mostly undressed, breasts and nipples (oh my!) exposed.

    Body parts, to me, and to plenty of others are NOT offensive in the least, particularly when it comes to showing a mother breastfeeding, or some art where a woman has draped herself over a blanket in the forest and spied upon by cupids. and for that matter an undressed man is doing no harm at all.

    I have a friend who loves her erotic art, many of us do, yet post this on Facebook and some weed reports it as offensive.

    What could stop this problem is if Facebook allowed us to have a ratings system on our pages, M for Mature would do the trick.

    Then if you were a child or a parent using Facebook, and didn’t want to see “filth” then you’d set your page to a General rating, and anything from a mature page would be filtered out.

    Everyone happy, no complaints.

    Funny how a mere nipple offends people, yet guns are perfectly ok.

  • Jason K

    Hi – first off – awesome blog and spot on. As a page admin I couldn’t agree more with your analysis of the million ridiculously pathetic reports and BS.

    I really need to pick your brain and ask for direction on what appears to be a mob banning issue. I cannot contact you via messenger – do you have a monitored email?

  • Jason K

    Just read the comments on this post and am absolutely fucking gobsmacked.

    A very enlightening and rational article was put up on this blog about how fucking stupid and retarded people are on the Internet, and the comments proceed to be stupid and retarded!!!! WTF????

  • LUCY

    Nice story bro. I’ve been trying to contact Facebook regarding identity theft and harassment. Harassment that continues in your “community”. I emailed a crime reference number and I’ve yet to hear from you almost 2 weeks later. In the meantime you took down the offending profile when he used my picture as his pp. For some bizarre reason he’s back up and running, with my pic as his pp. The police told me you had to act on it if you receive a crime reference number but I recall the way you worked with the FBI about a year ago. You’re a law unto yourselves and whilst I sincerely hope you’re spending your time dealing with serious crime, I also highly doubt it

  • mata

    fuck you, you bitch…i reported 100 of times very hateful comments..facebook sent me a message:the comments are still there on our site….You are a fucker.Go to hell..Facebook is allowing hate against religion especially against islam,but it gets offended by women breastfeeding.Go fuck yourself.IF you are still working there then you should quit ,you are incompetent

  • mata

    And you are complaining about how “fake reports” prevent you from reaching the real crimes! Complain to Mark cause he doesn’t give a shit.Why don’t he hire more ppl cause i think he can afford it.He created facebook,you are working for him and now you are complaining how difficult is your job pretty ridiculously don’t you think?And about the support team…There is not a fucking email address in the entire world..With the money he have(35,5 billions dollars in 2015) he can afford to hire at least one moderator in every country where facebook is used..if he wants to do something,but no.He cares only about his money not about the users.My account was blocked many times without reason,i have one account that is deactivated temporarily for couple of months now because i joined too many groups,groups that facebook suggested me and i can’t use it anymore but meanwhile is flooding my inbox with hundreds of mails from facebook..It’s quite interesting how facebook is not even allowing me to delete my own account and keeping my private data without consent.No one really cares.And hundreds of times i reported hateful comments against migrants..immigrants,the comments were so dirty that they made me sick..Facebook wrote me back that the comments are perfectly ok ..If you have a problem and it’s difficult for you tell to Mark or quit your job.Don’t play the smart ass around here cause you don’t understand shit.Your attitude sucks.Your intelligence is mediocre otherwise you will not write such a foolish comments and posts…Ps instead of spending time writing blogs go and save the poor girls..Be a hero..You are doing such a wonderful job

  • Ras

    Honestly, you get over YOUR narcissism. You are not a public defender, Joy. Nobody has appointed you such. We elect people and empower them to hire professionals for that. You are a moderator. We didn’t elect you to SAVE THE CHILDREN. Do your fucking job, and enforce Facebook’s community standards, okay? You aren’t 9-11 dispatch, you’re a Facebook moderator.

  • Lindsey

    Thanks for the help I feeling upset why people blocked me and don’t know how long the temporarily block on messenger lasts up for and feeling like they dislike me I used to be restricted and reported on Facebook then now blocked and reported on messenger does this mean that these people don’t like me anymore they used to be my friends what should I do with messenger app since I’m blocked

  • pissedoffuser

    There seems to be some inconsistency in Facebook’s ‘community standards’. I bave only once reported something: graphic photos of dead children. Facebook informed me that they didn’t violate the community standards.

    Currently, I am on a 24 hour posting/messaging ban, because I relented to someone’s goading and called him ‘stupid’.

  • Larry

    The new Facebook sucks. Go back to the one we had yesterday. What is the reasoning behind your madness?

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  • Bonita1973

    Thing is ALL the reports ARE NOT ‘petty.’ No wondering there are so many teen suicides. A group moderator posted that he was not going to remove an offensive comment I report(it WAS NOT PETTY) so I left the group and blocked him. I no longer use Facebook or Twitter. They’re both toxic environments. There are better more wonderful things in life than social media.

  • Hannibal

    Spare me this nonsense. Facebook’s administration is the most racist unprofessional administration of any website, a majority of them are hired from New Delhi India. I’ve actually had to get a concealed carry permit because facebooks bottom feeding administration constantly allows people to dox my home address while yelling come get me N*GG*RS to try to get African American’s to come shoot me. There are several profiles there from a troll that claims I rape children, everytime it’s reported, “it’s not a violation of the bottom feeding administration to impersonate someone and imply they rape children” I have screenshots showing facebook ruled that child pornography was not a violation of their terms of service. I also have several screenshots of a combat veteran reposting a screenshot of a liberal gay bashing them, the combat veteran got banned, the liberal never got a warning.

    I didn’t know they stacked trash that high until I witnessed facebook’s new delhi india bottom feeding administration team first hand. I’ll get the last laugh though, I’m preparing a massive law suit against facebook. I’m medically disabled, and have absolutely no problem proving facebook discriminates and terrorizes people based on a medical disability.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg, your racist anti American staff is going to get obliterated very soon.

    • n1spirit

      Wishing you luck with that, Hannibal. (Seriously, go for it and I hope you take their sorry asses down.)

    • DixieRabbit

      They are definitely hypocrites with an agenda, as well as often people who don’t speak English well. Facebook makes a big deal about fake names and presenting a real personality, but they fail to remove the most obviously fake profiles with puns for names, or imitating movie characters, or using pictures of celebrities to do nothing but troll pages. Report one racial slur and the comment gets removed, but report another and it doesn’t. Zuckerberg and the rest of the management have no clue how most people use Facebook. They are as far removed from it as the Walton family is from the day to day operations and customers of Walmart.

  • Viralsocial

    Reblogged this on Viralsocial and commented:
    This is great, explains alot.

  • Jake

    Man, you Facebook moderators are fucking winging little girls, fuck mate, I just read an article written by a Facebook moderator saying how hard he’s got it and out right ridiculing people like me who tell it how it is, I’ve seen all that Gorey death shit you boast of, only I don’t get paid for it like you do cunt! Is isn’t the people’s fault that they are unaware you dog mother fuckers are spying on them. It is you that needs to cry to your mummy mother fucker, I’ll kill if you want cunt.

    Jake Nilsen

  • Mark Aaron Alsip

    It’s sad when you report page dedicated to videos of people beating up other people, which clearly violates FB policies, and you end up reading narcissist posts like this from moderators who seem to enjoy they don’t “give a fuck” about what’s going on. And the violen page stays up. I appreciate the problems you’re facing, but you’re not making things any better.

  • Sarah

    Hi im a parent of two hard of hearing young sons who speak well. I have read different soutces. From what i understand that there is a page who posted other people’s art/ sign language work without getting their permission that upset them. “They” are deaf people who created the masterpiece. My sons are successful because they work with SLPs and Audiologists who strongly support dual language and encourage boys to have role models who share similar experiences. I hope you consider exposing your son to peers who went through the system.

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  • Damien Holland

    Facebook moderators and the algorithms are both SHIT at enforcing the community rules regardless. A person can write n*gger to someone else, get the comment reported, and the moderators and the algorithm don’t do JACK SHIT except reject the report.

    • M

      However I once wrote the word “misogynist” to someone (which was accurate in the context) and I got a 3 day block. The OP complains about petty reports, but apparently Facebook is more concerned about the petty reports than the serious ones.

  • Peluang usaha

    It’s wonderful that you are getting thoughts from this paragraph as well as from our discussion made at this place.

  • DixieRabbit

    If you can’t handle the job, don’t do it. Is there a rule that says Facebook moderators should only consider “serious” reports about abuse and violence? If not, then make the rule or shut up about it.

  • Lizzy Landfall

    It’s weird what Facebook considers abuse and what they don’t. Some posts are obvious abuse and violation, but yet we’re told “it doesn’t violate community standards” but yet posts like this one gets flagged and deleted:

    “So you just told a nineteen year old girl who wrote this story that her opinion doesn’t matter, that voicing her opinion is bad and that she has no support in voicing that opinion. Nice…All at the same time as completely missing the whole point and purpose of the author, Brook, writing the piece. Wow…”

    So tell, me, Oh wise one, exactly WHAT in that post violated community standards? People need to get a life and grow a thicker skin. No where in that post was there any form of bullying, bashing, threatening or anything that I’ve seen on FB that is far worse than what was said in that post. Sure, I feel for you for having to see all the really bad stuff, but the algorithm for identifying abuse needs to be fixed because it’s stupid.


    Many people including children, teens, young adults are being sexually abused or raped. That girl you are ranting about is just lucky you got to her report in time because chances are so many countless victims don’t ever find the help they deserve.

    The real reason why it took you less than an hour to get the report; first of all you should have a fill out report that deals with emergencies and the other that deals with non-emergencies. Another thing is Facebook is low on it’s staff members and is underpaying them because Mark Zurkerberg is a greedy Jew who only cares about expending his business world wide and doesn’t give a fuck if children are being sexually abused; if you told him that he would just plugged his ears like a prick and not listen to you.

    Stop blaming everyday Facebook users for the incident that happened to the little girl when you are making morality be relative then you are inviting the fact, that others may say”At least the girl isn’t in a war zone where she had lost her home and entire family.”

    Yes, rape and sexual abuse is a human rights violation; but what about if a girl belonging to a Muslim family is paranoid about undergoing FGM?

    Will you shut down her page and terminate her Facebook account because she is criticizing Islam and her own culture?

    Look, you are being such a hypocrite here because you are a staff member whose job title it is to listen to reports regardless if they seem unimportant to you. Since Facebook has it’s guidelines such as zero tolerance against harassment, spam, and threats; it’s your responsibility to listen to all the Facebook users.

    When you got this career did you assume out of your own ass, that looking through people’s reports is a picnic?

    Sounds like to me, you are not handling your job well and you are neglecting all the Facebook users reports calling the shots and cherry picking what’s important to you.

    About your MEME demonstrating selfishness; that explains you, not the Facebook users.Don’t blame the consumers, blame your boss and your company.


    Why do I have to report things?

    I want the old Facebook back where I can just delete crap that bothers me. Your complaint about reports makes me realize how stupid Facebook is making people who don’t like comments and content having to report it and instead deleting it themselves.

    If child abuse bothers you so much just create a fill out helpline service for rape, FGM and male circumcision.

    In the past during 2008 I could just delete whatever bothers me without the hassle of having Facebook playing parent giving lessons on what can be reported and taken serious if the URL is provided; complaining not enough information.

    Go back to the old Facebook, where the community can delete what they found offensive.

  • erik

    Honestly I’ve reported straight up pornography and been told it doesn’t violate community standards… Even though it literally does. In fact the only things i report are porn posts and they get ignored frequently.

  • M

    I find it hilarious that you complain about petty reports when at the same time the company in which you work is ok with blocking people because someone else petty reported. In fact, I’ve myself been blocked by Facebook for calling out against hate speech, the same hate speech that allegedly violates Facebook double standards. If you have time to block people without a reason, then you should also have time to deal with those issues.

  • UglyStupidDebby

    You’re an idiot, Joy, and you SUCK at content moderating if you are, in fact, a FB mod. Also, writing. Yours is abysmal. How’s that freelance thing going for you? Admit it. You’re a fucking receptionist somewhere with delusions of grandeur.

  • yourejoyless

    Uh-huh. FB content mod. Sure you are. roflmao

  • Steve

    So your the cunt who banned sir are a fucking boring gimp .over inflated ego ,And a muslim ball chomper to boot.
    And facebook will fizzle out just like the older platforms did, once they started with the over moderation.
    Fuck you a hole

  • my response

    I definitely enjoying every little bit of it.

  • more tips here

    Thank you for an additional great post.

  • Josh

    Who the fuck wrote this? First of all, a 7 year old child should NOT be on facebook. If you want to cry yourself to sleep because you didn’t get to her report in time, that’s on you. No 7 year old should know how to work a facebook page. Second of all, if you were doing your REAL job in the first place, YOU would be the one searching for the nasty profile pictures, we shouldn’t be the ones reporting it. You call yourselves a fucking tech support? You csn barely tell what the fuck a real profile picture looks like. I’ve reported numerous fake profiles that are clearly obvious and you just say “oh, this doesn’t go against our standards, you can try blocking this person” no motherfucker I shouldn’t have to block them, they should be deleted and off of facebook for good. I just had someone, a fake profile troll, post one of my pictures onto another thread, of course I report the photo, and the person, and neither are considered against the standards. Well fuck you then facebook. I’m tired of fake ass people on this shit.

    • Silverwynde

      Makes two of us. I’ve reported blatant spammers, homophobic and/or racist pages and threatening comments, all of which have been left alone because they don’t “violate community standards”. Can someone tell me what those standards are because they seem lax as hell here. I’ve reported pics of people holding rifles with captions that say “Can’t wait to meet the new Muzzy neighbors” and those haven’t broken any standards. It’s ridiculous.

      It’s fairly obvious by now that those vaunted standards are bullshit.

      • Bob

        If a post gets a high enough reports:views ratio, it’s flagged and viewed by moderators. The moderators, who do their job entirely to impose their own prejudices, arbitrate if they want that on Facebook.

  • Cornelius Talmadge

    My friend got banned for three days because someone reported a photo of him and his boyfriend hugging innocently, fully clothed. At the same time, another friend of mine reported a photo of a dead man lying in a pool of his own blood and Facebook did nothing because it didn’t break their rules. How messed up is that?

    I get that there are some people working on the moderation team who actually care, but how many moderated reports do they actually see? How many are carelessly taken care of by bots, or whatever other drones Facebook has working for them?

  • Anthony Cavanagh

    FaceBoo rules are all over the place. A women was abusive to me, so I wrote back, I am not going to debate with someone who is abusive. That was all i wrote. She reported it, and I think she got her mates to report it, Because I was automatically banned for a week or so. It was my 3rd ban.

  • James Geschwender

    I’ve been reported at least 50 times over the last five years even had my account magically disappear i post a nip slip or something racial i make fun of everyone. People need to understand it’s a joke not a dick don’t take it so hard.

  • roviding Women Health Care

    This Facebook Moderation is good ,VTS Bharath Providing Women Health Care .

  • Doming Keyrings

    Real informative and great complex body part of articles, now that’s user genial

  • nicolas gordon


  • Swigert

    Your very own motivation to finding this meaning in the course of came into existence rather potent and also have regularly allowed employees just as me to arrive from their particular goals.

  • Moshe Damphousse

    Nowadays it’s very rare to come across an article like this. And it’s even rarer that I read a full article without getting bored. I read this one beginning to end. Brilliant!

  • Michael Collins

    Facebook is fucked up I Will never use facebook app again

  • Lachlan Cryer

    What a load of poppy cock psycho babble bullshit. Can you equate to the real world for everybody please? This is just propaganda to justify Facebooks illegally and criminal action of silencing people. I know it . You know . And soon the rest of the world is going to know it.

  • Higher Lower

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    • Lachlan Cryer

      No reply

      On Tue, 28 Apr 2020, 11:44 AM The Internet Offends Me, wrote:

      > Higher Lower commented: “This is very fascinating, You are an excessively > professional blogger. I’ve joined your rss feed and look forward to > searching for extra of your great post. Also, I’ve shared your website in > my social networks” >

  • A concerned citizen

    You’re garbage and i hope someone punches you in the throat.

    Your job is a joke,
    You’re complaining.
    Mean while people Actually go through shit that FACEBOOK doesn’t Handle IE A make THREATENED MY LIFE AND USED MY PHOTOS LOL BUT FACEBOOK THINKS THATS OK CONTENT.

  • Glenn Speck

    I was permanently banned from my 10+ year FB account for writing “Biden is a clown” by some overzealous, young liberal Mod. FB needs to stop targeting Conservatives.

    • Lachlan Cryer

      Facebook? Fucken USELESS lying fucken American cunts that should be shot dead for fucken treason.

      On Thu, 15 Apr 2021, 12:24 pm The Internet Offends Me, wrote:

      > Glenn Speck commented: “I was permanently banned from my 10+ year FB > account for writing “Biden is a clown” by some overzealous, young liberal > Mod. FB needs to stop targeting Conservatives.” >

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